How to quickly dry a down jacket after washing and not ruin it?

In conditions of the Russian winter, there is no better clothes than a fluffy jacket: it does not constrain movements, it is light, it warms in the cold, and it is not hot in the thaw. The only question that owners of such clothes may have is how to dry the down jacket after washing in order to restore its original properties? Some features are here. But if you strictly follow the rules, then winter clothing will serve more than one season, without losing either its attractiveness or operational properties.

Washing a down jacket in a washing machine

This must not be forgotten

Despite the fact that many articles have been written on how to wash, and especially how to dry down jackets, the owner of this miracle makes the same mistakes. Whether this is done because of laziness or due to lack of time is unknown. But the result is usually deplorable - a down jacket at best acquires an extremely unpleasant odor. This fixes easily. It is enough to wash it again and this time to carry out the procedure correctly. Worse when the downy filler deteriorates and is no longer able to warm in cold weather. It remains only to throw out a hopelessly spoiled jacket and go to the store for a new one.

Therefore, it is worth recalling once again what should not be done in any case.

  • Do not wash the down jacket in a mode involving high water temperature and heavy duty.
  • Do not use powders - only liquid products designed specifically for such clothing. You can even try using regular shampoo.
  • Do not get carried away with frequent washing of down jackets, this can wash off water-repellent impregnation. If you can do with dry cleaning, do it.
  • Be sure to rinse the jacket well, otherwise soapy stains on the fabric may remain. This is not only ugly, but also reduces the properties of a down jacket.
  • Do not spin at high speeds. Firstly, the jacket will also be squeezed out at low speeds, and the energy consumption will not be so high. And secondly, at high speeds, the filler can deteriorate and crumple so much that then it can not be fluffed and normally dried.
  • Do not forget to put tennis balls with your jacket.
  • Do not dry the down jacket in a horizontal position, and even more so on terry towels, such products need good air circulation. Otherwise, you get spoiled filler and disgusting smell.
  • Do not use batteries, heaters, or hair dryers, even if you need to dry the down jacket very urgently. Spoil both the filler and the impregnation of the fabric. By the way, in the sun, you should not leave a jacket, especially from light fabrics.
  • Do not be lazy to shake and break lumps of fluff, even the smallest. Let this process take a certain amount of time, but the down jacket will dry out faster, and the filler will not lose its properties.

If, in addition to all these points, you will also store your down jacket correctly (do not fold it, but simply hang it on your shoulders in a closet), then the jacket will serve you for a long time without requiring repair, and even more so replacement.

Steps for washing and drying the down jacket

Proper winter clothing care

Before you think about how to dry your favorite jacket, you should wash it correctly. Otherwise, further actions are already meaningless. If you follow the order and correctness of action, further drying will not cause any special problems and will pass quickly enough.

  1. Before sending the down jacket to the machine, you need to process the sleeves and especially dirty places. You can wipe them with laundry soap, diluted dishwashing liquid, ammonia solution (one spoon per 100 ml of water), water, salt and vinegar, or just sprinkle with salt or starch.Let the jacket lie down a bit, literally 10-15 minutes, and you can send it to the wash.
  2. But here you should not quickly start the machine. First, unfasten the hood and other removable parts, fasten the jacket and turn inside out.


    Put a few tennis balls in the drum, they will not let the fluff stray into one lump, but gently distribute it. In this case, neither the fabric nor the filler will suffer. Only use caution with colored balls with a jacket sewn from light fabric: they can shed, and ugly spots will appear on the down jacket. It is better to first check this improvised product for color fastness.

  3. Now you can start the wash. Set the gentle mode: “Wool”, “Hand wash” or “Delicate wash”. Do not forget that powders should not be used. Buy a special product in advance for products with fluff or for membrane fabrics. Spin the lowest.

If you have not missed any of the points, then in the end you will get a clean jacket without lumps of fluff. But this is not the end of winter clothing care. Now you need to dry it properly. But in the event that your washing process went according to all the rules, further drying will no longer be an endless headache.

Drying the winter jacket after washing

How to dry a winter jacket?

Now you have a wet jacket on your hands and you have moved on to the next process. And a lot depends on how to dry the down jacket. Even if you used the delicate mode when washing, the balls didn’t throw your jacket at random, it may lose its appearance and warming properties if you hang it on a rope on the balcony. But it is also impossible to dry the jacket on the battery, otherwise the filler will simply deteriorate.

  1. The down jacket can not be dried unfolded, as is usually done in the situation with sweaters. So the jacket will dry for a very long time, it will get an unpleasant musty smell, and it will lose its shape instantly. So immediately go to the second point.
  2. As soon as you remove the down jacket from the machine, immediately shake it quickly several times. So the filler, which the balls did not break, will crack out a bit inside. Especially do not be zealous in this matter - this is not a doormat, shake lightly.
  3. Hang the jacket on the clothes hanger and choose a suitable place for drying. It should be a warm place with good circulation of fresh air. Naturally, away from heating appliances, since temperatures above 30 degrees are fatal for down jackets.
  4. Periodically remove the jacket from the coat hanger and shake it. If you are lucky in the sense that in the down jacket the filler is divided into compartments, then you can just slightly knead it with your hands. You can use a special beater for rugs. You don’t have to be zealous, the process should be as careful as possible.
  5. You should immediately prepare for a long wait, as the fluff dries for a long time. Usually the process takes at least two days. But if you need to dry your jacket very quickly, then you can use a fan or hairdryer, using only cold mode. Do not direct the air flow in one place, but treat the entire jacket completely, moving smoothly on the surface. Also, do not forget to stop periodically and shake the jacket.

As you can see, the question of how to dry a down jacket has a fairly simple answer. If you are not lazy and in a hurry, a down jacket will delight you more than one season. And you don’t have to update your wardrobe from year to year, especially since such products are not cheap. It is in your power to save money, your own strengths and nerves, you need only a little patience and care. You already have the necessary knowledge.

We recommend reading the article on how to beat fluff in a down jacket after washing

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  1. Tatyana
    11/24/2024 at 18:26 Reply

    Thank you very much for the intelligible, kind recommendations, it seems that the lecturer tells, without arrogance, but simply, humanly. All the best to everyone!


