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Instructions for use of universal adhesive "Titan"

Choose a universal adhesive that is suitable for almost all materials? Pay attention to glue "Titan". Due to its excellent adhesion, the product is used for working in the fresh air and inside any premises. It interacts with a huge number of different materials, leaving behind an even steady seam. The active ingredients are completely environmentally friendly and have no pungent odor.

Clay Titan Wild

Instructions for use

Glue "Titan" consists of vinyl acetate copolymers that are dissolved in organic solvents. Available in plastic bottles with a capacity of 250 ml to 1 liter. Volume may be larger for industrial applications. The product is used only on specially prepared dry and clean surfaces. Shelf life - up to 1.5 years.

"Titan" - glue with a good set of positive properties:

  • high resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures;
  • flexibility, transparency;
  • low consumption;
  • convenience when gluing tiles to the ceiling;
  • grabs quickly;
  • Ideal for indoor use.

The composition of the product does not include substances hazardous to human health.

Precautionary measures

When working with building glue, you should be careful not to allow it to get on the mucous membranes or on the body. If by accident the product gets into your eyes or mouth, rinse immediately with running water, and if necessary, seek medical help. In the room where repairs are carried out, there must be ventilation. Keep glue is allowed only in a place inaccessible to children.

One package of such a tool will replace many types of glue, simplify and speed up repair work. Before applying glue, thoroughly clean and dry the surface. If the surface is porous, several layers of the product are applied.


Be sure to free the ceiling or walls from the old whitewash and apply a primer layer, otherwise the properties of the glue will change.

Installation of ceiling tiles

"Titan" for the ceiling

For ceiling tiles, "Titan" is consumed in smaller quantities, it is applied with a dashed line. The ceiling must be cleaned of dirt and degreased. The tile is interconnected after the glue dries a little within 2-5 minutes. In order for the construction glue to completely dry, you need a little less than an hour. The work will be completely ready in a day. After use and complete drying of the product, a transparent even seam remains, which is almost invisible. Ease of use and quick results make the glue ideal for this kind of work.

Tytan Polymer Adhesive

Key Specifications

The purchase of universal glue will be an excellent budget savings, because in any home there will be applications for it. The hitching surface is highly resistant to frost, wind, water and other weather conditions. Often during repair work they buy separately a means for gluing tiles, linoleum, expanded polystyrene, but Titan Wild glue and its other varieties solve all problems at once.

Mounting adhesive is convenient and easy to use. The product is available in sealed packaging, and in order to open it, you only need to turn the cap once. To easily apply the product with one touch, it has a dispenser with which the adhesive is squeezed out with a thin strip into any hard-to-reach place.

In the production of adhesive composition, all the features of the external impact on the glued surface are taken into account. Any temperature changes, exposure to direct sunlight and moisture does not have any effect on the Titan glue. Weather conditions do not affect the technical characteristics of the product.

Using Titanium Adhesive

What glues "Titan"?

The tool is suitable for construction work, as well as for domestic purposes. The glue works with almost any material, including wood, paper and glass. It copes well with plastic products, linoleum, laminate and parquet board, easily glues any fabric. It is convenient to apply on concrete and cement surfaces. The product is available in several types of packaging.

How to dilute the product?

Dilute the product if necessary with methylated spirits or ethyl alcohol. If the glue has thickened, a small amount of alcohol will bring its consistency in order, it will be better to penetrate the cracks, but it will take more time for it to completely dry.

Bucket of glue Titanium

Release Forms

Polymer is available in various forms, depending on its intended use.

  • For mirrors

TYTAN mounting adhesive is made from synthetic resins and is suitable for gluing various mirrors to any surface. The advantage of the product is that it does not harm a fragile and sensitive mirror and works reliably with many materials. The glue has a beige color, its shelf life is one year.

  • Titan Wild

Resistant to high and low temperatures is glue "Titan Wilde". The product is suitable for all non-inert materials, therefore it is used almost everywhere.

  • For thermal insulation

For bonding foam there is a special type of glue that is used for thermal insulation work. The composition is convenient to use, quickly sets, it does not need to be bred further. It works well with polyurethane boards and other materials for thermal insulation. The tool simplifies the work and glues the boards with high strength.

“Titan” foam, which is available in a package with a reliable modern valve, also helps to insulate any room. Foam is in the bottle and is used to fill various joints, insulate facades and roofs. Modern packaging helps significantly reduce material consumption.

  • Mounting adhesive for ceramics and stone

Eco-friendly Tytan special adhesive for ceramic materials and stone sets very quickly. This type is used for gluing with wood, drywall, and other surfaces that quickly absorb glue.

Wood glue Titanium

How much is glue and where can I find it

The product is popular, because it can be found in almost any hardware store. The product is also sold in the economic departments of supermarkets, shops and markets. The cost of glue starts from 60 rubles and reaches 350 rubles, depending on the volume and type.

The main advantages of the "Titan" line are the stability of the compounds to moisture and changes in weather conditions, high strength, as well as quick effect. The versatility of the tool allows you to use it not only during repair and construction works, but also for domestic purposes. Clay "Titan" is available in different types, all the nuances of use are explained in detail by the instructions, so everyone can choose an effective tool for their needs.

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  1. Diana
    12/19/2024 at 21:15 Reply

    Please tell me what is the density of titan wild glue?


