How to repair a bra if a bone comes out

Comfortable and beautiful underwear is the key to health and good mood. Today, branded products are not cheap, and it’s especially disappointing when, a week after the purchase, you notice that a bone has come out of the bra. It would seem that it is almost impossible to cope with the problem - no matter how you refuel a sharp part back, it will pop up and prick. Do not despair and abandon your favorite clothes. There are several methods that allow you to repair the product and at the same time not to spoil its original appearance.

The bone got out of the bra

How to “tame” a rebellious bone forever

For the uninitiated, it must be clarified that the bone is a metal arc inserted into the bra cup and allowing you to maintain the shape of the product. The sharp ends of the arc are blunted by drops of dried paint. As a result of prolonged use, machine wash, improperly sized and a number of other reasons, the bones can break through thin matter and break out at the most inopportune moment.

The first thing that comes to mind is to refill the part in place, take the needle and darn the gap created in the fabric. Such a fix would help, but not for long. In a day, and sometimes a few minutes, the point of the arc will again rest against the body, bringing pain and inconvenience, so the problem must be approached thoroughly.

To work you will need the following tools:

  • needle;
  • threads of a suitable color;
  • scissors;
  • ripper
  • nippers;
  • empty ink rod.

To repair a product, proceed as follows:

  1. Using a ripper, widen the gap a little and extend the metal arc 3-4 cm.
  2. Cut off the tip of the empty ink rod and put on the point of the bone. This work will be made much easier if the plastic is slightly warmed up by holding a candle or a lighter over the flame.
  3. Gently knead the molten plastic and allow it to cool. It turned out a protective cap that will protect the fabric from tearing.
  4. Return the bone to its original place.
  5. Darn the hole carefully, hide the end of the thread between the layers of material.
  6. If there are doubts about the strength of the darned material, you can apply a patch of a suitable dense fabric in color in the problematic place.

Sometimes the bone sticks out so hard that it is impossible to stretch the material and connect the edges of the gap. In this case, in order to fix the product, at the beginning of work, the arc is cut with nipples by 0.5–1 cm. Shortening this part will absolutely not affect the shape of the product, and bra repair will take place without unnecessary difficulties.

Taped up bra

Emergency Bra Rescue

Often problems with a bra arise at the most inopportune moment - at work, during a party or on the road. The bone rests on the chest, irritates the skin, and there is no needle or thread at hand to sew up the hole and at least somehow alleviate the situation.

  • Of course, you can just put a cotton pad under the bra. The end of the arc will rest against the lining, which will slightly reduce discomfort and pain. But such protection is suitable for a very short time, since when moving with your hands, the design will certainly move somewhere.
  • In such cases, you can use a band-aid or tape. The use of improvised tools will allow to eliminate the trouble on the spot and postpone the repair of linen for several days. Such an emergency repair is very simple. It is necessary to set the bone in place, cut off a piece of tissue patch or tape, depending on what is at hand, and glue the gap from the inside of the cup.

Any "accident" is easier to prevent than to eliminate its consequences.To avoid damage to underwear, bras must be washed manually or at least use bags designed for machine wash. A delicate product requires manual cleaning, especially if the model is decorated with beads or lace. Machine wash at high speeds contributes to the rapid thinning of the tissue, after which it breaks and loss of bone.

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  1. valentine
    05/23/2024 at 16:48 Reply

    Nonsense, she will crawl out on the other side. When washing, the material sits and no bone. It is necessary to cut the bone so that it does not come out.


