What can I do while cleaning the apartment? Rescue from boredom found

House cleaning can be a torment: every housewife faced the unwillingness to wash and wash. Just thinking about dust and trash can make you sick? There are several great ways to motivate yourself by combining cleanliness with learning something new and getting positive emotions. Listening to music for cleaning is not the only solution, because there are also audio trainings, books, films, karaoke and many other activities.

cleaning of the apartment

Sing louder

If you are shy about your vocal abilities, then a vacuum cleaner will be your best friend. Turn on the device at full power and sing as your heart desires. And at the same time clean the carpets with a long pile. A water jet will help drown out the voice while washing dishes or rinsing clothes.

It is not necessary to sing to the noise of household appliances. Show off your talents by singing along to your favorite artists. Take out the speakers and turn them on at full capacity (if the cleaning is carried out during the daytime, and you will not disturb anyone). Use karaoke, call your friends.

girl with a mop

Singing is allowed in silence, so you can fully appreciate your timbre and delight them with home and neighbors.

Listen to the music

If you have been putting off acquaintance with a new musical style or group for a long time, then it's time to turn on the album and listen to it from beginning to end. During cleaning, you will not notice how time flies.

Active tracks will amuse you and help you tune in the right way. Slow - calm the mind and give a good mood. You can even be sad with your favorite artist.

Girl in headphones cleaning

Try to put something from the classics: when else do you listen to Beethoven or Chopin, if not during restoring order?


Cleaning can become a complete cardio training when there is no time to go to the gym or walk. Turn on peppy tracks and feel free to dance! If you are alone at home, then cleaning will become an anti-stress training: without hesitation, splash out all the accumulated emotions in your movements. This practice really helps fight depression.

Active workout-cleaning will not only burn calories, but also give an excellent mood for the rest of the day. A great way to cheer up in the morning, right?

cleaning with dancing

Watch your favorite movie

We can quote some films from any minute. These paintings are so remembered that there is no longer any need to look at the details and delve into the plot. Each of us has a favorite film, the viewing of which has already become a waste of time. In order not to deny yourself the pleasure, just turn on the cinema during the cleaning.

Play: try to remember key or funny phrases and say them out loud a couple of seconds before they sound from the mouth of the hero on the screen. It is fun and develops memory.

But it’s better not to include new films: so you will be constantly distracted by the details or miss the important components of the plot. Save an unfamiliar picture for a cozy evening by candlelight in a clean apartment.

Alternatively, turn on the TV. During the cleaning hours, you’ll be tired of advertising and crazy stories of programs so as not to return to watching the “zombie creator” until the next cleaning of the room.

cleaning the living room


Audio books, trainings, video recordings of seminars - how long have you put the training materials in the long box? Combine self-development and cleaning the apartment: this is one of the best combinations for spending time on the weekend.

In the public domain there are excellent training courses:

  • to create your own business;
  • speed reading;
  • housekeeping;
  • developing your own style of dress;
  • parenting;
  • learning foreign languages, etc.

Advice from purity.bigbadmole.com/en/
Use wireless headphones to watch out for any training details when you are picking up water or going to another room

It is not necessary to include something abstruse in the background: watch a comedy series, a cartoon. This also contributes to development in certain areas of life: there will be something to talk about with friends, colleagues, children.

headphones and books

Listen to the audiobook

Reading fiction in the current pace of life is becoming an inadmissible luxury. Yes, and paper books are growing endlessly in price. Look on the Internet for an audio book that you have been putting off for a long time.

Is there a general cleaning in the apartment? It's time to plunge into interesting adventures with the main characters of the books, without losing valuable minutes.

Play the game

If cleaning is carried out by several people at the same time, think up a word game. So you can attract children to cleaning. Play with them in “Cities”, invent words of one part of speech in one letter, etc.

fun cleaning

So that the child independently tidies up the nursery, come up with a home mini-quest. Draw a pirate map with tasks, mark the necessary zones with a cross. A fascinating cleaning will take 30-40 minutes, and at the end of the baby there will be a reward - a pirate treasure (from delicious sweets to a new toy). You will see that putting things in order in the nursery will become the expected event for the child. It's all about the right motivation.


Turn cleaning into meditation by incorporating recordings of nature sounds, singing bowls and any other relaxing tunes. Fill your favorite aroma lamp oil. Use incense, open the windows wide so that fresh air enters the house. Wet clean with aromatic products. Let the apartment be filled with smells, and the soul with peace.

For vivacity, use the aromas of citrus, coniferous, woody odors. For relaxation - lavender, floral and fruit arrangements, vanilla.

Bring Wellbeing Into Your Home

Someone has enough positive thoughts during cleaning up: cleaning up the garbage, the hostess imagines that troubles are leaving her family's life.


We offer you some simple, even comic rituals that will cheer you up and, as you know, attract good luck to your home:

  1. Take a broom and sweep the trash towards the front door. So you drive away failures and protect yourself from the evil eye. It is best to do this after visiting guests who are not very pleasant to you. The same applies to mopping.
  2. Inspect things, do they litter the house? Feel free to throw away everything old, broken, unnecessary and that which causes negative memories. This way you bring new things and events into your life.
  3. Play the game "27": this number in the teachings of Feng Shui helps to cleanse and harmonize space. Collect 27 items: checks, tea bags, old cream bottles, plastic bottles and any other things. After you take out the trash, noticeable relief will come.
  4. Do not use old clothes to clean the floor, so as not to scare away luck. If a quarrel has occurred in the family, take a special cleaning cloth, rinse all the corners thoroughly, and then throw it away with negative emotions.

Make housekeeping an entertaining process and even a celebration under the power of every housewife. Define an activity that you like and feel free to combine business with pleasure. Perhaps the cleaning will turn into a welcome event, because sometimes it only makes it possible to learn something new and to “hesitate” from the heart.

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