How to reduce the amount of dust in the apartment? A selection of current tips

Dust in the house is always unpleasant, especially to those people who suffer from allergic reactions. Are there any ways to reduce the amount of dust? Let's see where it comes from and how to reduce the frequency of harvesting.

Where does the dust come from

The dust is different. It consists not only of sand that enters the apartment with air flows from the window. Dust is also dead skin cells, dandruff, hair, undercoat and pet hair, plant pollen, tiny fibers of tissue, paper and dirt brought from the street on boots.

House dust

It is impossible to isolate oneself from dust, but to reduce its amount is real. You just need to organize cleaning and stock up on special gadgets.

How to reduce dust

Cleanliness in the house consists of several points. This is not only regular cleaning, but also the organization of space, especially the entrance to the house. To reduce the amount of dirt in the apartment for a long time, take several measures at once.


The main source of dirt is not an open window, but shoes, especially in the off-season! More than half of the dirt in the house is due to the unclean soles in which we walk along the corridor. Some people walk in shoes even to the main part of the apartment.

Home Cleaning Brush

The solution is simple: put two rugs at the door. Before the threshold - to wipe his feet, immediately after the threshold - to change shoes. Ask guests to wipe their feet and do not forget to do it yourself. Once every few days, clean the house rug with a vacuum cleaner, and shake the outside once a week when wiping the vestibule.

The shelf for street shoes and boots should ideally be in the vestibule / canopy, but if this is not possible, close to the door to immediately change shoes to your home.

Get a shoe rack. Place slippers on the top shelf, and street shoes on the bottom. This is the most convenient option.

Get it right

The obvious rule is to use vacuum cleaners, mops or steam cleaners at least once a week, or better every other day.

Cleaning the house

Do not forget to vacuum upholstered furniture, especially in the folds between the back, handles and seat. Curtains also need dusting. Walk along the walls, skirting boards and ceiling. magazine recommends abandoning the use of feather panicles for cleaning: they are useless, you only move the dust from the surfaces into the air, and it settles again. Get microfiber cleaning cloths or wet wipes.

Bedding and other textiles

No matter how beautiful and soft the rugs and fluffy carpets, they actively collect dust and create it themselves. The same applies to curtains, upholstered furniture, clothes. If you prefer "classic" interiors, you will often have to remove dust.

Dust on the table

If you do not clean pillows, mattresses for a long time and do not change bedclothes, particles of skin, dandruff and even dust mites accumulate in all these accessories. Make a habit of vacuuming the mattress every time you change clothes. Blankets, pillows also need attention. Shake out dust several times a year or dry clean items.

If the family is large, do not save and buy a tumble dryer. You don’t have to wait half a day for the clothes to dry, and things will not pick up and scatter microfiber dust around the house. Under the usual dryer, this “gift” always accumulates.

Open windows

Ventilate the house several times a day, and for the rest of the time keep the windows closed.Dust will fly many times less.

Advice for allergy sufferers - Seal the standard mosquito net with a light cloth, such as chintz or cambric. Make several removable covers, like for an ironing board, so as not to wash one at a time, but to send them into the laundry together several times a week. And if you also moisten the fabric, allergens will not get into the house at all.

Open windows

Get rid of excess

Small items on open shelves collect dust and take up a lot of time for cleaning. Either place souvenirs dear to your heart under glass doors, or remove them altogether. Carpet coverings are also dust collectors. If possible, discard them.

Do not forget to meticulously evaluate plush toys (yours and yours) - how many of them make sense to store on an open shelf, and how many can be put in a drawer under the lid?

Beauty is the key to cleanliness

Pets are often blamed for the fur on the floor, but people themselves “poke” a lot. Dandruff, skin peel, fallen hair - all this turns into dirt. Pay attention how much hair is left on the comb after styling, how often do you have to wash your hair, is there any “snow” on the shoulders? All this is not only a threat to cleanliness and comfort, but also signs of problems with the dermis and other organs.

A vacuum cleaner

Take care of yourself ( recommends consulting a therapist and dermatologist): drink vitamins, change shampoo and lotion to better or more suitable for you, do not forget about hand and body creams, and, of course, love yourself and take any situations in life and at work philosophically.

Take time for your pets

An unkempt cat or dog carries its hair around the house. Take care of pets: they are very convenient to tidy up on a tiled or other smooth floor. Use special “nappies” that gently comb out without harming the pet. Although cats often like metal combs, this is easy to guess if the cat purrs when you scratch it with your nails.

An equally important aspect is animal nutrition: a lack of vitamins causes active molting. The main symptom is that the pet discards the coat, out of season, i.e. in summer or winter.

Dog on the rug

Do not forget about green pets: dust accumulates on indoor plants in huge quantities.

Dust gadgets

An irreplaceable thing for an allergy sufferer is a dust collector. This device absorbs dust directly from the air, simultaneously cleaning it from odors and toxic substances.

Indirectly, the amount of dust is affected by air humidity. Ideally, it should be maintained at 50%. Modern gadgets can include both functions: humidification and dust collection.

It will not work out completely and completely, but we are able to limit its ingress to the house. Clean correctly, in extreme cases, install gadgets - and your home will stay clean longer.

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  1. Steff
    06/05/2024 at 19:34 Reply

    If we are talking about cleaning, they say “I’m cleaning” and not “I’m cleaning”, “I’m cleaning” - this is going away. Can this be learned in the end?

  2. that friend.
    06/14/2024 at 18:22 Reply

    It is interesting about covers for ironing boards - in bulk, wash several days a week. What are you talking about? How many covers and how many boards?

  3. Edward
    06/15/2024 at 12:34 Reply

    All vacuum cleaners (except for one type) have two, at least, significant disadvantages. First, they throw (return) again the smallest (and most dangerous!) Dust into the room along with the “cleaned” air, (even water - throw back the smallest dust along with the smallest drops of water, and the washing ones also the smallest particles Surfactant!).Second, when working, these emissions raise the dust in the room into the air. On the Internet, experts indicate that fine dust settles for many hours, even days! And this fine dust is practically not excreted by the body.
    But there is a kind of vacuum cleaners that do not have these shortcomings - these are central (or built-in) vacuum cleaners. These vacuum cleaners, sucking in air, do not supply it completely to the room, and after cleaning, they throw it out of the room (usually outside the building). In this, the vacuum cleaner itself does not need to be dragged, carried along, because. it is permanently installed in another (utility) room, and in the treated rooms special sockets are mounted that are connected to the central vacuum cleaner with plastic pipes, and a flexible hose with a nozzle tip for collecting dust is connected to these sockets. Such vacuum cleaners have long been used in hotels and children institutions and hospitals. They are certified for use in everyday life.

  4. Marina
    06/18/2024 at 15:33 Reply

    Useful information - 0

  5. Elena
    07/26/2024 at 08:40 Reply

    I liked the article, very interesting


