Before trying lychee, learn about the benefits and contraindications

In recent years, lychee began to be sold in hypermarkets - a fruit with an outlandish name and exotic appearance. Its fruits are similar to plums in a dense red peel with pimples. And what is their taste? Does the fruit benefit health? How to eat it right? We offer you to get to know the lychee more closely, learn about its beneficial properties, contraindications and rules of use.

Ripe lychee fruit

What is lychee

Lychee fruits grow in clusters on a tree 10-30 meters high. The plant prefers a subtropical climate, found in Southeast Asia, the southern states of the USA, and the African continent. The most delicious and juicy varieties are grown in China and Thailand.

Other popular fruit names:

  • foxes;
  • lycie;
  • leagues;
  • "Chinese plum."

In China, the fruit was nicknamed the Dragon Eye. Outwardly, the white flesh with a dark bone really resembles the eye of a strange animal. And in India, lychee gave the name "fruit of love", because it has the properties of an aphrodisiac.

Lychee has the shape of an egg and a diameter of 2.5-4 centimeters. Usually fruits weigh 15–20 grams. Covered with tuberous red skin, sometimes with a pink, burgundy or brown tint. The brighter the color, the sweeter the taste of the fruit. The flesh is white or creamy, with a consistency reminiscent of jelly. Inside it is a large dark brown bone, similar to a nut.

What does lychee taste like? The fruits of this fruit are sweet with acidity, very juicy and fragrant. They have something from strawberries, black currants, grapes. Unripe fruits have a tart aftertaste.

A handful of lychee fruits

How to clean and eat lychee

Before cleaning, it is recommended to wash the fruits under running water. They are brought from distant countries and treated with chemicals to extend the shelf life.

Ripe fruits are easy to peel. It is enough to pick up the fruit with a fingernail or knife in the area of ​​the stalk, and then free from the skin, like mandarin. To remove the seeds, cut the lychee in half or slightly press on the pulp - then the grains will pop out themselves, like corks from a bottle.

Unripe fruits that are difficult to peel by hand often fall on supermarket shelves. If you come across just such fruits, cut off 0.5 centimeters of the top with a knife and divide the skin with vertical lines into equal sectors. Then the "petals" will be easily separated from the pulp by hand.

Lychee juice cocktail

In what form do lychees eat

If you want to feel the real taste of lychee and give the body a maximum of vitamins, eat the white flesh of fresh fruits. Eat fruit like an ordinary plum or teaspoon. It is served chilled on the table.

Lychee also goes well with vegetable and fruit salads, poultry, fish, and is part of desserts (ice cream, jelly). In China, gourmet wine is made from fruit. And dried fruits are in themselves a tasty and satisfying treat.

Frozen fruits retain most of the vitamins and minerals, but lose a pleasant sweet taste.


How much can you eat per day

Parents are primarily interested in how many lychees children can eat. The daily norm is no more than 100 grams (5-7 pieces). Adults are allowed to eat up to 10-12 fruits per day.

González de Mendoza, a European historian of the 17th century, wrote that there is no heaviness in the stomach from lychee, so fruit can be eaten in unlimited quantities.However, the daily norm should not be exceeded. Why not eat a lot of lychee? The abuse of delicious fruits will lead to diarrhea, frequent urination and skin rashes.

Lychee bone

Is it possible to eat nut in lychee

It is impossible. Raw lychee seeds contain toxins.

Accidentally swallowed a nut with pulp? There is no need to worry for two reasons.

  1. Serious health effects will come only if you have eaten a mountain of seeds.
  2. Due to the strong shell of the core, toxic substances are practically not absorbed by the body.

In Asian countries, lychee seeds are fried and ground into powder. Then the toxins break up. It turns out a healing drink like the famous "Chicory". Ground seeds are used as a remedy for pain, digestion and worms.

Lychee fruits in a bowl

What not to eat lychee with

100 grams of lychee contain a lot of carbohydrates compared to other fruits - 14-15 grams. Therefore, the fruits are not recommended for use with heavy and fatty dishes, such as baked goods, fried pork, pate.

Fruit should not be eaten during a hearty meal or in the morning on an empty stomach. It is better to do this 1-2 hours after the main meal.

Fresh Lychee

What vitamins are in lychee

Lychee is good for the body due to its high content in vitamins, macro- and microelements, and organic acids. Its fruits are especially rich in B vitamins and ascorbic acid.

Table 1. Vitamins, macro- and microelements in lychee

Name% of the daily requirement (in 100 grams)Properties
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)0.79Strengthens the immune system, accelerates wound healing, prolongs youthful skin, protects against cancer
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)0.05Helps the body absorb proteins and fats, prevents nervous diseases, muscle cramps, has a slight diuretic effect
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.036Protects the retina from UV radiation, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, converts fats and carbohydrates into energy, preventing obesity
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)0.035An important vitamin for women: reduces pain during menstruation, supports the health of the hormonal and nervous systems
Potassium0.068Normalizes heart rate, blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the brain, reduces swelling
Phosphorus0.039Supports healthy bones and teeth, normalizes metabolism
Copper0.148Increases hemoglobin in the blood, stimulates collagen production

Also in the composition of the fruit are vitamins PP, E, B1, B4, K, calcium, magnesium, iron and other useful substances:

  • amino acids lysine, tryptophan and methionine slow down the aging process and prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors;
  • fiber normalizes digestion, prevents constipation and bloating;
  • omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids support brain health and have anti-inflammatory effects.

A handful of lychee fruits in the hands

Useful properties of lychee

Chinese plums help prolong youth, preserve beauty, prevent or cure some diseases.

Why should I include lychee in my daily diet?

  • Immunity strengthening

How much do they eat fruits to strengthen immunity and not get SARS? 6-8 pieces a day is enough. If a person is already sick, the pulp of the fruit will reduce sore throat and help get rid of cough.

  • Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Due to the high content of potassium, magnesium and B vitamins, lychees are used to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels - hypertension, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis.

The fruit removes excess fluid from the body, “bad” cholesterol, enhances blood microcirculation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

  • Digestion and weight loss

Fruits remove toxins and insoluble compounds from the body. They have a mild laxative effect, so they are eaten for chronic constipation.

Although it contains a lot of simple sugars, lychees can also be eaten by those on a diet.The fruit speeds up the metabolism: fats and carbohydrates that enter the body are converted into energy, and are not sent to the fat depot. B vitamins and copper prevent neurosis due to dietary changes.

  • Improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails

Litchi in large quantities contains substances with antioxidant properties: vitamins of group B, C, amino acids. They enhance collagen production. The latter makes the skin fresh, supple, and hair - shiny. Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium increase the strength of bones, teeth, nails.

  • Favorable pregnancy

Pregnant women are advised to eat lychee fruits, as they contain folic acid, which enhances the production of red blood cells and normalizes hormonal levels. And this is the prevention of uterine bleeding, miscarriage, premature birth. Lychee also prevents some malformations in the unborn baby.

In China and other Asian countries, doctors recommend eating lychees to people with liver, kidney, and lung diseases.

Freshly Picked Lychee Fruits

Harm and contraindications for lychee

Lychee is harmful in extremely rare cases. As a rule, unpleasant symptoms are associated with an overdose of vitamin C or copper, when a person eats fruits in kilograms.

Side effects that occur immediately:

  • skin rashes;
  • irritation of the oral mucosa;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • muscle pain, abdomen;
  • intense thirst;
  • dizziness;
  • prostration.

If you abuse the fruit constantly, you may encounter problems such as urolithiasis, gastritis, vitamin B12 deficiency, and a menstrual cycle failure. But residents of countries with a temperate climate are practically not in danger, since they rarely eat Chinese plums.

Immature fruits can cause harm to health. They contain hypoglycine and methylene cyclopropyl glycine. When eating lychee on an empty stomach, these substances lead to a sharp drop in blood sugar and poor health.

List of contraindications for the use of lychee:

  • individual intolerance or allergy;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice, ulcer, gastritis;
  • gout, arthritis.

It is not recommended to eat fruit while taking birth control pills. Lychee can increase estrogen production and reduce the effectiveness of contraception.

Lychee fruit

Is it possible to eat lychee pregnant and lactating

During pregnancy, lychee is not only possible, but also necessary. The important thing is not to abuse the fruit. A woman is allowed to eat up to 6-7 fruits per day.

But a nursing mother in the first 6 months after giving birth is better to abandon the exotic. In infants, lychee can cause skin rashes and intestinal colic. After 6 months, the fruit is allowed to be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother. Eat fruits 30–45 minutes before breastfeeding.

Cleaning the Lychee Fruit

Is it possible to eat lychee for diabetes

Many sources write that lychee lowers blood sugar, and therefore is recommended for diabetics. In fact, only immature fruits have this property, and fresh ones contain many simple sugars that are quickly absorbed. Thus, lychee cannot be eaten with diabetes.

In people with type 1 diabetes, unripe fruits can cause a dangerous condition - a hypoglycemic coma - and even lead to death.

Composition with Lychee Fruits

How to choose a lychee

Only ripe and fresh fruits will benefit the body. How to choose lychee?

  • Rate the color. Fruits with bright red peels are the sweetest and juiciest. A maroon or brown color indicates that the fruit was picked too late. Pale coloration produces unripe fruits.
  • Inspect the peel. If there are scratches, dents or stains on the surface, it means that the fruit was not properly stored or transported. Lychee will quickly begin to rot and lose its beneficial properties.
  • Breathe in the scent. Fresh fruits have a light fruity floral scent. If the fruit gives away acid or mold, then it has already begun to deteriorate. The aroma of bitterness gives out the chemistry that the peel is processed to protect the fruit from parasites.

If possible, buy lychee on the branches.This fruit is stored longer and retains maximum vitamins.

Lychee sapling on the windowsill

Growing Lychee at Home

In supermarkets, exotic fruits are not always on sale, and the price of them “bites”. But you can grow the plant yourself from the kernel.

What to do with a bone? Plant it to a depth of 2-3 centimeters in a nutrient moistened soil. Cover the pot with a plastic bag and place in a bright and warm place. Shoots will appear in 10-14 days. Then your task is to regularly water the plant and maintain the indoor temperature above 20 degrees.

Lychee tree

Lychee definitely deserves a place on the table of a person who monitors his health. This fruit is useful for the heart and blood vessels, digestion, metabolism, appearance. It tastes like berry jelly with a sweet and sour taste. In the cold season, he not only strengthens the immune system, but also raises the mood. Do not pass by shelves with an exotic product!

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  1. Vasya
    02/15/2024 at 12:25 Reply

    Damn, I ate 1 kg, and then I thought why my stomach hurts. Everything you need is in moderation. Good to all.


