Is it possible to wash linoleum with vinegar: the pros and cons

There are many ways to use vinegar in everyday life, among them - use as a detergent. Seasoning is used to clean bathtubs, sinks, floors. But can linoleum be washed with vinegar? Not only possible, but necessary, at least periodically.

The use of vinegar in the home

Vinegar is not dangerous for linoleum

Vinegar is a natural substance with unique properties. It disinfects, destroys bacteria, viruses, molds and their spores. It is used to refresh the surface of the floor, remove stains and give shine. Well-known sour seasoning absorbs fat and eliminates unpleasant odors.

If a person with an allergy lives in the house, then washing the floor with vinegar is simply necessary. Under the influence of acid, dust mites that produce allergens are destroyed.


The floor covering has many advantages - strength, moisture resistance, unpretentiousness in cleaning. However, linoleum is covered with a protective layer on top, which is easily damaged if improperly maintained. Scratches spoil the appearance and shorten its service life; linoleum also does not tolerate aggressive exposure to chemicals.

Vinegar in this series is an exception to the rule. Washing linoleum with vinegar is safe for both the floor and the hostess.

How to clean floors with vinegar

It is recommended to carry out wet cleaning in the kitchen daily (random spots and greasy traces appear constantly here), the remaining rooms - at least 1 time per week.

Floor brush

Here are the basic rules:

  1. Vacuum or sweep the floor beforehand. Any debris when wet damages the top layer of linoleum.
  2. Prepare a warm soapy solution or clean water, not hotter than 45 degrees. Too cold will not wash away the pollution, and with boiling water the coating will lose its former luster.
  3. Add to the bucket 2 tbsp. tablespoons 9% table vinegar (colorless).
  4. Squeeze the cloth thoroughly before cleaning; otherwise, stains will appear on the floor.
  5. It is recommended to wash the coating with a soft cloth or microfiber cloths.

Cleaning linoleum with a rag

Soda, alkaline solutions and bleaches cannot be used to clean linoleum. All these tools corrode the surface of the protective film and penetrate into its very base.

If the surface of linoleum is very dirty

In this case, a more concentrated solution will come to the rescue. For this, 1 cup of vinegar is added to 5 liters of water. After using acetic solution, it is advisable to rinse the surface again with clean water.

Advice from
Do not be afraid of an unpleasant smell in the apartment after cleaning. The vinegar aroma disappears a few minutes after the floor dries.

Wet cleaning

A few tricks:

  • essential oil will help get rid of an unpleasant vinegar aroma; just add a couple of drops to the water to clean the floors;
  • apple cider vinegar can replace table vinegar, but its washing qualities are lower and it leaves behind stains;
  • if a soap or powder was used, carefully remove any residue with clean water.

Food table vinegar is an affordable tool that can be found in every kitchen. It is inexpensive, environmentally friendly and an effective alternative to industrial cleaners. Using vinegar, it is easy to wash linoleum and other coatings, it absorbs odors, and its smell disappears faster than perfumes of industrial chemistry, often causing sneezing in people with a delicate sense of smell.

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