Choosing the perfect ironing board: highlights and important nuances of the process

With the question of how to choose an ironing board, you need to contact people who have already encountered this process and have made a lot of mistakes. Only in practice it is possible to realize the complexity of the choice of material, shape and auxiliary parts of such a simple-looking design. Even the most ordinary case can cause a lot of trouble already during ironing, if you do not take into account several important parameters.

woman ironing clothes

The main thing is not to rush to make a decision and not be based only on external data and the value of the item. Trying to save a lot, you can end up paying twice. But do not overpay for options that do not intend to use.

Basic Ironing Board Requirements

The choice of ironing boards is simply amazing, which significantly complicates the process of making the right decision. There is only one way that will not let you get confused against the background of abundance; you need to make a list of requirements in advance that will allow you to filter out unsuitable models.

ironing board

Ideally, the ironing board should meet the following parameters:

  1. Ease. Most often, women have to iron and there is no reason to tear, constantly dragging the product from place to place.
  2. Strength. A quality model should not stagger, bend, beveled on one side or rattle.
  3. Compactness. If a separate room is not allocated for ironing in the house, then you need to look after an object that will easily fold up and in this state will not take up much space. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the assembly mechanism.
  4. Convenience. Practice shows that it is most convenient to work on a board with a wide countertop, an iron stand and a portable mount with a socket.
  5. Quality. The cover must be taken soft and non-stick, without protruding threads, all elements of the product should fit snugly against each other and not create noise during operation.
  6. Mobility. The subject should be adjusted to the desired growth and create assembly problems.

Today, many products comply with the stated requirements, so for the right choice you will have to understand in more detail the features of modern designs.

ironing board with stand

Features of the countertop as the main element of the ironing board

The countertop is the main element of the ironing board, the quality of which determines the convenience of work. Today, manufacturers can offer the following types of countertops:

  • From chipboard. The cheapest and most impractical option. After several months of regular processing of the material with steam and moisture, it deforms. Plywood goes in waves, which makes its further operation impossible.
  • Mesh. It can be represented by a wicker base or a metal sheet with holes. Its main advantage is the ability to let steam pass through itself.
  • Metal. High-quality and durable option that will last for many years. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of special holes for steam, otherwise heat will accumulate on the surface and quickly ruin the cover. The best option is considered to be metal worktops covered with wood, but they weigh quite a lot.
  • From thermoplastic. Innovative material that is considered optimal for creating countertops. It does not trap steam and moisture, does not sag and does not deform, and is durable and light. The only negative option is its high cost.

Choosing the size of the countertops, you need to be guided by your feelings, but practice shows that it is most convenient to iron on a surface with a width of at least 35-38 cm.

Particular attention should be paid to the material from which the product cover is made. This is not only an attractive accessory, but also a functional coating that affects the ironing process.

woman ironing a shirt

Wrong choice will lead to additional efforts or the need to regularly purchase a new product.

  • Softness. It is better to take the product with a special lining, otherwise you will have to constantly put a soft blanket to facilitate the ironing process.
  • Material. The best option would be synthetics, which has non-stick, heat-resistant and moisture-proof properties.
  • Additional options. On some coatings make there are special inserts for cleaning the iron or metal areas for ironing immediately from two sides. This is a matter of personal convenience.
  • Functionality. Rarely, but you can still find products whose case is nailed with carnations or put on heat-resistant glue. In case of material damage, you will have to change the entire board, so preference is given to a device with removable parts.


If the cover is removable, it is better if it will be mounted on ropes. The elastic bands are gradually stretched, as a result of which it is impossible to hold the coating in place.

Parameters ensuring the stability of the product and its optimal height

The right choice of ironing board is not only an assessment of the state of the countertop.

Turning to the bottom of the product, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Legs must be stable. Let them protrude a little beyond the edges of the board itself, this will not greatly affect the usability of the device, but it will significantly increase its stability. The material of the elements is welcomed light, but it is impossible that it is easily subjected to deformation. Rubber tips should be present on the lower parts of the legs, they will protect the floor from damage (plastic in this case noticeably loses).
  2. The best option for fixing the legs is bolted. Riveted products are very unreliable. Welding also gives a good fixation, but over time it can begin to break down.
  3. Type of fixation. It can be stepped and smooth. The first option will not give as many choices for height as the second, but it does not get loose over time.

If you do not pay due attention to these points, you can pay dearly for such an attitude. It is precisely misses in the selection of the fixation part of the ironing board that most often cause premature replacement of the product with a new item.

ironing board with iron stand

Advantages and disadvantages of additional accessories

Modern models of ironing boards are often equipped with additional options. To some housewives, they seem unnecessary luxury, to others - the necessary functionality.

  • Stand for the iron. This is usually an additional element on the side of the structure. It is convenient to use when ironing large items, but practice shows that it breaks down pretty quickly.
  • An additional element for ironing sleeves. An irreplaceable detail for those who are often forced to iron shirts. It usually has the same cover as on the main product, so you don’t have to reconfigure it to work with another surface. Well, if the element is removable, it will not take up space on the work surface.
  • Shelf for linen. Allows you to fold ironed things at the bottom of the board, without wasting time folding them on shelves.

These points help to choose a functional and practical product, but it will become convenient only if you take into account your own wishes.

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  1. Erin Ulmer
    07/11/2024 at 12:00 Reply

    Numerous websites selling this type of product in countless electronic catalogs offer a wide range of products. Which ironing board is the best for you - you decide!


