How to quickly and easily clean the carpet from stains?

No matter how caring hostesses try to protect their favorite carpet from stains, they will still find a way to appear there. And immediately a continuous problem begins - you need to clean the carpet from stains so that it does not harm the pile. Of course, many in this case resort to dry cleaning services, where very often for fabulous money they return the carpet back uncleaned. You can use the Vanish known to many in this fight, but here the likelihood of color loss increases. How to be? In this article, you will learn some practical ways to help you quickly and easily clean your favorite carpet at home.

Carpet brushing

General rules for carpet cleaning

Regardless of which palace is in your home, there are a few general tips that can help clean it of any impurities.

Firstly, it is not recommended to use the following when cleaning:

  • hard brushes;
  • an excessively large amount of liquid that does not drain;
  • anti-pile cleaning;
  • boiling water.

Secondly, if dirt suddenly appears on your palace, it should be cleaned immediately. In this case, dissolution in water or a more effective cleaning agent is suitable.


Try to get rid of contamination on the palace immediately, as dried dirt is removed much more difficult.

Thirdly, before you clean your favorite palace, you must select the means that can refresh it without damaging the color and structure. So, many cleaning products are practically contraindicated for cleaning natural carpets.


Before you start cleaning the palace with the purchased cleaning agent, you need to apply a small amount to the small corner of the item to check how the cleaning components begin to affect the pile.

The boy lies on a clean carpet

Eco-friendly cleaning methods

Practical housewives have discovered several ways to effectively combat pollution on the surface of carpets and rugs at home. Now we will get acquainted with them.

  • Method number 1

In the winter season, it is recommended to clean the carpet from stains with ordinary snow. We take out the carpet or the palace to the street with its subsequent spreading on the surface of pure snow. We take a small amount of snow in our hands and begins to rub the surface with it. We do this until we rub the entire surface. Then we take a broom and sweep away the remaining snow from the cleaned surface. We bring the finished palace into the house.

  • Method number 2

To clean the surface of the palace from various stains, you can use the familiar table salt. Fine salt is suitable for this procedure. We take a small amount of such salt and evenly sprinkle it on the carpet. Then we begin to rub areas with pollution carefully with a broom or a brush. As soon as the dirt begins to disappear, the remains of the used salt must be removed from the surface of the carpet with a wet broom. If after this there are still noticeable spots on the carpet, then the steps should be repeated. As soon as there is no trace of the stains, the entire carpet should be vacuumed well.

  • Method number 3

To get rid of all kinds of stains on the surface of your favorite carpet at home, it is recommended to use sauerkraut. It is advisable to take cabbage harvested without the addition of acetic acid. First you need to squeeze out the whole cabbage brine. This can be done directly with your hands. Then sauerkraut must be scattered over the entire surface of the carpet. We pick up a regular brush and begin to intensively clean it with places where there are strong spots.At the same time, we try to clean not an empty surface, but precisely the contact points between the cabbage and the brush. Over time, the cabbage will begin to absorb pollution and becomes dark at the same time. It is advisable to collect such cabbage with a broom and rinse, dropping in a colander. Washed cabbage can be used again. In this way, stains can be cleaned and environmentally friendly. As soon as the used cabbage stops changing its color to gray during carpet cleaning, the surface can be considered cleaned. We remove the remaining cabbage from its surface and leave to dry. Once the surface is dry, it must be vacuumed.

  • Method number 4

To remove stains from the surface of your favorite carpet or rug, you can use ordinary wood sawdust. We take the dry sawdust that the caring owners in the houses always have and pour them on the pollution. Then, using a regular brush, rub this place thoroughly. At the same time, the sawdust will turn gray, if possible they should be replaced. As soon as the sawdust ceases to change its color, the palace can be considered clean. Remains of sawdust should be removed from the carpet with a wet broom.

  • Method number 5

It is possible to clean a rug or a palace from various kinds of pollution with the help of large bran. We take a small number of them, pour on the spots and rub well. As you grind, you can notice how the dirt begins to disappear from the surface.

The above methods will help you at home to rid your favorite carpet from various contaminants.

Tea spilled on the carpet

How to clean the carpet from different stains?

What pollution you will not meet on a surface of a favorite carpet. Here you can see the remains of food, cosmetics, paint, dirt and much more. Each type of pollution has a specific structure with its own characteristics of adhesion to the pile. Knowing them, you can easily clean your favorite palace from any dirt, without causing him any harm.

  • If your carpet has stains from street dirt, do not rush to clean them. Wait a while for them to dry, and then vacuum the area with a special brush with a thick pile.
  • Sweet tea stains can be removed at home with a warm soapy solution. It is advisable to wet the entire stain first with a dry cloth and then apply a little soapy solution to it. After that, everything needs to be brushed.
  • You can clean the palace from blood using cold water. It is necessary to moisten the edge of the brush in it and clean the resulting pollution with it. Over time, you can notice how the dirt begins to disappear.
  • Carpet and rug from dried chewing gum can be cleaned with a small piece of ice. Wrap it in a plastic bag and place on contamination. Chewing gum under the influence of low temperatures will begin to harden, after which it will be easy to separate from the pile.
  • To clean the carpet of chocolate, urine or crushed fruits, an effective cleaning agent can easily be prepared at home. Take a teaspoon of wine vinegar and mix it with a spoon of grated laundry soap. Pour the resulting mixture with a liter of warm water. All mix well until the soap is completely dissolved. The composition should be applied to the spots and cleaned with a brush. Everything will depart instantly.
  • Stains from paraffin or wax spilled onto the carpet surface can be removed by applying a cold object to them for a while. Paraffin and wax harden and can be easily separated from the surface. It is possible to clean the palace from the same impurities using not only low, but also high temperatures. On the stain, put a piece of absorbent tissue, which should be ironed well with a hot iron. Under the influence of temperature, paraffin with wax will begin to melt, turning into a liquid state, and then absorbed by the fabric.

Using simple methods, you can easily clean your favorite carpet from various stains at home.

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