How to quickly and efficiently clean a beaver coat at home?

Women have a special relationship with fur products, especially if you urgently or plan to clean your favorite thing. According to statistics, an impressive part of the owners of beaver coats prefer to do this at home, and without the use of special tools. Contrary to the opinion imposed by specialized companies, such manipulations are really easy to do at home and absolutely safe for the fur. You just need to be patient, you will have to spend a lot of time on implementing the idea.

girl in a beaver coat

Basic rules for the care of beaver fur products

If a decision has been made to store a fur coat from a beaver at home, and take care of the fur yourself, you need to remember the following points once and for all:

  1. Cleaning should be carried out not only if necessary, but also after every winter. Then at the beginning of the new season you don’t have to worry about the appearance of the garment.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to store a beaver fur coat in a plastic case. It can only be a canvas bag. It is not necessary to tie it too tightly, on the contrary, it is better to leave a small hole for air intake.
  3. The fur should be combed regularly, regardless of the length of the pile. To do this, you need to purchase a special tool, ordinary brushes and combs will not help here.
  4. The technique for treating the pile during combing or brushing depends on its length. On the surface of the long pile, it is necessary to conduct strictly along the "growth" of hairs, sheared - against.

girl in a beaver coat

Today, thanks to the rapid development of industry, a beaver fur coat can be cleaned qualitatively and safely even by washing in an automatic machine. To do this, you need to choose a low temperature and delicate mode, and it is better to replace the traditional washing powder with a special gel. Processing will be soft, but effective, however, the risk that the fur after this “sits down” still exists.

Methods of home cleaning beaver coats and their features

There are several ways to clean beaver fur at home. Subject to dosage requirements and specific handling of active components, all of them are considered safe and effective.

brushing a beaver coat

  • If there is no desire or need to treat the coat completely, for example, you need to clean local surface contamination, ammonia can be used. We dilute two parts of ammonia with one part of water, in the resulting solution we moisten a soft rag or towel without lint and wipe the stain with gentle movements. Then dry the area with a dry cloth and comb the fur.

Tip: After such exposure, the beaver fur may fade a little. To eliminate the negative effects, it is recommended to use medical glycerin. We put it on a cotton pad, which we process the problem area.

  • There is a great alternative to wet options for exposure to a beaver fur coat - hot sand treatment. It is perfect for both long and sheared fur. During your stay at sea, you need to collect some fine sand without impurities in the form of stones. At home, we rinse it again, dry it, you can even bake it in the oven. We spread the product on a dense horizontal surface, fasten all buttons, align. Pour an abundant layer of sand on top, distribute it by hand. We leave for several hours so that the grains of sand absorb all the dirt and grease. Then shake out the component and carefully comb the fur.

beaver coat

Some craftsmen manage to clean the item of clothing even with dry shampoo for cats. The method is quite controversial, but according to reviews it is quite effective and affordable.

Principles of working with fur of light shades

The listed methods are categorically not suitable if you need to clean the fur of white color or very light shades. But the problem will be solved if at home there is a little starch or semolina without impurities. You just need to pour the selected product on the stain, hold it there for at least an hour and remove. Unlike sand, such small particles will be reluctant to leave the fur coat, so in the end the product will have to be knocked out carefully.

bleached beaver fur

Over time, the lightened fur of a beaver may acquire a yellowish tint. It can be cleaned with 3% hydrogen peroxide. To do this, apply the product on a cotton pad and treat the affected areas with yellowness. Rinse off the composition is not necessary, just dry the product and comb.

The proposed recommendations differ in that they do not have any side properties. They do not lead to the formation of lumps and bald patches, do not leave characteristic traces after themselves and can be used with such regularity as necessary. Only if none of the methods yields the desired result should you contact a fur specialist or a dry cleaner.

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  1. Chupacabra
    06/24/2024 at 01:35 Reply

    Girls, I read your advice and probably also decide to wash in the typewriter, I have a light beaver fur coat, long with a mink finish. Can you scratch a pusherka?

  2. Anna
    12/30/2024 at 14:40 Reply

    A white beaver fur coat can be machine washed only in cold water. The result is wonderful.


