Do I need to wear underwear under thermal underwear: the pros and cons. The specifics of thermal underwear

Trends are somehow present in the life of every person, and the main motive in clothes, shoes and accessories in recent years is convenience and comfort. Thermal underwear allows you not to be afraid of low temperatures and feel comfortable in any weather in any clothes. But there is a very important and scrupulous question: do I need to wear underpants under it? This is undesirable for a number of reasons, but acceptable.

Thermal underwear

How thermal underwear works

Any thermal underwear is made in such a way as to most effectively maintain the natural heat of the body. The key point here is direct contact, because in itself it does not warm. With the exception of the warmest woolen options for severe frosts, thermal underwear should literally become the second skin, fit tightly, and not hang loose. This is the only optimal way to wear it.

Thermal underwear action

The unique structure of the material retains heat inside with air. And modern synthetic fabrics can perfectly remove moisture and sweat, which also helps not to freeze. Such technologies are often used for the manufacture of sportswear, so many models of thermal underwear can be worn during training, both outdoors and indoors.

Layers of thermal underwear

What to wear underneath

It is advisable to wear thermal underwear on a naked body, but this does not mean that underwear is categorically unacceptable. If you really want, then a bra and underpants can be worn underneath, provided that they are made of fabrics that will not absorb moisture. This is the case when natural materials: cotton or linen - are extremely undesirable.

girl in thermal underwear

They keep sweat in themselves, not allowing the thermal underwear to remove moisture, and also trap heat and do not interfere with the accumulation of special underwear. Thus, an expensive purchase will not work fully. On the contrary, a synthetic or viscose fabric (modern technology allows you to make it breathable, not at all stuffy) allows moisture and heat to pass through, transferring thermal underwear a little worse than bare skin. And yet some discomfort is more than possible.

black thermal underwear

How to choose

As for the purchase itself, the resource recommends choosing thermal underwear very carefully, taking into account the level of activity and carefully choosing the size. For every day, not very active people will suit cotton and wool lingerie or a mixture of synthetics with natural fibers. But these options are absolutely not suitable for people who are constantly on the move or playing sports, as they have worse moisture removal compared to synthetics and dry longer.

Girl with a guy in thermal underwear

If there is any doubt about the size, then it is better to give preference to that which is smaller. Such underwear usually stretches very well, but an incomplete fit is critical and leads to the fact that thermal underwear simply does not work.

The advantage of synthetic thermal underwear over natural is that the first one can be worn both in winter in cold weather and in hot summer. The amazing properties of the material will equally protect against overcooling and overheating, and a hypoallergenic coating will not cause irritation or discomfort.

Summarizing all of the above, magazine advises against wearing underpants and a bra under thermal underwear and putting it on a bare, dry and clean body. And for maximum warming in severe frosts, wear fleece clothes and wind-resistant outerwear on top.

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