How to clean pan from burnt fat and soot?

If you are tired of looking at the blackened cast-iron pan, do not rush to throw it into the bin. The people there are many tips on how to clean the pan from soot. Over time, it covers any dishes. Modern cooking utensils are less prone to scale and rust. But in almost every kitchen there are good old cast-iron or aluminum pans. They are the ones who suffer the most from heat-stained grease and rust.

You can clean the pan from soot in 2 ways:

  • mechanical cleaning;
  • boiling method.

Mechanical cleaning is not suitable for all dishes. If the pan is Teflon-coated, it cannot be washed with hard sponges and abrasive powders. Aluminum or cast iron cookware can be cleaned without fear to damage the surface. When deciding how to clean the pan from soot or rust, pay attention to the material from which it is made.

Pan cleaning

Alternative methods or household chemicals?

The most radical way to quickly remove black carbon deposits is to use household chemicals. Many housewives note that this is the only way they managed to return the shine and purity to the old Soviet pots.

If you decide to deal with the problem with special tools, the following brands will help you:

  • Amway
  • Zepter
  • Fairy
  • "Antinagar Hedgehog";
  • "Sanita" and others.

The safest from the point of view of natural composition are Amway and Zepter. Remember that dishes with any coating absorbs detergent. Household chemicals are best used for washing pans outside. In order to clean the bottom and walls inside, it is better to use alternative methods, they are less dangerous.


Be sure to follow the safety rules when using household chemicals.

Some products are very aggressive and can harm not only dishes, but also your health.

If you decide to wash the pan from carbon deposits using household chemicals, follow a number of rules.

  1. Perform the procedure in a well-ventilated area. Open the window or window.
  2. Protect your skin by wearing high rubber gloves. Chemicals are absorbed into the body through the epidermis.
  3. Using an aggressive product, wear a respirator to prevent breathing in vapors.

PVA glue and laundry soap

How to save old cast iron dishes?

No matter how many new stewing pans or pots appear in the kitchen, throwing out an old cast-iron pan does not raise a hand. She often stands out among the "congeners" with an ugly appearance. The ideal way to remove carbon deposits is by boiling in a solution of the following products:

  • soda;
  • PVA glue;
  • laundry soap.

The method with glue and soap helps to get rid of a thick layer of scale both inside and outside. Take the largest pan (the pan should not stick out of the water). Place a stewpan on the bottom of the pan, fill with water, add 500 g of baking soda, a bar of laundry soap crushed on a grater and pour 200 ml of PVA stationery glue. You need to boil until the layers of caked fat begin to fall off layers in the bottom of the pan. The room should be well ventilated. After the "bath" you need to wash the pan from the remnants of soot with a stiff brush.

The second effective way is high temperature hardening. To protect the kitchen from the smell of burnt fat, it is better to carry out the procedure outdoors. Before placing a cast-iron skillet in a fire, remove the plastic handle. If you still decide to perform the operation at home, use the oven.Heat it to a temperature of 250 degrees, remove all plastic elements from the dishes and place it inside the oven. Be sure to open the windows in the kitchen so that the burner does not settle on the walls and furniture. After cooling, rinse the pan with water and brush.

If you want to get rid of old fat, take 100 g of table salt and 50 ml of table vinegar. With the resulting gruel, treat the walls and bottom of the stewpan. Most of the fat layer will come off.

Aluminum pan

How to clean an aluminum skillet?

Compared to cast iron, aluminum is a very delicate and soft metal. During cooking, it is quickly covered with a layer of dark soot, which not only spoils the appearance, but is also dangerous for human health. It is strictly forbidden to clean it with a grinder or a hard brush.

An aluminum skillet can be cleaned in two ways:

  • digestion;
  • glowing.

Aluminum items can be boiled in a solution of glue, soda and soap. If you lack some ingredients, soda will help get rid of an aluminum burnout. Assess the degree of pollution: if you used the pan for several years and it has a thick layer of burnt fat, then the only way to clean it is to boil it. Mix 300 g of table salt with 10 liters of water. Place the dish in the solution so that it is completely covered with water. You need to boil for at least two hours, then it will be cleaned both outside and inside.

The second way to save aluminum utensils is to glow sand in it. Pour sand into the stewpan so that the walls are covered to the top. Heat it on gas and leave for two hours. After the specified time, you will be surprised, because along with the sand pour out layers of black soot. However, sand will help remove the burn only inside.

Ceramic coated frying pan

How to clean ceramic coated dishes?

Ceramic-coated cookware is the safest and most convenient cooking option. Some housewives have long replaced all cast iron kitchen utensils with it. Such products are easy to wash, food does not burn to them, and they are not hazardous to health (such as Teflon). But with all these advantages, a light ceramic coating often suffers from burnt fat due to carelessness of the hostess or untimely washing of dishes.


Do not use abrasive powders to clean dishes with Teflon or ceramic coating.

To clean a ceramic pan from burnt dark spots, you can use alcohol. You do not need to choose a hard brush, just rub the brown spots with a cotton dipped in alcohol, and they will disappear before your eyes. If it was not possible to get rid of them right away, put alcohol cotton on a stain and wait 5 minutes. This method helps to quickly remove light pollution.

If you didn’t follow, turned away for a couple of minutes, and in a ceramic coated pan burned pancake or sauce, alcohol will not help here. To begin, pour water on the bottom and put the stewpan on the gas. Let the water boil for 15 minutes. After boiling, usually the burn can be easily removed with a soft sponge. If this method does not help, add a bag of citric acid to the water, but in no case use soda.

Wash the pan from carbon deposits is not so difficult, if you know some folk tricks. Before choosing a method, be sure to pay attention to the material from which your favorite cookware is made: if cast iron can be subjected to rigorous processing, then the Teflon coating and ceramics can only be cleaned with gentle means. Do not rush to throw away the old kitchen utensils, they can easily be saved at home without spending a dime. Instead of old and blackened dishes, shelved pots and pans flashed on shelves.

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leave a comment
  1. Irina
    11/22/2024 at 10:40 p.m. Reply

    Office glue and PVA glue are two completely different adhesives. And to clean the dishes from soot and old fat, it is just office glue or liquid glass that is used, and not PVA.

  2. Andrey
    12/04/2024 at 11:50 Reply

    Thanks. I read it to the end. Great article. I would like for the description to achieve new cleaning methods.
    Alternatively, for cleaning, you can still use uz-sinks such as titanium ultrasonic, or vgt, etc. They say they do not do poorly.

  3. Ivan
    06/28/2024 at 09:46 Reply



