Is it possible to wash floors with washing powder and in which case

Hardware stores offer us so many options for household chemicals, and it seems logical to purchase a special solution for mopping. In some cases, you can wash the floors with ordinary washing powder.


Is it possible to wash the floor with washing powder

Laundry detergent is an alternative detergent that is used instead of a special liquid along with laundry and toilet soap, dishwashing gel, shampoo.

shiny clean floor

It is better to refuse washing powder as a detergent for the floor, if you clean the nursery or have pets in the house, the detergent is not washed off well. Surfactants can damage the cork floor. Powder with aggressive components (e.g. bleach) will adversely affect both cork and parquet or laminate.

Another unpleasant moment - the floors get dirty faster than after a special tool. The latter removes the static from the coating and leaves a thin, safe film that repels dust (similarly, but special polishes or mastics work more effectively). The powder simply does not have such properties.

floor cleaners

Features of the procedure

Washing floors with powder is not much different from normal. For a laminate or parquet, a rag must be wrung out carefully. It is better to pass linoleum twice: wet and dry with a napkin. However, there are differences.

First of all, the proportions: on a bucket of water, put 1 tbsp. l washing powder, not more. Otherwise, a lot of foam is formed.

cleaning and mopping

The second aspect: granules in water must be properly dissolved. Use warm or hot, but not scalding water. The latter will better wash away dried up dirt.

Advice from
Use regular or delicate powder without whitening ingredients.

Do not forget to put rubber gloves on your hands: the powder negatively affects the condition of the skin, and with regular contact causes allergies.

Powder mopping

After washing all the areas, be sure to go through them a second time: with a rag dipped in clean water. All powder must be washed off so as not to breathe the remnants of a chemical agent. Also, the remnants of the powder can make the floor slippery, it will be ugly stains.

Finally, wipe off any remaining moisture with a dry cloth.

Do not forget to choose a good equipment for washing. If there is a lot of dust on the floor, first remove it with a vacuum cleaner or with a broom, so as not to smear excess dirt.

Washing powder is much faster than soap or a cheap floor cleaner to wash complex dirt. However, it must be thoroughly washed off, and this will harm delicate floor coverings, such as a laminate. Therefore, it makes sense to resort to powder only to combat individual traces, and wash the entire floor with a special tool.

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  1. Vladimir
    07/04/2024 at 14:43 Reply

    Liquid laundry soap.


