How and how to quickly and efficiently wash the grater?

Practice shows that, despite the availability of combines, blenders and other devices for grinding products, many housewives today continue to use the most ordinary grater. Accessories are really very convenient, if not for one “but”.

dirty grater

In the process of cooking, you don’t want to spend time cleaning the device, and after everything is ready, you have to spend a lot of time removing dried up dirt. Many try to immediately soak the product in warm water, so that later it is easier to wash the surface, but this does not save from clogging tiny cracks. After a few weeks, the material from this begins to darken, the accessory is already not so high quality in its tasks.

Recommendations for handling graters immediately after use

Ideally, the processing of the tool should be carried out according to a special scheme, as soon as free time appears. Manipulation consists of the following steps:

  • First, prepare everything you need: lemon or raw potato tuber, dishwashing liquid, unnecessary toothbrush, nylon brush.
  • You need to hold the grater for a couple of minutes in a container with a solution of warm water and a dishwashing detergent.
  • We take out the grater and wipe it with a slice of potato or lemon from all sides.

pure grater

Tip: If before using the grater, grease its surface with a small amount of butter, then the pieces of food will not dry on the metal, and even after an hour they will be washed off without any difficulties.

  • Wet a nylon brush and drip a few drops of dishwashing detergent. With this tool you need to wash the product from all sides, working exclusively along the location of the holes.
  • If the pieces of food are still stuck somewhere, we clean them with a wet toothbrush.
  • Rinse the product thoroughly, get wet and let it dry. You can only put the device into the cabinet after it is completely dry.

tap wash

The approach is quite troublesome, but effective. With its use, the surface of the grater will for a long time remain not only attractive, but also functional. And food will not get unnecessary notes and aromas that have passed from once processed foods.

How to wash a grater from dried particles?

If all the deadlines have passed and the pieces of products have tightly stuck around the grater, you do not need to rub it with a metal sponge, knife or other dubious objects. It is better to use one very simple approach, which will help to quickly restore and update even small threads.

grater application

Given the specificity of the method, it can only be used for metal graters without any inserts.

  1. We need: a dirty grater, a deep plate and a microwave. Additionally, we prepare a detergent and a soft sponge.
  2. Pour water into the plate, put the grater on the plate so that the most contaminated surfaces are located above and below.
  3. We put the whole structure in the microwave and run it for at least a quarter of an hour. No need to be afraid that the product will melt, the device simply does not have enough power for this.
  4. After time runs out, remove the product. It can only be washed under running water using a mild detergent and a sponge.
  5. If necessary, repeat the procedure until all dirt comes off the surface of the device.

grater cleaning

Of course, you should not abuse the latter method. High temperatures, and even in combination with moisture can adversely affect the quality of the metal, accelerate the process of its decomposition or the appearance of corrosion. It is better to regularly clean the product, properly dry and store. By the way, in the dishwasher graters do not undergo the necessary treatment, it is better to clean them manually.

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  1. Anastasia
    01/28/2024 at 02:49 Reply

    A metal grater in the microwave ?? What kind of bad advice !?


