How and how to clean mushrooms - the nuances of processing

Many housewives refuse to prepare tasty and satisfying dishes with mushrooms, oils and honey mushrooms just because they don’t know how to clean mushrooms, how to prepare them for further use. Some even have doubts as to whether this should be done, because even in restaurants they serve dishes with products that are not disposed of from natural peel on hats.


You really need to approach the preparation of mushroom snacks, having previously understood all the intricacies of processing the main component. Only if you do everything right, you can count on creating an original and safe culinary masterpiece.

Do I need to clean the mushrooms: the basic rules of the process

Product pretreatment options may vary. Before you clean the mushrooms, you need to establish their origin. Shop champignons and oyster mushrooms are most often the result of artificial cultivation, so their skin can be left. We must not forget that even with this approach, the products are not produced in a sterile environment, so you need to wash them. Forest and garden mushrooms should be cleaned after harvesting, even if they were grown in an ecologically clean area and look clean.

mushrooms mushrooms

To do everything right, you need to remember the basic rules of the approach. They do not depend on the variety of the product and its origin:

  1. Mushrooms should not lie for a long time after purchase or assembly. The sooner they are processed, the lower the risk of food poisoning or product spoilage. Before you clean the mushrooms, they need to be inspected and sorted by size, degree of contamination, quality.
  2. Do not immediately wash the products, first it is better to use a dry approach. You need to arm yourself with a convenient knife for scraping the legs and a soft sponge or brush to remove traces of sand and earth.
  3. After dry cleaning, it is recommended to soak the mushrooms briefly in salt water. This will prevent blackening of the fungi and prevent the spread of undetected worms in them. By the way, artificially grown products may also suffer from the appearance of the latter.

Properly conducted pre-processing is not all. Depending on the type of product, additional manipulations may be necessary.

mushrooms soaked in water

The specifics of cleaning mushrooms of different varieties

The procedure for cleaning mushrooms is quite simple, but if you forget about the nuances of the approach or just ignore them, you can spoil a quality product and even provoke poisoning:

  • Before cleaning the oil, make sure that they are not false. To do this, remove the slimy film from the surface of the caps. If the substance does not move away, the mushrooms must be discarded. With real oils, the film leaves without problems, the size of the elements does not matter. An additional plus of manipulation is that the texture of the mushrooms will become softer. How much film after heat exposure becomes dense and unpleasant.
  • The main point when cleaning boletus is the processing of rough legs. From them you need to completely remove the top layer into a gray ripple.
  • Champignons are considered pure mushrooms. If they are still young, with a neatly closed hat, then you can limit yourself to wet processing with a soft sponge.
  • Before cleaning porcini mushrooms, it is necessary to assess the degree of contamination. Products abundantly covered with a layer of earth must first be soaked, brushed, rinsed under running water. If the problems are not so serious, then you can skip this step. Just take the mushroom, update the cut on the leg to make sure there are no worms and wipe the hat with a damp sponge.

mushroom cleaning

Tip: You can cook only proven mushrooms, do not experiment with dubious products.Even if the most ordinary champignons look non-standard, it is better to refuse them.

  • Redheads are very rarely contaminated. Before cooking, it’s tedious to simply rinse them under running water, rub problem areas with a sponge and cut off too long legs.
  • We clean the chanterelles from the sand, cut off the tip of the legs and soak for 10 minutes in clean water. You do not need to add salt to the liquid, mushrooms of this variety are not wormy.
  • Particular attention should be paid to how to clean mushrooms. First, cut off the leg with traces of soil. Then we soak the products in hot water and wait until all the impurities come off the mushroom and the ring under the cap comes off.
  • With a damp sponge alone, the muffins cannot be cleaned correctly and efficiently. First, the product must be soaked in cold water for at least a day. During this time, water needs to be changed several times. After the main dirt has gone, we take a brush and clean off the remnants of the earth and sand.
  • Oyster mushrooms need not so much cleaning as cultivation. We sort through the mushrooms, cutting off the lower parts of the legs, dark places and uneven edges on the hats.
  • Remove flakes or outer shell completely from raincoats. It must be remembered that only those raincoats that have not started to turn yellow inside are suitable for food.

mushroom cleaning

Only after cleaning the mushrooms in accordance with all the rules can their further use as a food product be allowed. This preparation should be carried out, regardless of what dishes are planned to be prepared in the future. If during processing an unusual or unpleasant odor from the pulp is noted, growths or damage caused by insects and animals are detected, such products must be discarded. Even heat treatment does not guarantee their safety and pleasant taste.

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  1. РњР ° СЃС‚РµСЂРёС † Р °
    08/30/2024 at 18:12 Reply

    In old mushrooms, it is recommended to cut off the tubular layer under the hat, as spores form there. It’s important to cook peeled mushrooms immediately, as mushroom fibers absorb odors very quickly.


