According to studies - cleaning is harmful to health, cleaning is less frequent: what the facts say

How often do you need and can you clean the house? A general recommendation is once a week if it comes to serious cleaning. But here you need to clean things in places every day, immediately after use. Spots and other surprises are also best eliminated immediately, without waiting until it dries, eats up, becomes dusty, etc.

dust allergy

Maybe not clean up at all?

Of course not. A clean apartment is comfort and health. Typhoid, dysentery, cholera, multiple intestinal disorders, lice, helminths, and even simple acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are great connoisseurs of dirt and dust. Among other things, the exhausts of cars, factories, factories and thermal power plants, dust from the ground and plant pollen, which together provoke pulmonary diseases, allergies, central nervous system complications, and even oncology, fall in large numbers from the street into the city apartment.

The main enemy is air

If you live below the fourth or above the 10th floor, cleaners, humidifiers and ionizers will be required. As a comparative analysis of noise and gas maps showed, car exhaust accumulates in the area of ​​the 3rd floor.

preparation for cleaning

Sound waves go along the shortest path, and if the buildings around form a well, the upper floors will suffer from sound pollution, and not the lower ones at all. Well, all the windows located above the crowns of trees are a direct target for the flue waste of enterprises. Therefore, even airing in city apartments is a question of dubious benefit: more dirt is applied than fresh air. Therefore, do not keep windows open all day. Two or three times for 15 minutes is enough, unless you live in an ecologically clean corner of the country.

Should I clean excessively often?

Also no. And there are at least three reasons for this:

  1. In Norway, scientists for 20 years observed the well-being of men and women in the experimental group, and found that ladies who regularly cleaned were 3-4% more likely to have asthma. In addition, exhalation is significantly reduced in housewives and professional cleaners (which also provokes asthma and pulmonary failure). According to experts, the reason is the irritating effect of household chemicals. In fact, women who regularly clean a house, apartment or office, at the same time ruining their health, like heavy smokers. Interestingly, in men such a pattern was not revealed.
  2. A European study showed that frequent cleaning both at home and in the garden is equally harmful to both women and men. Throughout the year, due to economic zeal, the subjects constantly increased pressure and jumps occurred more often than those who spent leisure time for measured rest or sports. According to scientists, the point is the nature of the loads. A thrown back head, a long position in an incline, lack of rhythm and calculated breaks, a load on the same muscle groups, etc., make cleaning both indoors and outdoors more likely a harmful occupation than a warm-up.
  3. Immunologists from around the world have found that people living in apartments that are too clean are more likely to suffer from seasonal illnesses. Their immunity is reduced, because the body is not used to fighting an aggressive environment.

chemicals, cleaning products

How many times to clean?

Ancient wisdom says: sweep every day, mine - once a week. Previously, this was necessary so as not to spoil the wooden floors, and today - so as not to fall into fanaticism and not ruin your health and immunity of the whole family.

In practice, it was noticed: if there are no pets in the house, parents work, and children go to the garden / school, dust, moss and dirt just do not have time to accumulate. And even if there is a cat in the house, all her efforts will not be enough to stain the entire house with wool earlier than in 5 days. Therefore, boldly move the mopping on Saturday, Sunday or Friday evening.

The same applies to washing the kitchen: obvious streaks and random puddles, of course, need to be washed immediately, but in general the fat will not have time to stick to the facades and the “apron” in a couple of days. Once a week, or even three, is the best option, especially if you have a hood.

worktop cleaning

Switches, door leafs and platbands, doors of refrigerators and cabinets are the same. Not every house even in a week has time to cover itself with visible prints. Often they have enough washing every three weeks.

Try to resort to sharply smelling household chemicals less often. Fresh contaminants are completely cleaned with clean water and flannel or microfiber. If every day, after brushing your teeth, wipe the sink with a sponge with water or ordinary soap, then you will have to wipe it with special equipment much less often - once every 1-3 weeks.

Chandeliers, the top of cabinets and the refrigerator, the far shelves are a moot point. Dust, especially in the city, especially if the apartment has a lot of textiles and fluffy animals, accumulates incredibly quickly. recommends its readers to remove a layer of dust only when it has become noticeable, but before it turns into scattering terry. For faster and safer cleaning, you should get a hand-held vacuum cleaner or a magnetic whisk (hairs attract specks due to static electricity).

Cleaning Optimization

In order not to cope with the enormous volume of cleaning at the end of the month, it makes sense to scatter it by week: do chandeliers on one weekend, doors and trim in the other, and carpet wash in the third, etc., so that a full cycle takes three to four weeks .

garbage after cleaning

If the house has small children, pets, disabled grandparents, spots and litter accumulate faster. For example, the kitchen has to be swept twice a day, washed out random spots and traces of food - every day. Nevertheless, the general washing of the entire floor can be postponed until the weekend or carried out twice a week, not more often.

Finally, carefully inspect the house. How much is superfluous in it? Do you really need statuettes and figures that are so difficult to dust off? And is it time to throw out the old torn towels? Use the advice of Marie Kondo to throw everything superfluous from home, from the head, from life.

Key points: leave only those things that please you, define your place for each item and immediately clean it after use, choose these places so that it is convenient to fold, store clothes and underwear vertically, with rolls, or fully folded so as not to rummage in boxes, disrupting the order. And when starting cleaning, consider at least an approximate plan, for example, start with a wardrobe in the spring, continue with windows and dust, finish with floors.

vacuum cleaning a carpet

Wash clean rooms first, then more soiled ones, and lastly wash the corridor, hallway and vestibule. Use modern microfiber rags, and after rinsing thoroughly after the last pass, send to the car - do not waste time and effort on what the equipment is for. The unit is much more efficient to wash and immediately dry the floor rag, you just have to throw it on the edge of the bucket and force it under the sink or in the cabinet.

Today, electric brooms with a washing nozzle, robotic vacuum cleaners and hand-held vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, dust whisks with a magnetic effect were invented - spend a certain amount of money once to give less time and health to clean.

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  1. Jalagonia Givi
    05/04/2024 at 19:03 Reply

    A vacuum cleaner is the most dangerous. If they cleaned it at least once after repair, especially during it, it can contain CARCINOGENES (asbestos, asbestos cement, etc.). If there is a nanofilter in it, then part of the particles passing through it is just as dangerous as the particles of itself, which are also blown out.After all, cancer is a nano-disease caused by nanoagentia. That's the size of viruses and carcinogens!

    • LARISA
      05/13/2024 at 00:06

      Are you one of the doctors from Zen - there are many such authorities!

  2. Svetlana
    05/08/2024 at 10:58 Reply

    Listen .... what nonsense is it that it turns out, is it better to live in dust and dirt? 🤔

    • Elena
      05/11/2024 at 15:10

      Svetlana, yes, it’s better to live in the mud than in sterility. Sterility is the source of many diseases in children. Children who grow up in a sterile home are allergic, suffer from autoimmune diseases, in the garden they are constantly sick. Because they have an improperly formed immunity. At the time when it should be formed, it did not meet with a sufficient number of diverse microflora. Doctor.

    • Irina
      06/05/2024 at 21:05

      It’s probably like living in dust .. but most likely, they offer to hire a housekeeper.

  3. glory
    05/08/2024 at 15:07 Reply

    Bad article.

    • LARISA
      05/13/2024 at 00:28

      everything should be in moderation, but sitting in the mud in the city and on a grassy area outside the city is also not high. Of course, robotics is a great helper - but not everyone can afford it ... we bought a robot window cleaner and it literally saved us when washing the mass of windows in a city apartment

  4. galina
    05/09/2024 at 09:50 Reply

    I know one woman is cleaning her asma article is correct

    • yak
      07.24.2019 at 15:52

      And I know 2 dirty women and they also have asthma.
      Conclusion - the article is wrong ...

  5. Marina
    05/09/2024 at 16:31 Reply

    Yes, cleaners and even their children often become asthmatics and allergy sufferers. From life observations

  6. Natalya
    05/10/2024 at 17:07 Reply

    It is necessary to get out of here all illiterate!

  7. Ida
    05/11/2024 at 08:04 Reply

    Yes, in principle, we clean it. And there is always dust, even if you remove it every day.

  8. Info
    05/11/2024 at 17:28 Reply

    I know a family in which it was reactively convulsively cleaned with all kinds of cleaning and cleaning due to the “allergy” of a 4-year-old daughter, and after 8 years of this “sterilization” the whole family became allergic, i.e. 6 people, including an elderly grandmother. Chemistry, although "household", remains chemistry.

  9. Sofia
    05/11/2024 at 19:25 Reply

    The illiterate are not visible here, maybe a typo only. Please write essentially only on the topic. This is not a dictation they write, leave your teacher's habits.

  10. Lady
    05/11/2024 at 19:44 Reply

    Having asthma and an allergy to dust, of course, you will become more clean. Otherwise, you will overgrown with dirt and you will not be able to get out without drugs.

  11. tori
    05/11/2024 at 21:06 Reply

    clean as necessary!

  12. VICTOR
    05/12/2024 at 07:40 Reply

    When he served in the Soviet Army, all the cleaning was done before meals in the morning, including mopping, there wasn’t any cleaning equipment, not even a mop, all the work was done by hand, there were no patients. Having returned from the army, I adhere to the morning cleaning of my apartment, to the place of charging, the apartment is always in order, I only drive the pets so that they wipe shoes in the front door and don’t carry dog ​​bombs in the house. As the saying goes, NARRATED, clean up immediately, cleanly where they’re not littering, but constantly cleaning. You need to accustom yourself, as in a toilet, emoy was emptied, then everything will be in order.

    • Elena
      07/23/2024 at 13:41

      ... "to the charging place" ..
      Why instead? Nobody canceled the charge :-)) And

  13. Tatyana
    05/12/2024 at 21:50 Reply

    The apartment is cleaned, and cleaned to hell.

    • Elena
      05/14/2024 at 13:23

      Here is at least one literate person!

    • Elena
      05/14/2024 at 14:08

      How nice to meet a competent person

  14. Catherine
    05/19/2024 at 17:20 Reply

    The article is nothing new, and we remove it, and most of my friends do the same. Elena, Tatyana, judging by how painful you are about spelling, you didn’t get there. If I go on the phone, I sometimes miss letters.

  15. Denis
    05/19/2024 at 19:03 Reply

    Once a week you have to clean

  16. Natalya.
    05/20/2024 at 05:55 Reply

    Cleaning is a purely individual matter. Currently, science is developing rapidly, new technologies are emerging. It is possible to clean the house without the use of chemistry. Thanks to this, health is maintained and the family budget is saved. And also reduces the time for cleaning the apartment.

  17. Natalya
    05/30/2024 at 18:17 Reply

    What happens to a not-so-old woman who looks at how the mess is growing, but is not able to deal with it anymore?
    Cook, yes, get out - no!

  18. Galina
    05/30/2024 at 19:15 Reply

    It is pleasantly kept clean and tidy, this is achieved by labor - cleaning. And that without difficulty, do not remove the fish from the pond. Like this.

  19. Olga
    05/31/2024 at 08:03 Reply

    And I always knew that cleaning is harmful))

  20. Natalya
    06/04/2024 at 18:36 Reply

    Cleaning can be turned into pleasure, while maintaining strength and health. To do this, abandon household chemicals.

  21. Irina
    06/05/2024 at 21:13 Reply

    In order not to drag sand, spits, and dog bombs from the street, if there is at least a small opportunity to separate the small vestibule with another door from the hallway, hall or corridor. And the street shoes all remain on the shoebox, and no sand, no infection different from the street
    We take off our shoes in the vestibule and immediately step over the threshold, without treading with swollen legs in the vestibule. He took off his shoe and immediately got up into the apartment, then you removed the second one, at the same time the balance exercise, and the student in the same sequence.

  22. Elena
    07/20/2024 at 01:28 Reply

    The first sensible article. I do not belong to the category of super cleaners, but I like cleanliness and order. I clean approximately as it is written in the article. I’ve never read anything like this, just on a hunch. And about asthma - the truth. I know such people.

  23. Irene
    07/20/2024 at 19:06 Reply

    But I’m generally cleaning up according to my mood! There’s a mood cleaning up, no so no and no court суда

  24. Irene
    07/20/2024 at 19:34 Reply

    You need to get out when you are in the mood, do not force yourself !! 😍

  25. Varya
    07/21/2024 at 14:40 Reply

    I fully support, everything must be done in joy.


