How to quickly and correctly clean pomegranates - several effective and affordable ways

It is difficult to find a person who would not like the sweet taste of pomegranate or treat the fruit with indifference. With all this, people are in no hurry to buy ripe fruits, not knowing how to clean the pomegranates. Many simply do not want to spend half an hour of their life gathering tight-fitting grains in order to eat them later in a minute. With the right approach, everything is much simpler.


There are techniques thanks to which you can get to a delicious core quickly and without negative consequences in the form of stains on clothes. Real masters are able to peel the fruit in a couple of minutes or less, spending only a few movements on it. A little practice and such tricks will be within the power of everyone.

But it all starts with the selection of a suitable grenade. Tasty and juicy fruit must meet the following requirements:

  1. It can only be whole, without cracks, furrows, spots.
  2. It is not recommended that the surface of the peel be smooth and shiny, this is a sign of unripe fruit. It is better if the peel is slightly dried, tightens the grains so tightly that they even appear under it.
  3. Fresh pomegranate can not weigh a little, if it is not heavy for its size, then most likely it is practically dry inside.
  4. Do not get hung up on the bright red skin. Varieties of pomegranate with pink peel are no less sweet and juicy.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to the part with the inflorescence. It is good if it is dry, brown and as if wrinkled.

pomegranate slices

If the acquired fruit fits this description, then it can be quickly and easily cleaned, only you have to wash it first, and it is better to hide the clothes just in case under an apron.

Three traditional methods of cleaning pomegranate, their features and secrets

Pomegranates can be cleaned correctly by hand, separating grains one by one. But to facilitate the process, it is recommended to use one of the following methods:

  • We do everything fast. We take the fruit washed and dried with a towel, with a sharp knife we ​​cut off the base with inflorescence, so that grains and white veins separating slices become visible. We make shallow cuts along these natural delimiters, try not to penetrate deeper than the peel. We take a deep bowl, cover the upper part of the fruit with a plastic bag, and turn it into a cooked container with a slice. We take a tablespoon and begin to gently, but strongly tap on the surface of the fetus. If it is ripe, the grains will easily separate and quickly fill the bowl. After that, you will only need to remove the white films that can attack along with the edible parts.

pomegranate cleaning

Tip: Residents of eastern countries are perplexed by the habit of many citizens to separate the grains and then eat them separately. It is more correct to simply gently divide the fruit into slices, remove the separation films from them and remove the grain directly from the pieces of fruit with your mouth.

  • We do everything carefully. The preparatory stage is no different from the previous approach - washing, drying the fruit, cutting off the lid and making cuts. Then we place the fruit in a bowl of water, immerse the hands in the liquid and gently press on the segments of the pomegranate so that it opens. Then gently and quickly clean the fruit with the fingertips without pressing on the grains. In this case, all the dirt will float to the surface, it will need to be removed and drained. It is recommended to dry slightly before eating the grain so that the taste does not turn out to be diluted.
  • We do everything without unnecessary trouble. If you need to quickly and easily clean several grenades at once, then you can build a special conveyor. It will consist of a bowl for grains, dumplings, a silicone mold and a spoon.We take the pomegranate, cut it as usual, turn it over the dumplings (we set a bowl under it), cover with silicone and begin to knock on the surface with a spoon. It is only necessary to regularly remove pieces of white film and other dirt from a specific sieve.

red pomegranate

Such techniques are certainly good, but they are inferior to a professional approach to cleaning pomegranates.

How to clean the pomegranate in 30 seconds and not damage the grain?

A true master can clean the pomegranates in just half a minute, while the contents will not suffer and the juice will not be sprayed throughout the kitchen.

chopped pomegranate

To clean the pomegranate in 30 seconds, do the following:

  1. We dry the washed fruit, this time we make an incision along its circumference, conducting a very sharp knife strictly along the center line. It should reach the grains, but not violate their integrity. In practice, this is not so difficult, the main thing is that the blade is well sharpened.
  2. Next, with our hands we divide the fruit into two equal halves. This will require the application of a certain force, but if the cut was made correctly, the halves will easily part without breaking into components.
  3. Then we put the fruit with a slice on the hand, which we place over the bowl and begin to knock on the peel with a wooden spatula. We hit hard, then only a few movements are needed. Grains from this do not burst, you can not be afraid.
  4. We do the same with the second half, remove the white films and enjoy the fruit.

After a little practice, with the correct implementation of all the recommendations, any housewife will be able to cope with the capricious according to most fruits in a matter of seconds. Even if stains remain on the surface of the table or clothes after the procedure, they can be easily removed with water and detergents.

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