We rid the apartment of the smell of animals

A shaggy dog ​​or a furry cat, daily marking the boundaries of their possessions, is a big problem for the mistress, since getting rid of the smell of animals in the apartment is extremely difficult. Not all expensive store sprays can cope with unpleasant “aromas” and stains left by cheerful pets on the carpet, floor, sofa upholstery. Therefore, folk remedies based on the use of vinegar, soda, ammonia and other neutralizing agents are often more effective.

Cat bathing

Hygienic procedures for the pet

The peculiar smell of an animal in an apartment appears not only after an unconscious puppy has made a puddle in the corner of the room or on the couch. More often it is the result of improper or rare hygiene procedures for your pet. In addition, you must carefully monitor the cleanliness of the litter and utensils from which the dog or cat drinks and eats.

They usually recommend bathing the dog no more than once a month. This is the optimal interval, however, if it seems that the apartment smells of unwashed wool, it is better not to put off the “bathhouse” before the due date and start the procedure immediately. Upon returning from a walk, in order to eliminate the smells of organic nature, one should wash the dog's paws under running water with laundry soap or special shampoo.

Regular washing of the bedding on which the animal rests will also help reduce unpleasant amber. For disinfection during washing add substances containing chlorine, such as Domestos.

Extraneous “aromas” can be emitted from the cat’s litter, food left in the bowl or stale water. One should pay attention to these moments, only then will the smell of animals in the apartment be completely removed.

Homemade odorless spray

Folk ways and means

Owners of pets are probably familiar with the situation when their beloved cat, having not reached the toilet, arranges a disgrace right in the center of the living room or in a chic Italian armchair. It is good if the incident occurred in front of the owners, since it is much easier to remove a fresh puddle than to remove stale, stinking stains.

To eliminate odors from the feces of the animal, you can use improvised means.

Cat urine odor vinegar


This is a universal tool that is used by housewives to disinfect and bleach clothes. In addition, vinegar perfectly deals with corrosive odors.

To prepare the working solution, 70% acetic acid is stirred with water in a ratio of 1: 2. The place of pollution is wiped with a rag dipped in soapy water, and then treated with acetic solution.

This remedy has one more advantage - the cat does not tolerate vinegar and will no longer risk sitting in this place.

Baking soda


Soda is an effective remedy for odors coming from carpets or furniture upholstery. After using this product, the material retains its color and structure, and the unpleasant amber disappears without a trace.

Processing is carried out in several stages:

  1. soda is mixed with water until a thick paste forms;
  2. the mixture is coated with a contaminated place and left to dry;
  3. brush off the remaining soda.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.



Using ammonia, odors on hard and fabric surfaces can be neutralized. The main thing - immediately after processing, put the thing away in the closet.Cats are attracted to the smell of ammonia, so cleaning with this substance can increase the attraction of the animal to spoil it in the area treated with ammonia.

Glycerin for leather furniture


Glycerin treatment will help get rid of traces of urine left by your pet on shoes, linoleum, leather furniture.

First of all, the main part of the pollution is removed with paper towels, after which the stain is treated with glycerin. This odor remedy is effective only in the case of fresh contamination.

Cat and lemon

Lemon juice

Cats do not tolerate harsh odors, including the aroma emanating from lemon, orange, grapefruit. To wean the animal from the place chosen as a toilet, it is enough to put several pieces of citrus fruit next to it. With this product, odors are easily eliminated. You just need to wash the floors with soap and rub with a cloth soaked in lemon juice, or a slice of lemon.

Manganese solution

Potassium permanganate

An effective tool to eliminate the smell of animals from carpets, upholstery, curtains and other textiles with a dark color. It is not worth experimenting with potassium permanganate on light materials, since the thing will certainly turn pink.

The method of application is simple: you need to dissolve several potassium permanganate seeds in warm water so that a solution of a saturated pink color is obtained, and wash the contaminated area.

Iodine solution


Another remedy suitable exclusively for dark surfaces. To prepare a cleaning solution, 15–20 drops of iodine are added to 1 liter of water, stirred and sprayed at the site of contamination. If there is no sprayer, you can moisten the stains with a piece of cloth, dropping it first in a solution of water and iodine.

Animal odor sprays

Industrial chemistry

Often, pet owners try to get rid of the specific smell in the apartment with the help of deodorants, fresheners and fragrances. The use of these funds usually does not give the desired result. After all, deodorants do not destroy the smell, but only temporarily mask it.

The way out is specialized household chemicals, which are available in the form of sprays and aerosols and successfully solve the problem.

Here are the most popular products that have earned positive customer reviews:

  • Anti-cky-poo - a product from an American manufacturer. The enzymes and living bacteria that make up the drug literally consume most types of decaying organic matter, including urine, feces, vomiting, sweat, the musky smell and the smell of a dead animal. The tool is environmentally friendly and safe, works on almost any surface.
  • NATURE’S MIRACLE - Another American remedy for eliminating the unpleasant odor of animals in the room. Cope with any organic pollution.
  • "DesoSan." Inexpensive domestic product that is sprayed with a spray gun or vacuum cleaner.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of having a cat or puppy just because an unpleasant smell may appear in the apartment. Communicating with animals makes adults kinder and more tolerant, and teaches kids to learn nature and take care of smaller brothers. And you can get rid of a specific aroma using household and industrial products.

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leave a comment
  1. Hope
    10/31/2024 at 15:24 Reply

    I have 2 cats (15 years and 5 months)
    1. Peel from citrus - chase peel like a puck.
    2. Soda + vinegar - does not work. Sit next to and crap.
    3. Antigadin - discarded money
    Effective - to put food or water in this place and that's it.

    • Maria
      11/16/2024 at 19:28

      I have exactly the same

  2. Anna
    11/05/2024 at 14:23 Reply


    • Maria
      11/16/2024 at 19:37

      in animals, it cannot be used. only in their absence and before their arrival must be carefully ventilated


