Handheld gadgets: how to wash windows?

After washing the windows, the apartment is ennobled, filled with light and comfort. Crystal clear glasses are the dream of every housewife, but how difficult it is to wash them without stains and stains! Modern gadgets - a vacuum cleaner for windows, a steam cleaner, etc. - allow you to achieve the best result without much difficulty. Can window cleaning compete with technology the old fashioned way?

Window cleaning

How windows were washed before: secrets of cleanliness

Technology has greatly facilitated the task of the housewives, and many now think that life without gadgets was extremely difficult. However, your grandmother will gladly give you a master class on washing windows without stains with just one rag and water. How did they do it?

The rules are simple: wash the windows two times, the first with soapy water, the second with ordinary. Use absorbent fabrics, do not “carry” rags in a circle, but move along the lines so that the water flows sideways. Finally, wipe the slightly damp glass with crumpled newspapers: the paper will absorb the remaining drops and give the window a shine.

Windows need to be washed in cloudy and calm weather. If it is sunny, the moisture with the detergent will quickly evaporate, and there will remain stains.

Girl cleans windows

When buying a gadget seems wasteful, or the budget does not allow such expenses, stock up on special accessories. What is needed:

  1. Wiper spray It contains substances to quickly remove dirt.
  2. Mop with soft rubber nozzle - It will help to get to all sections of glass outside and to exclude stains. It is better to take accessories with a long handle, they are much more convenient.
  3. Rag with high hygroscopic properties: microfiber, a piece of flannel, the main thing is that the fabric should not be fleecy. Always use a new rag!
  4. A stepladder is also needed. An alternative is a telescopic mop, it will help to get to the windows on the second or third floor from the outside. With a long handle it will be more convenient to wash the street part from the inside.

Before starting work, remove all objects from the windowsill - flower pots, magazines, etc. Note that the glass from the street is much dirtier than the inside. Start with the inside.


All openings are conveniently cleaned with a cotton swab. It is also worth first to walk along the joints of glass and frame - a lot of dirt gets clogged there.

Advice from purity.bigbadmole.com/en/
First, wash the cornice and frame, and then go to the glass. So you will avoid stains on the edges of the window.

Move a mop or rag from side to side, descending from top to bottom on the glass. Keep a tilt angle of 20-30 degrees. This is the main trick against divorce.

A little trick: in clean water for a final wash, add a little vinegar (2 tbsp. Per 1 liter). The substance will provide a pleasant shine, and the smell for a while will scare away insects that stain the surface.

Conclusion: washing the windows the old fashioned way is not so difficult, you only need experience and free time. But do not deny that modern technology significantly accelerates this process.

Life hack
The easiest and fastest way to wash the windows: arm yourself with a 10-liter bucket, Mr. Proper floor cleaner (1 cap is enough) and a microfiber cloth (sold separately and complete with mops). The glasses are washed in two quick passes, and they do not even need to be wiped dry - there are no stains left.

Clean gadgets: how to wash a window

On average, windows are washed every 3-6 months, it all depends on the floor and the environmental situation.Nobody wants to mess with rags, achieving a complete absence of divorces. This is especially problematic and even dangerous in multi-storey buildings. This is where modern technology comes to the rescue.

Gadgets allow you to not worry about the choice of detergent and other factors, such as weather. They work quickly and reliably at any time of the year.


An advanced mop with a convenient handle, a container for cleaning solution and a rubber nozzle for high-quality washing. A very convenient model with a sprayer from Körcher: everything you need is in one device. To all this is attached a container for collecting water so that it does not drain and does not fall on the windowsill.


Since the container for the solution is built into the cleaner, consider its weight during operation. It can be difficult to hold a massive object in weight.

With these gadgets it is convenient to wash not only windows, but also mirrors, tiled coatings.

Magnetic brush

This double-sided window brush reduces the cleaning time by half. Two identical parts are placed on different sides of the glass. They are held tight by built-in magnets.

Magnetic brush

How to use the device:

  • Moisten the sponge nozzles in a detergent solution first;
  • then place them on the glass;
  • it remains only to rinse the inside, the brush on the outside will repeat all the movements, and the street side will also become clean.

The double brush should be equipped with a powerful magnet enough to stay on a double glazed window.

Steam cleaner

The steam cleaner is deservedly included in the top of the best and universal gadgets for cleaning the entire apartment. The device copes not only with windows, but also with fabric, carpet surfaces, tiles in the kitchen, elements of plumbing, etc.

The flow of hot steam will easily remove even old, dried up dirt, stains from rainwater and dust. If you wash your windows often, you can do without even a cleaning agent. Another advantage of the steam cleaner is that it disinfects in parallel with washing. Such a gadget is indispensable in a house where there are small children, animals or someone from a family member is allergic to dust and / or pollen.

Steam cleaner

The water is heated up very quickly - in just a few minutes. To achieve perfect cleanliness, first wipe the glass with a damp cloth, then blow a stream of steam and sweep the scraper nozzle from top to bottom.

When buying a steam cleaner, do not forget to find out if a special nozzle for washing windows is included.

Window cleaner

The washing vacuum cleaner is equipped with a suction function for liquids and dirt. No soap scatters, excess water, only time saving and perfect result. The gadget is used to wash different surfaces, special nozzles are attached to it.

Window cleaner

Convenience of a washing vacuum cleaner - several power modes both for water supply and for its absorption. The most convenient modification is a wireless vacuum cleaner.

At first, working with the device may be unusual: you need to have time to “pick up” the used water.

Vacuum cleaner robot

A clean window without the participation of the hostess? Today it is real thanks to the robot vacuum cleaner. Just attach this gadget to the glass, it will do the rest by itself. The design holds and moves easily due to the vacuum pump.

Vacuum cleaner robot

Two-sided robots are considered the most convenient, but it is not at all difficult to wash the sides of the window in turn. The cable will protect the gadget from falling, also modern models themselves signal about insufficient reliability of fastening.

The robot independently supplies water with detergent (only the solution needs to be poured before cleaning), sponges and a scraper are built into it, after washing the device wipes the glass dry with microfiber cloths. At the end of washing, the robot will give a signal. The hostess can only enjoy the result. Correction of the trajectory of cleaning by the control panel is possible.

Many housewives have already seen the convenience of gadgets, while others prefer to do everything with their own hands.Despite the high price of some appliances, they will be a valuable acquisition for the household. A steam cleaner or robot guarantees an excellent result, which means that time, effort and nerves are saved.

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