4 reasons not to wash windows in sunny weather - why is it better to postpone cleaning?

The more light enters the room, the better the mood and a happier soul. However, washing windows in sunny weather is not allowed. Firstly, it is considered a bad omen and bodes in the coming days, wind and rain, after which all the work will go down the drain. Secondly, when direct sunlight hits the glass, it is impossible to wash it qualitatively - after cleaning, there will certainly remain stains on it.

Woman washes a window in sunny weather

Why not?

Our grandmothers also knew that windows should not be washed in sunny weather. Now this common truth is slowly beginning to be forgotten, and completely in vain. The consequences of breaking the unwritten rule are not that terrible, but very unpleasant. Here is what awaits the unreasonable mistress:

  • stains and stains will remain on the glass;
  • in the near future (according to signs) it will rain.

Rain outside the window

Bad sign

Different signs and superstitions somehow surround us from all sides. You can deny them, you can not believe them, but everyone knows them. All of them are based on the observations and experience of their ancestors, who deduced certain laws for themselves. It is impossible to explain them logically. But the fact remains that many of the signs come true.

They say about washing windows in sunny weather: "Wash the windows in clear weather - to rain and bad weather."

Surprisingly, many modern housewives claim that this warning works. Of course, it rains just as well, which does not affect the cleanliness of the windows in the best way. But you really want to enjoy transparent, almost invisible glass for as long as possible!

A man washes a window

Detergent dries quickly under the sun

Direct sunlight contributes to the rapid evaporation of moisture. Detergents containing alcohol dry out especially quickly under the sun. As a result, they do not have time to work out and clean all the impurities. Leaks and stains remain on the glass, which have to be washed several times, and then rub the window with paper until it shines.

Girl washes a window

The rays of the sun blind

Another reason why washing windows in sunny weather is not recommended is that the bright sun dazzles and does not give proper consideration to the dirt on the windows. His eyes are watery every now and then, you have to squint. And if washing occurs at a height, then it is also traumatic. Squinting from the bright sunlight, it is easy to lose balance and fall down.

Washing windows

Poor stains

Everyone who washed the windows at least once knows that dirt and stains are visible from one angle and completely invisible from another. To wash the glass well, you need to periodically inspect it from all sides.

  • Sun glare contributes to a better view, but for their appearance the light should not be direct, but diffused.
  • Also, the dirt on the window is clearly visible against the background of floating clouds and a cloudy sky.

But the blinding sun and heavenly blue worsen the view and hide the lion's share of dirty spots.

Girl washes window glass

When to wash windows?

Choosing the right time for cleaning is just as important as preparing good detergents and familiarizing yourself with window cleaning techniques. With the fact that the weather should not be sunny, we have already decided. But what then should it be?

So, wash the windows correctly:

  • in the morning or evening hours;
  • with variable cloud cover;
  • after the rain;
  • in the absence of wind.

As a rule, general washing of windows is arranged 2 times a year - in the autumn before the onset of frost and in the spring after the last snow melts. The rest of the time, the glass is wiped with a damp microfiber cloth inside and out once every 3-4 months.

If the dwelling is located near the carriageway, it is recommended to wash the windows more often, up to 1 time in 2-3 months. Dust and fumes quickly settle on glass surfaces. They prevent the penetration of sunlight and harm the health of residents.

The girl on the windowsill washes a window

Rules and tips that make window cleaning easier

To quickly and efficiently clean windows, you do not need experience or sleight of hand. The main secret is to follow the correct sequence and prepare all the necessary materials.

For work you will need:

  • rubber scraper on a stick up to 30 cm;
  • absorbent rags, napkins;
  • means for cleaning glass surfaces;
  • soap solution;
  • basin with clean water;
  • newspapers.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. First of all, windows are washed from the inside, and then from the outside.
  2. Both inside and outside, they first wash the frame, moving from top to bottom. For profiles made of metal-plastic and wood, clean water is sufficient; in case of severe pollution, a soap solution is used.
  3. Wipe clean frames dry, and then proceed to washing the glass.
  4. You can wash the windows by various means: chemical, folk, ordinary soap, diluted with water. Each hostess chooses her own method. But in all cases, it is much more convenient and faster to apply detergent from a spray bottle.
  5. After the detergent is applied to the window, you need to wait a couple of minutes for the dirt to get wet. You can moisten it several times if the dirt is dried.
  6. The glass is cleaned with a rubber scraper, then all the dirt is washed off with a moisture-absorbing cloth moistened with clean water.
  7. Finally, the glass is wiped dry with napkins or newspapers. Then there are no spots and stains on it.

To make the windows shine, at the final stage they are wiped with a solution of ammonia (2 tbsp.spoons per 1 liter of warm water). And if you use a solution of vinegar, it will scare away the flies. A solution of ammonia and glycerol (100 ml of alcohol, 20 ml of glycerol per 1 liter of water) will save windows from fogging. They wipe the glass before the onset of frost.

Window cleaning for many is associated with an unpleasant and lengthy process. However, if you follow all the rules, the work will be done quickly and efficiently. The first step is to choose the right day. Do not wash windows in sunny weather. Wait until the sky becomes cloudy. Follow the technique and everything will work out!

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  1. Ivan Kk
    07/27/2024 at 16:44 Reply

    And you can’t wash the windows, as you burn to the coals through clean glass.
    Looks like in the flooded areas from the rain in Russia, everyone without exception washed windows.
    Always true valid sign, it does not urinate against the wind. The consequences are known.


