Kumquat helps with a hangover - is it true or another folk fiction?

Kumquat - what kind of plant is it with a strange name? He became famous on the Internet as a means to combat alcohol poisoning. But the product appeared recently on the shelves of Russian stores, so people have not yet had time to get used to it. We offer to understand what kind of fruit it is and whether it really helps with a hangover.

Kumquat fruits on a tree

What is kumquat and where does it grow?

As soon as they don’t call kumquat in different countries: kinkan, “golden orange”, “golden apple”, fortunella. The latter term is found in scientific sources. The fruit belongs to the genus citrus. Fruits grow on an evergreen tree 2-3 meters high.

China is considered the birthplace of kumquat. Where else does this fruit grow? Today, citrus is found in many countries with a warm climate - in Japan, Spain, Italy, Montenegro, in the south of the USA and the Middle East.

Externally, the fruits resemble small oranges: only 2–2.5 centimeters in diameter, and up to 5 centimeters in length. The shape is like a plum. One kumquat fits easily in a tablespoon.

Kumquat from a hangover

Does kumquat help with a hangover?

To find out the truth, we turn to the recommendations of doctors. They believe that with a hangover syndrome, the following substances help the human body:

  • Vitamin C. Binds and removes the decay products of ethanol (alcohol) from the body. Tones up and improves well-being. Vitamin C is part of many anti-hangover medications.
  • Vitamin B1. Enhances the production of the enzyme acetyl-CoA. The latter accelerates the process of converting ethanol to water and carbon dioxide.
  • Vitamin B6. Stimulates the work of the liver, which, in turn, processes and removes toxins from the body.
  • Potassium. In case of alcohol poisoning, a person feels badly in many respects due to dehydration (he is experiencing a “dry diet”). And potassium restores the water-salt balance in the body.

Finally, with a hangover, doctors advise drinking more pure water so that the kidneys remove the decay products of ethyl alcohol. Let's see if the above components are contained in kumquat.

Table 1. "The content of anti-alcohol substances in kumquat"

Name of substancePercentage of the daily allowance (in 100 grams - 3-4 fruits)
Vitamin C0.488
Vitamin B10.025
Vitamin B60.018

Thus, the anti-hangover effect of kumquat for the body is not fiction. Although the benefits are obviously exaggerated. For example, in the same oranges, 30% more vitamin C, in bananas - 2 times more potassium. And in terms of the percentage of B vitamins, many citruses overtake kumquat, but are cheaper.

Kinkan mini oranges are not a panacea for a hangover. They will slightly improve their well-being after an evening drink, but they won’t create a miracle.

Kumquat as a dessert decoration

How is it?

The taste of kumquat is sweet with sourness, almost like that of Turkish mandarins. How do they eat it?

Fresh kumquat is an unusual citrus; it is not necessary to peel it. You can eat right with the skin. Just be sure to wash the fruit under running water to rinse off the substances that the fruit is treated to protect against mold.

Kinkan is eaten with peel because it is quite soft, thin and has a sweet taste. Plus it contains essential oils. Without skin, the fruit may seem too sour.

Desserts are made from kumquat:

  • candied fruit;
  • jelly;
  • marmalade;
  • candies;
  • jam.

In European countries, salted kumquat fruits are considered an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes. And candied candies serve as an exquisite snack for strong drinks - cognac, whiskey, and liquor. Sometimes fruits are added to tequila instead of olives.

Dried kumquat is very popular among residents of hot countries. This is a very sweet dried fruit the size of a walnut. However, it has a high calorie content - 284 kcal per 100 grams, so losing weight is better to pass by. But the dried kumquat, on the contrary, has a low calorie content of 50 kcal per 100 grams.

Kumquat bowl

How much can you eat per day?

It is advisable not to consume more than 200 grams of fresh kumquat per day. 5-8 pieces will be enough. With alcohol poisoning, you can immediately eat 300 grams - only then you will feel the anti-hangover effect.

What is the fruit useful for men and women

Small citrus can be consumed not only in order to return to normal after the holidays. The fruit has many other beneficial properties.

Fresh Kumquat

Calorie content and composition

How many calories in kumquat? 100 grams of fresh fruits contain 71 kcal, so the product belongs to the category of diet. This citrus contains a lot of fiber - 33% of the daily intake, so it is recommended to eat it to improve digestion.

Kumquat is an excellent prophylactic against stool disorders and dysbiosis.

Fortunella's main benefit is its high vitamin C content. This element is a natural antioxidant and has the following properties:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • protects cells from free radicals that cause cancer and inflammatory processes in the body;
  • helps to absorb iron;
  • increases the strength of blood vessels.

In addition to vitamin C, kumquat is rich in vitamins B2, B5, B9 (folic acid), calcium and copper. Each of these elements has its own benefits for the body.

  • Vitamin B2 converts carbohydrates and fats into energy, serves as a prophylaxis of obesity.
  • Vitamin B5 stimulates the production of adrenal hormones and thereby prevents heart and vascular disease. In addition, it protects the nervous system from stress and overwork.
  • Vitamin B9 - a useful substance for women. He participates in the construction of new cells, normalizes hormonal levels and emotional state.
  • Copper stimulates the production of important enzymes for the body.
  • Calcium strengthens bones, teeth and nails.

Kumquat fruits and leaves

Beneficial features

What is kumquat useful for men? Due to the high content of ascorbic acid and B vitamins, the fruit tones the body, increases physical strength and endurance.

For women, citrus has the following healing properties:

  • relieves irritability and nervousness;
  • serves as a prophylaxis of thrush (due to the antifungal effect of essential oils);
  • speeds up metabolism and helps to lose weight;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

In the cold season, eat 3-5 fresh fruits a day so as not to get the flu or ARI. Another prevention option is the unfolding of citrus peels near heating appliances.

Kumquat Dried Fruits

The benefits of dried and dried kumquat

Dried kumquat retains the same vitamins and trace elements that are present in fresh fruits. And the plus is that in this form, citrus is stored longer. Dried kumquat is recommended to be chewed when coughing - it has an antibacterial effect and anesthetizes. Also, dried fruit is eaten to prevent ulcers.

Dried kumquat is considered no less valuable. It has the following properties:

  • reduces the amount of cholesterol plaques;
  • protects eye health;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • increases hemoglobin level.

If you see bright green or red fruits in the store, then citrus is artificially tinted. It is better to refuse such a purchase. A good dried kumquat has an unpresentable appearance - pale orange and shriveled.

Kumquat Harm

Unfortunately, there are no safe foods in nature. Health problems and other causes make people give up even some fruits and vegetables. Kumquat also has contraindications.



Citrus contains ascorbic acid in large quantities. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat to people who suffer from the following ailments:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • gastritis;
  • an ulcer;
  • deep caries;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

Can kumquat provoke cystitis? This fruit changes the acidity in the bladder, and an acidic environment is beneficial for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms. However, scientific studies confirming the relationship between citrus and an increased risk of cystitis have not been conducted.

Moderate consumption of kumquat is unlikely to harm the health of the bladder. And if you have already encountered cystitis, give up citrus before recovery.

During pregnancy and feeding the baby, it is better to consult a doctor. And, of course, you can’t eat kumquat for people who are allergic to citrus fruits.

Is it possible to eat kumquat for diabetes?

100 grams of fresh fruit contains 9.4 grams of carbohydrates - monosaccharides. This is pretty much compared to other fruits. So with diabetes, kumquat is better to refuse.

Kumquat Basket
If you consider yourself a fan of citrus, be sure to try kumquat. Its advantage in comparison with oranges and tangerines in the high content of essential oils and fiber. In addition, citrus does not need to be cleaned. Eat kumquat in the cold season to saturate your body with vitamins, prevent colds and seasonal spleen.

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