The best ways to clean tiles in the bathroom from lime and soap deposits

A shining clean bathroom is the pride of any housewife. But cleaning in this room is associated with certain difficulties. It is important not only to clean the plumbing to a shine, but also to wash the tiles in the bathroom from limescale and dried soap stains, if necessary, get rid of mold and fungus. Special industrial facilities and proven folk methods will help to cope with pollution.

Dirty tile in the bathroom

Causes of pollution

When putting things in order in the bathroom, you have to deal with several types of pollution at once, each of which has its own nature of origin.

  • Limescale appears due to the content of salt and lime in tap water. Despite the fact that the water entering the city water supply system undergoes preliminary treatment, a small amount of mineral substances remain in its composition, which are deposited on the tile in the form of whitish deposits.
  • Soap stains remain on the walls of the shower cubicle, sink and bath with careless use of detergents.
  • Mold and fungus form and develop due to increased humidity in a warm room. Puddles of water in the corners of the bathroom, resulting from leaking faucets or toilets, condensation on the walls and floor, sparse cleaning - all this leads to the formation of an unsightly black fungus in the joints between tiles.

It is much more difficult to clean old dried up pollution than just formed. Therefore, cleaning the bathroom should be done at least once a week. And if a fungus is seen on the walls, it is recommended to immediately begin its removal, because disputes pose a real threat to the health of households.

Girl washes tile on the wall in the bathroom

What is better to wash the tiles?

Manufacturers of modern household chemicals produce special compounds that can quickly deal with stains from limescale. Moreover, there are means of complex effects, with which you can remove in one session and white streaks of lime, and mold, and fungus.

When choosing a chemical, one must take into account the material of which the tile is made in the bathroom, and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The cleaning agent must not contain abrasive particles. Hard crystal powders can scratch the glossy surface of a tile. It is better to buy a gel or liquid detergent.
  • Do not use metal sponges or hard brushes.
  • To wash the tiles at home, you should choose a special tool and do not use what is intended for cleaning plumbing. Otherwise, the tile may lose color and luster.
  • After washing, the matte tiles are coated with mastic of a suitable color.

Modern cleaning products not only effectively remove limescale, but also disinfect the surface of the tile. Thanks to perfumes, gels and emulsions fight off an unpleasant odor, leaving behind a wonderful aroma of lemon or alpine flowers.

For washing tiles most often used:

  • "Mister Muscle",
  • Silit
  • Domestos
  • Sif
  • Santik
  • "San Wedge."

Before using the cleaning agent, you need to read the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer, since by treating the tile with an inappropriate solution, you can only fix the stain more tightly.

Folk remedies

A worthy alternative to industrial household chemicals is folk remedies involving the use of special products and substances.They are much cheaper, do not cause allergies, and tile tiles are cleaned just as well as purchased chemicals.

Vinegar and cleaning equipment

Acetic acid

Table 9% vinegar will help clean the walls and floor of the bathroom from lime and soap deposits. With the help of this inexpensive tool, it will be possible to return the tile to a juicy color and shine in one cleaning.

Cleaning is carried out as follows:

  1. acetic acid (9%) is poured into the sprayer and sprayed on the surface of the wall, without missing joints between the tiles;
  2. wait 5-10 minutes until the acid acts on lime deposits;
  3. using a soft sponge, wash off the acid with clean water, clean the gaps between the tiles with a toothbrush;
  4. wipe the cleaned surface dry with a soft microfiber cloth.

After such cleaning, the tiles will shine with pristine cleanliness, and the unpleasant odors of dampness and mold from the bathroom will disappear.

Tile washing soda solution

Ammonia, soda and vinegar

A cleaning mixture of soda, acetic acid (9%) and ammonia will remove even the most old pollution from the tiles in the bathroom. To prepare funds for 1.5 liters of water, take 7 tbsp. l soda, 4 tbsp. l vinegar and the same amount of ammonia. Mix thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle. The mixture is sprayed onto the walls, and after half an hour it is washed off with clean water.

Lemon acid

Lemon acid

Acetic acid can always be replaced with citric acid. After processing with this product, the bathroom will be filled with an amazing citrus scent. For cleaning, you can use both powder and solution (a tablespoon of citric acid per half liter of water). If the problem area is not too large, you can clean it with a slice of fresh lemon.

Washing white tiles in the bathroom

Bleaching powder

This tool is suitable for cleaning white tiles. On a black or dark tile after bleaching, new streaks and stains may appear. A powder of bleach in the amount of 30 g is diluted in 1 liter of water, poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the walls. This tool not only cleans the walls and floor, but also disinfects the entire room, eliminates fungus and germs. At the end of the work, the walls are washed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Chlorine contains toxic compounds, so all work should be carried out with rubber gloves and a gauze bandage. If chlorine solution gets on the skin or mucous membranes, the affected area should be thoroughly washed with clean water.

Dishwashing gel

Dishwashing gel

For daily cleaning in the bathroom, a common dishwashing detergent or laundry soap is sufficient. It is unlikely that these substances can be removed with the help of these substances, but it will be possible to completely refresh a tile that is not too dirty.

Liquid detergent is applied to the tiles with a soft sponge. And laundry soap is first crushed on a fine grater and dissolved in water, and only after that it is used to wash tiles.

They wash the walls in the bathroom from the bottom up, and wipe them in the opposite direction, moving from the ceiling to the floor.

There are many ways and means to get rid of complex lime pollution. In order not to have to resort to drastic measures, it is better to regularly care for plumbing and tiles in the bathroom.

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  1. Natalya
    03/21/2024 at 09:35 Reply

    A friend taught this method. Before you go to the shower. apply toothpaste to the joints between the tiles. They rubbed a little. They took a shower. washed away all the muck from the tile. Every time I go to the shower, I smear tiles 4. As a result, in a month I cleaned the vu tile.


