We learn to wipe the dust correctly so that it does not settle for a long time after cleaning

Every housewife wants the apartment to stay clean as long as possible. How to wipe the dust so that it does not settle? There are many useful tricks to deal with it, from observing the cleaning rules to the use of antistatic agents, folk remedies and household appliances. We offer you to learn secrets that will facilitate home care.

Antistatic for furniture

No gravity anymore

An antistatic agent is a substance that prevents the long-term preservation of static electric charges on the surface of objects. It retains moisture and thereby increases the concentration of ions. When applied to the floor, clothes, furniture, bedspreads, an antistatic agent prevents surfaces from sticking to each other, as well as dust from sticking.

There are different types of antistatic agents. Some are separately available for processing clothes, others are included in detergents, conditioners for washing clothes. Often substances with an antistatic effect are added to household chemicals for mopping and glass.

List of detergents with antistatic for cleaning the house:

  • furniture polish Mebelux;
  • furniture care agent “Chirton Anti-Dust”;
  • Emsal furniture cleaner with antistatic;
  • universal antistatic "Every day";
  • Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner Cinderella with an antistatic effect;
  • Prosept Multipower Neutral floor cleaner with antistatic effect;
  • Carpet Cleaner Carpet + Antistatic.

Antistatic for furniture rub the surface by dripping or spraying liquid on a paper towel or rag. Means for carpets and furniture directly carry out cleaning, after diluting them with water. Universal antistatic agents can handle curtains, bedspreads, plastic windows, and other items in the house. By choosing a special household chemistry, you can significantly reduce the concentration of dust in the house and the speed of its subsidence.

Dust cleaning

Properly clean - this is important!

Dust suppressants only help if used correctly. First of all, you need to learn how to do the cleaning sequentially.

How to wipe the dust?

  1. It should move from top to bottom. First you need to wipe the chandeliers, baguettes, cabinets, and then the furniture and floor. If you do the opposite, the dust from the upper tiers will fall down and cover already processed objects.
  2. You need to use a slightly damp rag - so the dust will be collected most efficiently. If you wipe it with a wet cloth, there will remain stains, if you use a dry one, dust particles will fly around the room.
  3. Before wet cleaning is carried out dry. First you need to sweep the floor, vacuum the carpets and furniture. Then there will be less suspended particles in the air, and it will be possible to wipe the surface clean.

To prevent dust particles from flying around the room, close the windows and doors during cleaning, turn off the air conditioning and the fan, which creates a draft.

Dusting with a vacuum cleaner

Efficient appliances and special equipment

Special cleaning accessories and household appliances help to fight dust in the apartment. We list the most effective:

  • Napkins with antistatic effect. First of all, they are designed to eliminate dust and static electricity from screens and various types of equipment. But they can also wipe cabinets, shelves, mirrors and other surfaces.
  • Microfiber wipes. They collect dust best and prevent it from flying around the room.
  • A vacuum cleaner. The universal device for dust control. Devices with various nozzles, washing, with a steam generator help to eliminate it especially effectively.They are able to clean inaccessible places, deep layers of fabric, upholstered furniture, carpets, toys.
  • Sinks and air purifiers. Devices designed for air filtration, including dust collection. They trap harmful particles inside themselves, as a result of which they have to clean up less often in the apartment. Some varieties even have a dust sensor, in particular Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2.

It is important to clean the vacuum cleaner regularly and change the filter of the air purifier. Otherwise, dirt will fly out of the appliance.

Dusting with a microfiber cloth

How to wipe the dust?

For cleaning various furniture and things in the house, their means and methods are good. How to wipe dust correctly &

  • With upholstered furniture and carpets. You can use a vacuum cleaner, steam cleaner, detergents for carpets and upholstery. Also, periodically they need to be knocked out. Doing it better on the street, balcony. But if this is not possible, you can put on top of the old wet sheet and how to work out a knocker.
  • With solid furniture. To remove dust from furniture made of wood, use polishes and soft rags. If the layer is large, you can first go with a vacuum cleaner.
  • From the floor. A vacuum cleaner, rag and mop will do their job perfectly.
  • With chandeliers and lamps. It is very convenient to wipe objects located at a height with a cloth glove for cleaning. You can also put a sock on your hand. In extreme cases, use pipidaster and just brush away the dust, and then wipe it with a cloth from the items below.
  • From children's toys. Soft toys should be washed and knocked out monthly. Plastic wash in a basin with laundry soap. Electronic toys can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  • With household appliances and appliances. A computer, TV, refrigerator and other equipment collect a lot of dust. It is worth regularly walking along the back of the devices with a mini-vacuum cleaner, a damp cloth or a napkin with an antistatic. First unplug the power cord.

Dust settles around the entire perimeter of the room, accumulating including on wallpaper, doors, ceiling, curtains. Once every 3 months, wipe all surfaces. If the material is resistant to moisture, it is better to choose wet cleaning, and if not, dry.

Furniture dusting

Folk remedies for dust

Household chemicals from dust can be successfully replaced with home remedies. Recipes with antistatic effect:

  • Mix 200 ml of water, 50 ml of 9% vinegar, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 2-3 drops of any essential oil. Pour the product into the spray bottle. Spray over furniture to prevent dust from settling.
  • In 1 liter of warm water, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of alcohol and stir. Wipe hard surfaces.
  • Mix vinegar, hair conditioner and warm water in a 3: 2: 6 ratio. Use to clean furniture.
  • Add 2 drops of peppermint and lavender essential oils to 200 ml of hot water. All esters are natural antistatic agents.
  • Mix the juice of 1 lemon and 7 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, insist a week. Dissolve the infusion in 200 ml of water. Soak a cloth with a solution and squeeze well. Wipe off dust from furniture. After using this product, it will not settle for 2-3 weeks.
  • To 10 parts water add 1 part glycerin. Wipe clean and polished furniture.

Workplace order

Dust Prevention

Many, probably, noticed that in some houses dust practically does not appear, while in others it is necessary to fight with it almost daily. The speed of its appearance largely depends on the height of the floor, the dustiness of the city, the proximity of the road. There is always more dust on the ground floor, and less on the last floor. To reduce its number in the apartment, preventive measures should be taken:

  • Keep windows closed. The bulk of the dust penetrates from the street. Ventilate the apartment several times a day, but do not keep the windows open at all times.
  • Wipe horizontal surfaces regularly. Most of the dust settles on them. If it is not removed on time, it will scatter and dust all space.
  • Throw away the trash. The accumulation of various, especially old and crumbling things, is one of the main causes of dust in the house.They are not only difficult to wipe, they themselves gradually turn into dust.
  • Carpets, soft toys, souvenirs, artificial flowers are famous dust collectors. If possible, get rid of them or wash them well 2-3 times a month.
  • Use cabinets and shelving with doors. Small things, books and other things are best kept closed. It is much easier to wipe the cabinet than to wash clothes, wipe each souvenir or book.
  • Comb your pet. Do not forget that the wool is electrified and covered with dust. If the dog or kitty is combed out in a timely manner, less dust will float in the house.
  • Plant indoor flowers. Plants attract dust by purifying the air. Particles are absorbed by the flower, and residues settle on the leaves.

Many people doubt how to speak correctly - to wipe or wipe the dust? Dust is wiped off the surface, and the surface is wiped off from dust.

Dust in the apartment is not only unaesthetic, but also harmful to health. Dust mites, germs, viruses like to settle in it. It causes allergies and respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is important to be able to wipe the dust correctly. Follow the recommendations given above, use special tools and equipment. Then the house will delight for a long time with cleanliness and freshness.

Author: Zhanna Tsvetkova

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leave a comment
  1. Igor
    08.21.2019 at 22:50 Reply

    Century live and century learn

  2. Agnia
    09/01/2024 at 22:24 Reply

    It turns out))) I cleaned correctly.

  3. Neighbour
    09/08/2024 at 10:54 Reply

    Knocking out the carpet on the balcony ... The neighbors will say thanks!

  4. San
    09/17/2024 at 18:31 Reply

    The dispersed phase of dust has already settled in the form of particles on the surface of the furniture. She has already settled! Where do they hang in the air from? I wish everyone to ventilate the room so as not to inhale the highly dispersed aerosol!)))

  5. Olga
    10.26.2019 at 15:25 Reply

    Much less dust in the bedroom if bedclothes are carefully patted before washing (duvet covers on both sides). Especially on today's cotton bedding there is a lot of filament dust, it’s just that the Cloud is when you pop it out. Previously, on Soviet cotton fabrics it was several times less, they made threads better and twisted more firmly, such linen could be used for years. Now calico is less common than chintz, useless fabric has gone that ours is imported (with rare exceptions).

    • Lyudmilka
      11/05/2024 at 04:45

      I agree with you completely. When you change your bedding, you just wonder where so much dust comes from.

  6. Lyudmila
    10/27/2024 at 00:27 Reply

    if the dust does not sit on the surface - it flies in the air and we breathe it. Dust must sit on the surface ... otherwise - trouble

    • Julia
      11/02/2024 at 18:30

      That's for sure

  7. Tatyana
    11/06/2024 at 19:20 Reply

    When you vacuum, you need to open all the windows in the apartment, after that it turns out very fresh in the rooms, then walk the mop on the floor, and then close it. And there will be no suspended particles!

  8. Lena
    11/10/2024 at 16:16 Reply

    Thanks again for the surprisingly simple tips!


