How to clean your coat at home?

Processing the outer clothing of their wool, cashmere or drape has a number of features, the neglect of which is fraught with damage to the product. Before you clean your coat at home, you must conduct a thorough inspection. In most cases, you can do with gentle mechanical cleaning of the product, chemical exposure is used only for the most difficult and persistent contaminants.

girl cleans a coat with an iron

Evaluation of the product is carried out in a well-lit place, the thing must first be hung on the shoulders and thoroughly straighten all the folds. Particular attention is paid to problem areas: collar, cuffs, pockets. Any manipulations are carried out only after a thorough study of the label with recommendations for processing the item.

Features of the approach to cashmere products

To gently but qualitatively clean the cashmere coat, you can do it with delicate washing at a temperature of 30 ° C. If there are persistent spots on problem areas of the product, then the following manipulations are recommended before processing:

  1. Pour warm water into the bath, add liquid soap or a special detergent to it. Lightly foam the liquid.
  2. Soak the product, let it soak for several minutes with a cleaning agent. We begin to wipe the spots and greasy places with a very soft brush.
  3. After achieving the desired result, rinse the coat in clean water. If the product is light, then be sure to add a mild conditioner.
  4. Slightly wring out the thing and send it for further processing in the washing machine or dry it.

cashmere coat

In order not to spoil the cashmere coat during the drying process, you need to wrap it in a terry towel and squeeze it slightly. Then we lay out the product on a fresh towel spread out, straighten all the folds and hold until completely dry. The use of artificial heat sources is unacceptable.


You can also use the drying option on the shoulders, but only if the coat is not too heavy. Under the weight of the water, it may stretch too much in certain areas.

We clean and restore the drape coat

Attractive, practical, comfortable and never out of fashion a coat of drap is not very moody in terms of processing, but there are a number of nuances. The light product responds well to Vanish processing. Dry powder is poured onto the stain and then act strictly according to the instructions using a clothes brush.

Drape coat cleaning

A good result gives a composition for cleaning carpets. In this case, foam is applied to the product, which is also brushed off with the brush along with dirt. In the process, it is best to use tools with natural bristles.

To clean the drape coat, the label of which forbids the use of even delicate washing, you can turn to the dry approach, with the treatment of stains with soapy water.

  • We breed a means for washing wool with a small amount of water. In the resulting composition, we moisten the fabric, which gently three problem area.
  • We wait half an hour until the reagents of the composition act on the stain. Then gently rinse the cleaner with clean water. Wet the wet area with a dry cloth.

In conclusion, we carry out dry cleaning of the remaining sections of the product and dry it on the shoulders in a well-ventilated area.

soap solution

Rules for processing wool

It is possible to clean the wool coat carefully and efficiently by hand washing in cool water with the addition of a washing conditioner.

Before processing, you need to knock out dust and remove stubborn stains.

  • Overgrown areas are treated with a mixture of medical alcohol and vinegar. Components are taken in equal proportions.
  • A black or dark coat responds well to black tea brewing. The fabric is wetted in a fresh, slightly warm composition, after which the treatment of the problem area is carried out.
  • Dried formations need to be held over a stream of steam, this will facilitate mechanical cleaning.
  • Threads and dust particles adhering to the surface are easily removed with a velor brush.

girl cleans dust coat

Difficulties can arise if the coat is white. With the wrong approach, it acquires a yellowish or gray tint. It is possible to prevent this by using specialized wool gels diluted with water and supplied from the spray gun.

Useful tips to help remove stains.

If you violate the technology of processing spots on the fabric, traces may remain, even if you clean the coat with the right means.

girl cleans coat

Therefore, you need to proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. The impact is carried out from the edges to the center, if you rub the spots in the opposite direction, the work will be noticeably complicated.
  2. Persistent stains can only be removed if the back of the fabric is previously laid with a cloth absorbing dirt. If necessary, you even have to tear the lining.
  3. The maximum positive result is achieved when exposed to the stain from the wrong side.
  4. To remove greasy stains, use a solution of gasoline or a mixture of water, ammonia and soap. If greasy stains are fresh, then you can influence them with talcum powder or starch.
  5. Coffee stains are removed by the composition of two parts of pharmacy glycerin and one part of ammonia.

In especially neglected cases, you will have to use dry cleaning services or resort to professional stain removers.

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  1. Luda Guy
    08/15/2024 at 21:49 Reply

    I don’t clean my coat myself since I did it myself on a short coat of spools, now I use only dry cleaning services. Lately, I’ve been applying only to Bianca, where they will take my thing and then bring it to the house already clean.


