How can I wash my school and travel backpack?

For many years, people have been happy to use backpacks as a replacement for not so convenient bags and not so practical portfolios. True, sooner or later, product owners are faced with the question of how to wash a backpack, and here the problems begin. Contrary to popular belief, even traditional cloths are not as resistant to external influences as they seem.

green backpack

If you set the mode on the washing machine incorrectly, you can permanently ruin your favorite thing. And some materials cannot be washed at all, even hand-made. But here, if you wish, you can find an approach that will allow you to clean the accessory.

How to wash a backpack in a washing machine?

A student or school satchel made of the most common material without impregnation, giving the product special properties, can be exposed to this option. In this case, the main thing is to correctly set the parameters on the washing machine and choose a quality tool.

  • First, obvious contaminants can be treated with a stain remover, only chlorine-free products are allowed.
  • After that, we soak the product in a weak vinegar solution with the addition of a small amount of baking soda and stand for at least one and a half hours. This will eliminate the unpleasant odors emanating from matter.
  • The schoolbag thus treated is placed in a laundry bag or an old pillowcase. This will maintain the integrity of the fasteners, straps and laces.
  • Then we load the product into the drum, set the delicate mode on the washing machine, set the minimum temperature.

Tip: Even if the density of the fabric is such that it can handle boiling without problems, you don’t need to go to extremes. Cold temperature will prevent the fibers from wearing out and washing out color, which often causes brightly colored products.

  • As a detergent, it is recommended to use gel types of powders. They work well at low temperatures and do not leave plaque, completely washed out of the texture of the material. If such a product is not available, you can use a dry substance, but you will have to take it in a minimal amount, while running an additional rinse.
  • After the end of the program, you must immediately remove the product from the drum, remove the pillowcase, turn out all the pockets, straighten the laces and straps. In this form, the accessory is dried in the fresh air until the signs of moisture completely disappear. If you do not finish the product, then an unpleasant smell of dampness will come from it and mold will start over time.

 laundry detergent

If it was not possible to clean the school backpack qualitatively from the first approach, you can try to repeat the manipulation, this time pre-soaking the subject in a suitable stain remover for at least a couple of hours. To use solvents in this case is extremely inappropriate, they do not always give a positive result, but they necessarily reduce the strength of textile fibers, reducing the quality of the thing.

How to clean a backpack that cannot be machine washed and manually?

Backpacks designed for tourists can only be cleaned by hand. They are made of high-tech and very capricious to the processing of fabric, which, if not properly handled, quickly loses its positive properties. Machine wash is strictly prohibited for the following reasons:

manual backpack cleaning

  1. The chemical components of powders and gels (even mild enzymes of plant origin) rapidly destroy membrane tissues, change the composition of materials worked out by special impregnations.
  2. Machine wash is so aggressive that after the first time it neutralizes the water-repellent properties of the products, after which the fabric begins to pass moisture.
  3. The dense fabrics used for the production of travel bags cannot be thoroughly rinsed even after several cycles in the washing machine. Detergents deposited in the structure of the tissue begin to react with sweat on the surface of the skin, causing the development of a rash.
  4. The mechanical stresses that dense fabrics have to endure in the washing machine lead to stretching of the seams. Over time, gaps form in the products, which are very difficult to neutralize on their own.
  5. In modern tourist backpacks, you can find many additional options: orthopedic back, compacted bottom, wire frame. Because of all these inserts, the accessory is bulky; it is difficult to put it in the drum without damaging important elements. Even if this succeeds, it will still not work to clean such a structure qualitatively.

green backpack

For this reason, it is recommended to simply regularly conduct intensive surface cleaning of the item, using the most ordinary laundry soap. First, all detachable elements must be removed from the device, they must be processed separately. Pour a little warm water into a deep basin or bath and add soap shavings.

bath-soaked backpack

We immerse the backpack in the solution and immediately begin processing. To clean especially dirty areas, you can use a brush with a short soft pile or a dense sponge. It is recommended to act actively, so that the residence time of the product in water does not exceed 15-20 minutes. Next, drain the water, rinse the object in cool water until it remains clean and dry the material in a shaded place with good ventilation.

It is difficult to say how often it is necessary to wash a functional device, experts recommend doing this as it becomes dirty or in the case of visible spots. If processing is carried out too rarely, the product will be covered with a layer of dirt and washing will bring a lot of trouble. If you part with the processing, the material will quickly wear out, losing its attractive appearance and practicality.

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  1. Maria
    09/12/2024 at 18:41 Reply

    Thank you for the article ! I myself use sheets for washing WAVE. The main advantage is its complete solubility in water and a small amount of FOAM! Thanks to this, the product is completely washed out of the seams of the backpack, without leaving any stains ... I can safely advise!

  2. Oksana
    03/10/2024 at 15:58 Reply

    And at how many revolutions can I wash my backpack?


