How and with what to clean the umbrella so that it is like new and does not get wet?

To clean an umbrella is elementary simple - you need to wash it in warm soapy water. To remove rust and other stubborn stains, apply lemon juice, vinegar, ammonia. We will tell you in detail how to properly clean and dry the product at home, how to care for it.

Washing umbrella

Washing umbrella

Few people know, but umbrellas can and should be washed from time to time. Naturally, not in the washing machine, but with hands in the basin.

How to clean an umbrella at home?

  1. Type 5–7 L of warm water (30–40 degrees) into the basin.
  2. Dissolve in it 2 tbsp. tablespoons of washing powder, soap or shampoo.
  3. Place the half-opened umbrella in a soap solution for 15 minutes.
  4. Lightly rub it with a soft cloth.
  5. Rinse well with clean water. It is best to open the umbrella, put it in the bath and wash it from the shower inside and out.
  6. Shake off the half-open umbrella from the water and hang to dry.

Pay particular attention to cleaning the inside of the umbrella. In areas where knitting needles adhere to the fabric, dust, litter and dirt often accumulate, rust spots may even appear.

Transparent umbrella with water drops

Stain removal

It often happens that persistent stains appear on the umbrella that cannot be cleaned with normal washing. In this case, simple folk remedies will help.

  • Divorce

Ugly streaks appear from impurities in the water. They are especially noticeable on umbrellas with a transparent dome. To clean the surface, you need to add 1 tbsp. In 150 ml of water. spoon of ammonia and stir the solution. Then we take a cotton pad, soak it with the resulting liquid and wipe the material. You can also use a wet alcohol wipe.

  • Rust on fabric

Cleaned with lemon juice. It is necessary to squeeze half a lemon, moisten a cloth and treat contaminated places. Juice should saturate the fabric well. Next, take a steam iron or steam cleaner and direct the jet onto the umbrella sheet. The rust will begin to crumble. Brush it off and then rinse off any remaining juice with clean, warm water.
Lemon against rust stains on an umbrella

  • Knitting rust

To eliminate it, lemon juice is also needed. Half the fruit will be enough. Juice need to moisten the sponge and wipe the knitting needles. Wait 10 minutes, after which the rust can easily be removed with a damp cloth. Rinse metal parts with clean water and grease so that the mechanism does not jam.

  • Stains of fat

Removed by dish detergent. You need to apply a couple of drops to the fabric, and then foam with a brush. If stains are persistent, pour 50-100 ml of hot water from above and leave the fabric to soak for 10-15 minutes. Upon completion of cleaning, the umbrella is washed with clean water and sent to dry.
Dishwashing liquid on a sponge

  • Mold stains

To combat them, ordinary table vinegar is used. You need to mix it in equal volumes with warm water, wet the umbrella and rub it with a soft brush. Then the solution must be washed off.

  • Dirt on the handle

From frequent use, the handle of the umbrella is covered with a coating of dirt. If it is patterned, with recesses, then simply cleaning it with a rag will be problematic. Use baking soda. Rub it well with plastic, then rinse with warm water.

Bright blue umbrella

Return color

Due to errors in care, the umbrella may fade and discolor. Black umbrellas turn red, colored ones fade, which gives them a sloppy look. How to fix the situation?

  • Black umbrella

To return a deep black color will help strong tea. It is necessary to brew 2 tbsp. tablespoons of black tea in 300 ml of water. Then the sponge is moistened with tea leaves and the dome is treated. Rinse off nothing.

  • Color umbrella

To return the brightness of the color using vinegar solution: 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 1 liter of warm water.Umbrella is immersed in it for 15 minutes, wiped with a sponge, and then, without washing, sent to dry.

To remove stains and return color to the umbrella, you can use any oxygen stain remover for colored fabrics: Astonish, Vanish and others. The main thing is that it be without chlorine. Handle the dome according to the instructions, being careful not to hit the knitting needles. Rinse off the product. The umbrella will be as good as new!

Drops of water on the umbrella dome

We restore water repellent properties

If you notice that the umbrella began to leak water, use the following tips:

  1. Open the dome and view it into the light.
  2. If the fabric is worn in some place, apply a colorless varnish on the inside and leave the umbrella open until it dries.
  3. Take a water-repellent shoe polish and cover it with the umbrella dome on top. Leave it to dry, and then close and hide it in the case.

Water-repellent impregnation for shoes and umbrellas

Care Rules

In order for the umbrella to last as long as possible, retaining its functionality and appearance, it is necessary to observe simple rules:

  • Drying. The accessory is dried in natural conditions, in a room that is well ventilated. Shake it before drying, and wipe the spokes with a cloth to remove excess moisture. The cane is opened halfway, and the folding cane is deployed, but the dome is kept closed.
  • The frequency of washing. General cleaning is carried out 1-2 times a season or as it becomes dirty.
  • Storage. The umbrella is stored folded in a case in a suspended state. For example, on a hook.

Before placing the umbrella for long-term storage, it must be washed, dried, and the needles greased. To do this, use engine oil or wax. The liquid is applied carefully so as not to stain the fabric. Then, each knitting needle is wrapped with parchment paper, the umbrella is folded and a clean cover is put on. So you will be sure that it does not rust and does not deform by the next season.

Umbrella Care

What is not worth doing?

There are 6 common mistakes in cleaning and caring for your umbrella. In 80% of cases, they cause damage to the product.


  1. Put a wet umbrella to dry, opening the dome. Wet tissue stretches and begins to sag.
  2. Use cleaning agents with chlorine and solvents: acetone, kerosene, gasoline, and bleach to clean the umbrella. The dome is most often made from synthetic fabrics such as polyamide and nylon, which solvents and chlorine simply corrode.
  3. Put the umbrella on the bottom of the bag or store under heavy objects. The design may be damaged, the needles risk breaking or bending.
  4. To store a wet umbrella. In a twisted state, it does not dry out, but is covered with rusty stains and mold. In addition, an unpleasant smell of dampness will come from him.
  5. Dry the umbrella with an iron, hairdryer, near a gas stove and heating appliances. From such manipulations, the canvas instantly deforms and can no longer protect from rain.
  6. Store or dry the accessory in direct sunlight. In the sun, the fabric burns out and becomes covered with faded stains.

An umbrella is one of the most sought after accessories. But for him to serve faithfully for many years, he needs proper care. It must be cleaned at least once a season, as well as as it gets dirty. Use our tips and enjoy the long operation and beautiful appearance of the umbrella!

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  1. Valentine
    10/26/2024 at 17:42 Reply

    A lot of interesting and useful, thanks.


