Effective ways to remove the smell of cat, dog or baby urine from the couch

No one is safe from damaging the bed with animals or babies. However, more often people are interested in how to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa, because it has a particularly unpleasant and harsh aroma. After drying, soaking in the upholstery and filler of upholstered furniture, the task becomes even more difficult. It is easier to get rid of the stench in the house if you find a wet spot in time.

An unpleasant “delicate” problem can overtake any person. Most often, upholstered furniture suffers from a child who, unknowingly, can “go to the toilet” in the place in which he plays. You may need to clean the ottoman after caring for a bed patient. A cat or dog is often the culprit of stinking “accidents”.

The cat wrote on the sofa

What is the best way to remove the smell of urine?

Since this problem is very delicate, many people are embarrassed to contact dry cleaning or to consult with specialists in household chemical stores. Cleaning with specialized products shows excellent results, helping to clean the surface of the sofa and remove odor. Dry cleaning costs a lot of money, but not only an unpleasant aroma, but also a stain from a dried-up liquid will disappear without a trace.


If you have enough money, be sure to use the services of dry cleaning.

If you cannot afford dry cleaning and you are determined to eliminate the consequences of the problem yourself, you can clean the sofa with the following means:

  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • strong saline solution;
  • laundry soap;
  • stain remover that eliminates not only pollution, but also odor;
  • washing powder;
  • chlorine solution;
  • alcohol;
  • potassium permanganate.

Which way to choose to get rid of stench depends on the material from which the furniture is made. From hot water the fabric of a bright sofa can fade. It is easiest to remove urine from a leather sofa or upholstered furniture upholstered in leather substitute. The material will not let the liquid in; therefore, it is good enough to brush it with a brush with soapy water or powder.

Potassium permanganate

The first steps in removing urine from the couch

If you witnessed the atrocity committed by a cat or dog, or a child wrote on furniture directly with you, immediately grab onto napkins or towels. The maximum amount of children's or animal urine should be absorbed in a towel. The more urine is absorbed, the easier it will be to get rid of the smell and wash the stain.

After drying with napkins, the stain should be treated with a soap solution. Moisten a sponge with water and soap with soap. It better absorbs unpleasant odors and helps remove a harsh aroma. It is necessary to soap the problem area well. Instead of soap, an antibacterial powder is suitable.

The third stage is to clean the contaminated ottoman with a special solution prepared from citric acid, vinegar or potassium permanganate. Due to its oxidizing properties, vinegar is able to evaporate from the tissue along with the smell of baby urine. However, if the cat or dog did the "trouble", this method may not be as effective.

After processing, the fresh stain needs to be dried. This can be done with a hairdryer or iron. Remember, the hair dryer may overheat, give it time to rest. You can iron the ottomans only through gauze.

Woman with a baby on the couch

How to remove the smell of baby urine?

The aroma of children's urine is the least aggressive, so it is enough to soak up the liquid with napkins and clean the sofa with soapy water.If it was not possible to remove the unpleasant aroma with a sponge, lather the upholstery cloth with a block, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with a sponge. If the smell didn’t work out anyway, you can get rid of it with folk remedies.

  1. Potassium permanganate. It is enough to dissolve only two crystals of potassium permanganate in warm water, so that it acquires a light pink hue. Dampen a towel in it and lay on a spot of baby urine. After half an hour, the procedure will need to be repeated.


    You can use potassium permanganate solution only on dark sofas.

  2. Citric acid or juice. Squeeze 1 lemon and spray the juice onto a spot of baby urine. Repeat after 15 minutes. You can dissolve 2 sachets of acid in 1 cup of water. Lemon will help get rid of stench.
  3. Vinegar. Dilute the essence in a ratio of 1: 4 with water and spray from a spray bottle. Rinse off with a damp sponge. Vinegar will help remove unpleasant odors.

Cat on the back of the sofa

How to remove the smell of animal urine?

The smell of animal urine is much stronger than human. Especially if the cat described the couch. Cat urine has a pungent odor, and after it is extremely difficult to clean even smooth surfaces. Vinegar, lemon juice and potassium permanganate will help in the fight against it. Soap solution will not help get rid of a sharp stench.

Another surefire way to clean the place that the dog or cat took for the toilet is to treat with hydrogen peroxide. Dampen a cloth with a solution and rub a spot of animal urine. This method is dangerous because peroxide can “corrode” the fabric dye.


So that the cat or dog does not spoil the upholstered furniture, do not accustom them to gatherings on sofas.

Bad smell

How to remove the old "aroma"?

This problem is familiar to people caring for bed patients. Adult urine has a heavy unpleasant odor. If the mattress is damaged by urination, it is impossible to clean it in most cases. The only option is a new sofa or dry cleaning.

  1. Chlorine solution. If you decide to save the sofa at home, a 0.5% bleach solution will help get rid of stench and sanitize upholstered furniture. However, the aroma of bleach will remain.
  2. Alcohol. Alcohol or vodka need to be plentifully filled with a spot, then cleaned with water and dried.

Cleaning and detergents

Tips & Tricks

  • If a cat wrote on the sofa, home methods can be powerless. Cleaning will help with special products sold in pet stores.
  • The faster you spot a puddle, the easier it will be to clean upholstered furniture.
  • To prevent the cat from climbing on the couch, sprinkle the furniture with lemon juice.
  • You can sprinkle the place of the "accident" with soda: it will help get rid of the smell and clean the fabric from stains.
  • Direct sunlight helps to clean the sofa of smell.

Cleaning upholstered furniture is a laborious process. Knowing the basic methods, you can clean the sofa at home. Folk tricks will help to remove the smell of urine from the couch no worse than specialized means.

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  1. Alexandra
    12/11/2024 at 03:10 Reply

    Given the fact that this product for a significant part consists of chemical elements that do not dissolve in water, it is simply not realistic to get rid of the problem with the usual wet cleaning. Rubbing traces of children’s, dog’s or cat’s pranks will only increase the area of ​​damage and aggravate the problem.


