Wash the microwave with vinegar and soda: quickly, cheaply and efficiently

Dried drops of fat in the microwave cause many problems for housewives. Try to clean the microwave with vinegar and soda, and this method will become your favorite. Inexpensive folk methods work flawlessly and very quickly.

How vinegar and soda work

Cleaning the inside of a microwave oven is a must. If drops of fat and food particles accumulate inside, then bacteria will gradually multiply there, an unpleasant odor will appear. No one will like to heat food in such a device. It is best to start cleaning immediately after warming up the food, until the pollution has dried up. But this is not always the time.

Girl at the microwave

To remove contaminants, table vinegar and baking soda are used - cheap and safe for humans products. Not everyone decides to use chemicals for washing the microwave due to hazardous components that can get into food or damage the quartz element.

Why you should try vinegar and soda for washing the microwave:

  1. Vinegar - a well-known cleaning, softening and disinfectant. It contains organic alcohols and acids, which quickly dissolve fat. One of the exceptional properties of vinegar is that it gives a glossy shine to stainless steel surfaces.
  2. Soda powder also has the necessary properties: removes fat, absorbs unpleasant odors, disinfects.

vinegar and soda

Both individually and together, these products are used for cleaning appliances, various surfaces, for washing and removing old stains. They work against fat and dirt in the microwave instantly. Popular washing methods are steaming with a solution, applying slurry from soda, and in mild cases, simply wiping the walls with means.

The result is noticeable after the first application, the procedure itself lasts 5-15 minutes. Sometimes you need to repeat the cleaning 2-3 times, but only in the case of neglected pollution.

Steps for cleaning the appliance with soda and vinegar

The easiest way - Wipe the walls of the microwave with vinegar or soda solution, and then with clean water and a dry rag. The advantage of such cleaning is that you don’t need to worry if partially the substances are not washed off. They will not cause harm to health.

vinegar cleaning

Steaming - the most effective way, so dirt is easier to remove from the walls. You can use plain water, but with an active solution it will turn out faster.

To avoid stubborn stains, clean the inside every week. Cover food plates with a special lid so that drops do not fall on the walls. The lid is easy to clean with a conventional dishwashing detergent.

Dry soda is not used, as it is a small abrasive and is able to leave small scratches, and damaged surfaces are much faster and easier to get dirty. Soda is used as a solution or slurry.

We prepare a solution of soda and clean the device:

  1. Our task is to soften the coating on the walls of the microwave. We prepare a suitable container for the solution, which can be heated.
  2. In a glass of water, dissolve 1-2 tbsp. l powder. The liquid should not reach the edge of the dishes.
  3. We carry out cleaning by heating the solution at maximum power for 5-10 minutes. Some housewives say that 2-3 minutes is enough. It is not necessary to cover the solution.
  4. After the timer stops, do not open immediately, but wait 10 minutes. Let the walls cool down a bit.
  5. Softened particles of dirt will be removed with a soft sponge or piece of cloth. Do not take brushes, as they damage smooth surfaces.
  6. Wipe the clean chamber with a dry cloth.

Soda Oven Cleaning

How to wash the microwave with vinegar, instructions:

  1. For purification, 9% vinegar and water are sufficient (in a ratio of 1: 4).
  2. The procedure is the same as in the case of soda. The solution must be warmed up in the oven, wait a bit, remove the container and remove greasy marks with a sponge.

purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ magazine recalls that when a bite is heated, an unpleasant odor is released. During cleaning, open the window for ventilation so that it does not accumulate in the room and does not cause deterioration of health.

What to do with complex pollution

If the appliance has not been cleaned for a long time, immediately proceed to a double attack with vinegar and soda. Substances complement each other, so you save time. Note that when mixing acid and alkali, a violent reaction begins - pick up a sufficiently deep container and act carefully.

microwave cleaning

How to wash the microwave with vinegar and soda:

  1. Pour a glass of water into the container.
  2. First add 1 tbsp. l food vinegar, then as much soda.
  3. Microwave and heat the mixture.
  4. Allow to cool and remove greasy coating with a sponge or rag. To enhance the effect, soak a rag in a solution of vinegar.

Another effective way at home to get rid of persistent dirt and dried food with a simple soda gruel:

  1. Dilute soda with a small amount of water so that a sufficiently thick slurry is obtained.
  2. Using a soft sponge, apply the product on the inside of the microwave. In no case do not rub - we protect the surface.
  3. Now you need to wait 5-10 minutes for the soda to work.
  4. To enhance the effect, we turn again to vinegar. It must be sprayed on soda to cause a reaction. To do this, pour the vinegar in advance into the spray bottle.
  5. Remove a layer of dirt with a clean damp cloth and wipe the walls dry.

All methods with soda and vinegar are convenient: choose which one you like and start washing the appliance. And remember: the more often you follow the cleanliness of the technique, the less you will have to bother with accumulations of fat.

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