Is it possible to cook beans without soaking: tricks for those who have little time

Few people dare to cook beans without soaking, because these dense beans and after a long "bathing" boil extremely slowly. In urgent cases, a few tricks will help you to speed up the cooking of unsandered beans, but it is better to follow the classic recipe.

Soaking Beans

Why are the beans soaked

Mistresses know that beans that are not soaked in advance are cooked for a very long time, and prepared beans have to wait at least an hour. Water allows not only to soften the product and speed up the cooking process, but also eliminates harmful inhibitors. These substances are found in many legumes, seeds, cereals and nuts, and prevent premature germination.

After the inhibitor is dissolved by the action of water, the substances in the seed go into digestible forms, in particular, complex sugars, which are difficult to digest in the intestine, change their structure. Thus, by soaking beans and other similar products, a person gets more benefit from them.

Rinse Red Beans

Beans are most conveniently soaked overnight, at least for 7-8 hours. And if you forgot about the preparation, and you need to cook dinner right now? Beans are boiled until cooked and without soaking, only you need to know a few tricks.

How to cook according to the classic recipe

With any cooking method, you should first sort out the beans, remove excess garbage and damaged beans. Place the beans in a colander and rinse thoroughly in running water. Now you can either soak or cook right away.

Classic recipe:

  1. Pour the washed beans with clean cold water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  2. Place the pot over high heat.
  3. After boiling, reduce the temperature and cook for about an hour. It is better not to cover with a lid, as beans produce a lot of foam.
  4. Check the beans are ready, the exact cooking time depends on the variety.

Bean Boil

Tip recommends salting bean dishes at the very end of cooking. Salt slows down the process of boiling water and prevents boiling. Beans absorb salt well, and they can also be added on the table.

Beans without soaking are cooked for much longer, and even it can crack and lose taste. If you decide to cook healthy beans, make yourself a reminder for the evening to soak the product and not have difficulty the next day.

How to cook without soaking: tricks

Without soaking, the beans will cook for about 3-4 hours. To quickly cook beans without soaking, use simple techniques: replacing water, briefly soaking and adding vegetable oil and soda.

Water change

To unboiled beans boil faster, the housewives resort to replacing the water during its cooking. Replace the broth with fresh one at least once, preferably two or three times. How to proceed:

  1. Transfer the washed beans to a pan, fill with water so that it rises 3 cm above the beans.
  2. Bring to a boil without adding salt, and boil for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Drain boiling water and add fresh cold water.
  4. Wait for the boil again and repeat steps 2-3.
  5. After replacing the water three times, cook the beans for about an hour.

Bean Rinsing

Another trick is the addition of cold water during the cooking process. You do not need to merge anything, just add 2-3 tablespoons each. fresh water several times after boiling the broth. Due to temperature changes, the beans will boil faster.

Keep an eye on the amount of water in the pot with beans: because of the long cooking, it can boil away, and the beans will begin to fry.

Soaking in broth

If there is little time, then remove the pan from the stove and let the beans stand in the broth for 30-60 minutes. Just before that, the beans should boil in boiling water for at least 15 minutes. You can soak in your own broth for a longer period.

After soaking, cooking resumes and lasts about an hour.

About adding soda

Some housewives add quite a bit of soda to the broth - on the tip of a knife to reduce the hardness of the water. But soda destroys the vitamins in the product, so it is better to immediately use filtered and bottled water.

Red beans

Vegetable oil

Pour 2-3 tablespoons into the water during cooking. vegetable oil - sunflower or olive. So the broth will turn out to be rich, and the beans will become softer.

Pressure cooker

Finally, if the house has a pressure cooker, send the beans there. Beans will be cooked in 1.5-2 hours. Then cool the dishes, open, salt the dish, let stand for a while and arrange on plates.

If you need to serve lunch, and the beans are still a little undercooked, it is better to tolerate, serve snacks and drinks. Undercooked beans can adversely affect your health. In anticipation of a delicious soup or side dish with beans, the appetite will only increase, and he, as you know, is the best seasoning for food.

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  1. Yuri
    09/12/2024 at 23:09 Reply

    Soaked so that you do not carry.

  2. Natalya
    10/09/2024 at 17:18 Reply

    A slow cooker to help you


