How to clean black forks and spoons from cupronickel at home?

Cupronickel cutlery was produced back in Soviet times, and on the same models as silver. If you clean nickel silver forks and spoons from blackness, then you will not find any difference, except for marking. These household items are an excellent and economical replacement for silver. Yes, and they look no worse. But, of course, if polished to a shine, and not darkened from time to time.

In the case when a similar problem of cutlery exists, this article will help to understand all the subtleties of cleaning spoons and forks at home.

Darkened cupronickel ware

The metal begins to darken - what is the reason?

The reasons underlying the darkening of cutlery from cupronickel are several:

  • storage in unsuitable conditions;
  • humidity;
  • violations in the proper care of such utensils.

By the way, of the three named, humidity is the main enemy of cupronickel forks and spoons. If it is elevated, the devices will be in dark spots and stains. Attractiveness in such a situation is no longer out of the question. Therefore, if you want the products in your kitchen to be beautiful and enjoy, store them only in a dry place.

If, however, this misfortune happened and the dishes turned black, figuring out how to clean cupronickel spoons and forks at home is not difficult. There are only small secrets and tips that every housewife should know about.

Means for cleaning cupronickel

Cleaning cupronickel products: to the hostess

There are a lot of ways to clean cutlery from cupronickel, consider those that are most effective and tested in practice. The main thing is to wash the dishes in warm, soapy water before cleaning.

  • The first and easiest way is to clean with soda.

It is suitable for such forks and spoons, which are not very dirty. After washing the dishes, simply rinse them in a soda solution prepared in a proportion of 50 grams of active substance per liter of water. If the contamination is not removed, dry soda can be applied to the sponge and clean the problem area pointwise. After the procedure, rinse the cutlery in cold water and dry with a towel.


Cupronickel items will look better if each time after washing, rinse them in a soda solution.

  • Method number two - using alcohol.

Slightly dull objects will be sufficient to wipe with a cloth moistened with alcohol or vodka. You can perform alternative actions: soak in liquid ammonia for a short time, and then rinse and wipe.
Purified Cutlery from Cupronickel

  • The third method is vinegar.

Vinegar is a great way to remove stains from dampness at home. Bred it like this: pour one teaspoon of vinegar into a glass of water. Cutlery must be wiped with the prepared mixture, washed under running water and wiped.

  • Chalk polish - method number 4.

The mixture that polishes cupronickel forks and spoons at home is prepared as follows:

  1. dissolve 50 grams of soap;
  2. add 50 grams of chalk;
  3. add a liter of water;
  4. stir the resulting mass.

To polish objects with the resulting mass of soap and chalk, wipe them with a dry rag.

Polishing paste can be prepared according to another recipe, which consists in the following:

  1. take half a glass of water;
  2. add chalk and ammonia (30:60).

And again, the final stage - polishing the products with the prepared mixture

  • The fifth method - peeling with an egg shell.

The first four methods were applicable if the blackness is negligible. In the case when the devices managed to get very dark, they need to be cleaned, choosing more powerful methods and means.

One of those is cleaning with a decoction made from eggshell.

The broth is prepared from water (1 liter) and, accordingly, eggshell. You need to take it from two raw eggs. This procedure looks like this:

  1. boil the broth;
  2. lower the darkened items into it;
  3. rinse in clean and cold water;
  4. wipe off.
  • Peeling potato broth.

Start with the fact that this solution must be brought to a boil. And then keep cutlery in it for 20 minutes. And then, as usual, remove, rinse and wipe.

  • Another broth - from garlic husk.

Cupronickel is lowered into boiling broth from water and garlic husks and boiled until it sparkles. Time is not fixed, as it depends on the degree of contamination.
Cleaning cupronickel with foil

  • The last method is using foil.

This method is one of the most effective. It is again based on boiling, as in the above, only at the same time as soda and foil. Consider how to clean cupronickel spoons and forks at home using this method.

  1. Take an aluminum container.
  2. Put a piece of foil on the bottom.
  3. Lower the cleaning equipment into the container.
  4. Pour water.
  5. Pour soda into it.
  6. Boil.

What is the effectiveness of this cleaning method?

In the prepared solution, a chemical reaction occurs during boiling, which leads to the fact that the foil darkens, and cupronickel, in turn, brightens and takes on its original form. If the devices are very dark, this procedure can be repeated.

Blackened cutlery from cupronickel


For dishes with gilding or silvering, such a tool is not applicable, will lead to the fact that the whole decoration simply peels off.

There are many ways to clean, they are all tested and give a positive result: devices made of nickel silver shine like brand new. The above tips and subtleties will help to get rid of darkening on your favorite dishes without difficulty.

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  1. Lyudmila
    12/14/2024 at 13:15 Reply

    Great tips, I will definitely use it. Thanks !!!

  2. Elshad
    12/07/2024 at 09:52 Reply

    A lot of advice and one is better than the other .. Thank you!


