6 rules for the general cleaning of the kitchen - we deal as quickly as possible

From time to time, it's time to do a spring cleaning in the kitchen. This room has some features - it prepares food, and traces of food, drops of fat are often eaten into the surface. Therefore, for many, cleanliness in the cooking zone is associated with hard, long work. We will tell you 6 secrets, thanks to which the kitchen will be perfectly clean in just 2 hours.

Kitchen Cleaning Tips

Cleaning organization

A properly organized workflow is guaranteed to lead to success and save time on throwing from one task to another. You need to clean the kitchen systematically and consistently.

5 useful recommendations:

  1. Prepare the tool and household chemicals: a bowl of water, rags, sponges, detergents, cleaners. Make homemade effective cleaning products in advance, the recipes of which are given below. Foresee and fold everything you need in the corner of the kitchen.
  2. Clean the work area. It is much easier to turn out all the cabinets and the refrigerator at once than to take out the items, wash, fold, then take them out again ... Just gently fold the contents onto the oilcloth so that it does not interfere underfoot. Move the kitchen furniture as far as possible to wash the area against the walls.
  3. Treat surfaces with stubborn dirt and grease. Apply a chemical product or a home-made composition to the hood, stove, oven, microwave. Fill the sink and process the tiles. Put a boiling kettle with vinegar to clean the limescale. It will take some time (usually 10-30 minutes) to dissolve the dirty traces. At this time, you can do the following.
  4. Now comes the time to clean the kitchen towels. Soak them in hot water with bleach.
  5. The last step will take about 1 hour. You need to walk a rag over all surfaces and wash off the softened dirt. Start at the top of the kitchen and finish off the floor. Now fat and plaque will lag easily. You don’t have to scrub the same place for hours - just change the water often, because everything is washed very quickly.

After quality cleaning, it remains to return the contents of the drawers to their places. It is very pleasant - everything in the kitchen shines with cleanliness and pleases the eye. Devices, cereals and spices as if they themselves are lining up in a beautiful harmonious row. And now it's time to learn 6 secret tools that will help in the general cleaning of the kitchen.

Cleaning the stove


Having been a guest, sometimes you think how kitchen towels can be so snow-white, without a single speck, and the kitchen is perfectly clean. It's all about the means that are used by experienced housewives. Often, from simple improvised ingredients, a cleaning composition is much more effective than a purchased one.

So, 6 secrets of cleaning the kitchen:

  1. Tiles are easy to clean with a homemade mortar. Take half a glass of soda, add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap. Stir and apply the paste on the tile for 10 minutes. After the indicated time, rinse with warm water.
  2. Handles on a gas stove will become like new if equipped with a cotton swab, an old toothbrush, and ammonia drops. It is necessary to soak the stick with drops and wipe it with dirty places. After that, the yellow traces are easily cleaned with an old unnecessary brush.
  3. Is the cooker hood yellowed and poorly laundered? Soda-ammonia solution will help. You need to take a large pot of water, pour 0.5 cups of baking soda there and put it on fire. As soon as the liquid boils, remove the pan and place a dirty filter in it.If after the procedure the plaque is not completely behind, you should make the same solution, but with 0.5 cups of ammonia. Do not forget about the safety rules: open the window wide open, put on gloves and a mask!
  4. The teapot will shine with purity if you boil in it an acetic-aqueous solution for some time. Water needs to be taken 2 parts, and vinegar - 1.
  5. Shelves in the refrigerator are easily cleaned of dirty stains and traces with a normal kitchen sponge and a solution of soda and water.

Washing kitchen towels

Perfect cleanliness

There is a secret recipe for the perfect cleanliness of towels. We take an iron bucket of water and set it to boil. As soon as the water began to boil, turn off the fire and add the ingredients: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of any dry bleach, ¾ cup of washing powder and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Next, put dirty, necessarily dry kitchen towels in the hot solution and leave to cool. In the end, it remains only to rinse thoroughly.

It is not known that it affects towels in such a way that even without washing and boiling in cooling water, not a single spot remains on them. The solution with oil effectively copes with greasy marks, stains from tomato paste, tea, coffee and many others. According to the hostesses, when using this recipe, the towels even wear out less and last for years!

And here are other effective methods for updating and general cleaning of things:

  • If kitchen towels are predominantly greasy, mustard will help. Dry powder in an amount of 2 tbsp. tablespoons need to be diluted in 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew. Then the solution is filtered and, if necessary, add water. In it, greasy towels are soaked for 6-8 hours, and then washed in the usual way. Towels are not only whitened, but also disinfected. If there is a drawing, then he returns his colorfulness.
  • Laundry towels - and not just towels, but all yellowed and grayened linen - wash well the powder mixed with ammonia. Need to add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia in a soapy solution, and even very old things “get younger”.
  • For perfect purity, silk and wool have their own effective solution. 6 liters of water are added to 10 liters of water. tablespoons of salt, 1 tbsp. spoon peroxide 3%, and ammonia, 50 g of washing powder. Things are soaked for 5 hours, and then washed in a delicate mode.

Girl cleaning the kitchen

Cleaning for joy is not fiction!

It would seem that, compared with the last century, it is not difficult to clean the room with assistants today. But no, many housewives complain about the complexity of the general cleaning.

To clean the kitchen brought joy, you need to change your attitude and attitude. Carrying out cleaning, a woman not only creates external beauty, but also cleans the home in terms of energy. In a clean house, people quarrel less and are more attentive to each other, and this is a fact!

Practical tips to help you clean up the kitchen in a good mood:

  • Cleaning is a mystery. Therefore, she should not be witnesses. Expose household members from the apartment under a plausible pretext, for example, take a walk in the park or go shopping. Put your thoughts in order and with a calm soul get down to business - create an atmosphere of cleanliness worthy of the mistress of the house!
  • Comfortable clothes. Nothing should distract from the main occupation. Put on clothes that do not constrain movement, which is not a pity to stain (certainly not a peignoir and a bathrobe!).
  • Musical accompaniment. Try cleaning the kitchen with rhythmic music. She will cheer up, and hands with rags themselves will dance to the beat.

Perhaps the main mistake of the hostesses is to postpone the general cleaning of the kitchen until later. But so the work does not disappear, but only doubles. The fat freezes, and the spots eat up. Therefore, it is better to get down to business without delay, always with a good mood and taking into account the tips and secrets you read!

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  1. Elena
    03/28/2024 at 15:49 Reply

    “Cleaning is a mystery. Therefore, she should not be witnesses. Expose household members from the apartment under a plausible pretext, for example, take a walk in the park or go shopping. "
    The phrase sounds unsympathetic :( Households, if they are older than 5 years old, should actually help mom, wife, etc. 🙂


