Softening leather shoes without harming her

Leather shoes, as well as her brothers, created from other materials, are subjected to heavy loads every day, as a result of which, after some time, it ceases to please its owner with pristine beauty, comfort and gloss. The question arises: how to soften leather shoes, again to make it pleasant to wear and look. We have collected some popular and not so well-known ways to update leather products and suggest you familiarize yourself with them in the following material.

Shoes rub feet

What can interfere?

Of course, this is great when shoes immediately after purchase fall at the right time, but this, alas, is rare. Most often, people have to wear shoes (or something else, up to all kinds of “Louboutins”) or, even worse, wait until corns form under a specific pair of shoes. In addition, as mentioned above, shoes may lose their convenience during operation. Anyway, most often people complain that something is crushing: either backs, or capes, or, more rarely, the middle part of a boot or boot in the foot area. It is worth trying to soften the skin, using various means.

Special shoe processing

Special tools

In our time, one does not have to be surprised at the appearance of a product, especially since various shoe creams have ceased to be a novelty at the end of the last century, or even earlier. That is why the first thing to try in order to update the shoes is special creams and other products for shoes. They can be bought both in ordinary hardware stores and in specialized stores and searched in workshops.

Some enthusiasts sometimes use creams designed for human skin to soften shoes. Yes, of course, the leather used in the leather industry has many similarities with human, but creams intended for people have much less power, and they, of course, are not enough to make the skin of the shoes soft and “docile”.


How to soften leather shoes with glycerin?

Glycerin, in fact, is a universal substance. It is used in many skin care products. By the way, this will surprise many, but glycerin in its structure is alcohol, but non-aggressiveness allows it to be used in many substances. In our case, it can also be used: glycerin helps soften shoes and make them comfortable.

Glycerin, by the way, acts much stronger than specialized creams. It is very simple to apply: just buy a little glycerin in the hardware store and apply it to the problem area, and then leave it to soak. The main advantage of propane-1,2,3-triol (which is the scientific name for glycerin) is that it can cope even with serious hardening of the surface of shoes.

A few minutes after application, excess substances are removed from the skin and the surface is polished. Done! You can check the shoes for softness.

Wax cubes

Wax is another substance that can help.

Surprisingly, even the wax left from the candle will be a good help to those who want to soften their shoes. The method of use is simple: the candle is melted, and a warm wax mass is applied to the desired area of ​​the skin. Be extremely careful: do not touch paraffin immediately after it is stacked from a candle: it is too hot. After processing, the shoes need to be polished.


A way for non-greedy people

This method is not suitable for everyone.Someone may call it blasphemous and say that in some countries of the world people are starving, while other, more successful personalities, transfer food to all nonsense. Be that as it may, we thought it necessary to mention this method. So, a leather product can be softened with a piece of unsalted pork lard. Natural fats contained in it, in no case will harm neither the skin of the shoes, nor the skin of the person who conducts an experiment with their own shoes.

The use of fat is a very easy process. A small cube or parallelepiped is cut off, and they already rub the desired area. By the way, you can rub the entire surface of the shoe, so as not to polish it after processing - animal fat perfectly protects the shoes from moisture and temperature extremes.

Shoe leather shoes

How to update leather shoes?

But the question does not always arise in the plane that we outlined at the beginning of the article. Some people just want to update their favorite boots or shoes that have lost their charm during operation: they look not so fresh, they crush, they cause corns, in a word - they do not please the owners. In general, of course, all the methods described above can be applied equally to update shoes, and to soften some of its parts. But there are several more similar paths of action that we decided to describe.

Firstly, the surface can be rubbed with petroleum jelly so that it acquires a shine, as well as to eliminate small cuts that could appear on the skin. Vaseline is not as strong as glycerin (although it is also safe to use), and therefore it is sold almost everywhere.

Secondly, you can wipe the leather of the shoe with castor oil (or, in common people, castor oil), which can simultaneously fix minor damage to the shoe, and even slightly increase it in size: castor oil stretches the seams, resulting in larger shoes. This may be relevant if the owner, for example, has daily dressings or gout has begun. Castor oil is simple to use: just put it on a tampon and carefully wipe (several times) the surface of the leather product.

Shoes daily help us to overcome the path without harming ourselves, taking all the brunt. Let us take care of what helps us: treat it at least once a season for greater protection and we will simply observe certain precautions. We hope the article has become useful to you. Good luck

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  1. Olgp
    05/17/2024 at 08:48 Reply

    Thank you, the article is very useful for its information. Your advice saved my shoes😁


