Is cleaning an apartment or house harmful to health?

Keeping clean is important. Thanks to clean hands and dwellings, we forgot about cholera, dysentery and typhoid. However, it was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks spoke of the Golden Mean. Everything is good in moderation.

Household appliances

Household chores are bad for the heart

European scientists diligently monitored the health of hundreds of people and found that regular household chores provoke high blood pressure: over the course of the year, this indicator was too high for both women and men, who often worked at home or in the yard.

Any physical activity increases pressure, but housework, most often, the mistress / owner worsens well-being by inhaling clouds of dust, germs, microscopic mites, etc., while not monitoring the heart rate or breathing.

The girl is cleaning the apartment

The cleaning position also usually does not contribute to cardiac, respiratory or bone health. On the contrary, posture and blood circulation worsen, and if a lady is a lover of washing with hands, then the load on the eyes increases significantly.

Ophthalmologists are categorically against manual mopping. For those who have low vision, this method can lead to worsening problems and even retinal detachment. Therefore, arm yourself with modern mops with high-quality nozzles or electronic equipment.

Allergies, Asthma, and Pulmonary Failure

All this is like long-term smoking syndromes, right? As the Norwegian study, which lasted 20 years, showed that women who abused cleaning with household chemicals significantly reduced the health of their lungs. Among those who regularly cleaned at home or at work, there were 3-4% more asthma sufferers than among those who did not regularly engage in cleaning.

Girl is cleaning

According to scientists, the fact is that aerosols and sharply smelling cleaning products irritate the mucous membranes, the body develops a protective mechanism and reduces the volume of inhaled and exhaled air. The result, unfortunately, is pulmonary weakness and even asthma.

To compensate for the harm caused by cleaning, you will have to develop a respiratory system: regularly exercise in the fresh air for at least 40 minutes, do breathing exercises, play wind instruments.

The magazine, following therapists and allergists, recommends that its readers not get carried away with household chemicals. Light impurities are removed by water and flannel or microfiber. A number of complex contaminants are removed by old methods. For example, greasy spots perfectly absorb salt, soda, talc. For general cleaning, be sure to wear a mask and gloves, and after that - carefully ventilate all rooms.

Dust allergy

Immunity declares: "No!"

The harm and inappropriateness of “sterile” conditions were noted by doctors as early as the 19th century, but then this concerned infants and was, rather, a dissenting opinion than general practice. Today, scientists have proved: people living in an apartment that is too clean have weaker immunity and catch colds and infectious diseases more easily. Experts insist: the house should be comfortable, but not sterile.

Psychologists say that constant cleaning is a sign of nervous tension. The hostess or the owner constantly feels the urge to do something, fuss, strain, not taking time to self-knowledge, self-development and contemplation.

Kitchen cleaning

Modern life is a constant race against time, but in reality it is impossible to catch up with it. Therefore, leading psychologists insist: consciously stop and calm down. Sterile cleanliness will not improve either the health of the family or your well-being, but a harmonious rest and the pleasure of communicating with loved ones - yes.

Living in a clean house or apartment is very pleasant, but there should be just enough cleanliness and order so that the dust lies in a layer of 0.5 cm and the moss does not roll on the floor. If there are pets in the house, a robotic vacuum cleaner will be a good solution. Postpone the extra cleaning or entrust it to gadgets, take the time to free your family, sports, hobbies or sleep - love yourself, and the world will answer you the same.

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