How to properly care for and clean suede shoes from dirt, salt, excess moisture and sand deposits at the seams?

Practice shows that only a limited number of people know how to care for suede shoes, what techniques to use to quickly tidy up your favorite comfortable sneakers or elegant shoes.

Suede shoe care

Neglecting the basic rules, owners of suede products use aggressive means, trying to eliminate traces of stains, salt deposits and scuffs, which significantly reduces the service life of things and leads to a deterioration in their external attractiveness. Some even try to wash suede, although you just need to correctly use specialized tools and instruments, which today are presented in a wide range.

Features of the care of shoes made of suede, compliance with which will allow full and long use of the product

Photo 2- Care for suede shoes

Quality care for suede shoes begins during the trip to the store. Together with the pair you like, it is recommended to purchase a special brush and a protective spray for soft skin. For starters, this can be limited to, suede boots, shoes and sneakers are easily cleaned from dirt with improvised means.

At home, you need to inspect the product again, clean off the dust with a new brush if it has settled on the skin during the fitting process. Immediately after this, a first layer of water-repellent spray is applied. After it dries, a second layer is applied and after a few minutes - a third.

This technique will protect the sneakers from stains, shoes from scuffs, boots from moisture. Due to the presence of the film, dirt will not be able to penetrate the fabric structure; it can be easily washed without damaging the fibers.

What to do if suede shoes get wet or stained?

Wet Suede Shoes

People who have learned from their own experience how difficult it is to clean suede shoes covered with moist, stubborn dirt, remember for a lifetime that such products are not designed to be worn in wet weather. But even if this rule had to be neglected, you can still put things in order.

The sequence of manipulations will be as follows:

Wet Suede Shoes Care

  1. It is useless to clean wet suede from dirt, and you certainly cannot wash your shoes in a typewriter or soak in soapy water, the stains will only smear and become deeper. First, the affected sneakers or shoes will have to be dried;
  2. Ideally, you need to take special pads, they allow the product to maintain its shape and not shrink. At home, toilet paper or paper towels will cope with this task. In light shoes you need to stuff objects only in white;
  3. As the products dry, the filler can be changed several times, this will speed up the process. Exposure to heat sources is prohibited! The sun's rays, battery, hair dryer, iron and other devices will dry the skin unevenly, its surface will go in waves;
  4. Before you clean your suede shoes, you need to make sure that it is dry, for this we’ll get it wet in several places with paper towels;
  5. Next, you need to clean the suede shoes with a special brush with hard bristles. If the surface is very dirty, we apply a foam cleaner, then we process the material with a tool with rubber fibers.

Tip: Despite the significant differences in the texture of synthetic and natural soft leather, in order to clean faux suede you will have to carry out all the same manipulations.In a sense, synthetics react even worse to external stimuli and require more patience.

Particularly noteworthy are the questions of how to clean suede from salt and stubborn stains. Here, not only specialized care products will be used, but also folk methods.

You can put the products in order in one of the following ways:

How to care for suede

  • Greasy stains and greasy stains covering shoes or sneakers are recommended to be washed with a regular eraser. The same result will be obtained by treating the matter with a brush with rubber or rubber teeth. To properly clean suede boots at home and eliminate traces of fat, it is better to use talcum powder. You need to sprinkle it on the spots, wait for good absorption and then you can wash the composition with a stiff brush;
  • Pieces of stubborn dirt will first have to be soaked. Suede shoes cannot be washed, but steam is allowed. We simply hold the contaminated area of ​​the shoe or sneaker over the steam from the spout of the kettle for one minute, then proceed to treat the area with a rubber brush. Before you clean your suede boots in this way, you will have to pre-clean the stain. Soft suede shafts get wet very quickly under the influence of steam, so we reduce the exposure time to half a minute;
  • In extreme cases, intensive care for suede shoes comes down to the use of homemade cleaning foam. Into a glass of warm water we introduce a tablespoon of liquid soap and ammonia. Whip the product into foam. Wet a clean cloth in it and process the stain. Then the area should be washed with weak vinegar water, but not allowing the material to get wet. So it is recommended to clean sneakers and shoes with a dense surface from dirt and sand.

Light suede can be cleaned with a mixture of milk and soda. We apply the product on the skin with a clean cloth, after a few minutes the stain can be washed with a rubber brush.

How to choose the right tools for the care of suede products?

Photo 3 - care for suede shoes

Complete care for suede shoes requires the purchase of a brush, although some prefer to do with an eraser. The best option would be a tool with a rubber pile on one side and hard metal bristles on the other. Additionally, soft formations on the sides may be present.

  • With rubber formations, a cleaning agent can be distributed over the surface, eliminate greasy stains, and raise the villi of the skin;
  • The metal part is designed for dry cleaning. If you act correctly, then it can easily remove pieces of adhering and already dried dirt;
  • On some brushes, instead of the metal part, a crepe (in the form of waves) is present. It helps to erase excess particles very gently, improving the texture of the material;
  • An additional plus is the presence of a side wheel. Use it to clean stitched sneakers, removing sand from the seams.

You need to not only know how to care for suede shoes, but also follow these recommendations. Let it be troublesome, but it is better to resort to these tips than to succumb to the temptation to wash your favorite boots, trying to make your life easier.

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  1. Chupacabra
    07/23/2024 at 19:24 Reply

    You can get rid of stains on suede shoes with ordinary gasoline. To do this, simply soak a small piece of soft cloth in gasoline and rub the dirt until it disappears completely.


