Citrus sweetie: what kind of fruit is it and why do we love it more than orange?
Increasingly, exotic products began to appear in domestic supermarkets, the useful properties of which, it turns out, can provide significant support to the health of incredulous Russians. Sweetie is gaining popularity - an ideal fruit for immunity and figure. True, some buyers still bypass the green fruits, taking them for unripe grapefruits. We urgently need to find out how sweetie is good for health and whether it can do anything harm.
What is a suite?
Let’s take a look at the sweet fruit of the shelves: what it is, what it looks like, what it tastes like.
Citrus Sweetie was bred by University of California breeders back in the 1970s. Sweetie is a hybrid of two citrus fruits: grapefruit and pomelo. In English-speaking countries it is called oroblanco, which translates as "white gold".
The fruit is quite large (usually up to 11 cm in diameter), has a glossy green zest. The pulp is very juicy, sweet, with a slight acidity.
Oroblanco grows in regions with a warm climate:
- southern states of the USA;
- Mediterranean countries
- China and Japan;
- Israel
In the fruits, there are practically no seeds and bitterness. True, 50% of the mass is made up of a thick white peel and partitions. Perhaps that is why Sweetie did not surpass oranges, tangerines and grapefruits in sales.
Calorie content and chemical composition
Sweetie has a low calorie content: 100 g of fresh pulp contains only 55-60 kcal. There are practically no fats and proteins in the composition, and few carbohydrates - up to 10 g. Thus, the fruit belongs to dietary products and is suitable for weight loss.
From the point of view of the vitamin-mineral composition, oroblanco is not inferior to other citruses. Consider what substances are present in the pulp and white partitions of the fruit.
- Vitamin C
The main benefit of vitamin C is the fight against viruses and bacteria. But few know that ascorbic acid also reduces the risk of cancer, increases blood vessel strength and slows down the aging process.
- Potassium, magnesium
Potassium and magnesium are important trace elements for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. The first normalizes blood pressure and rhythm, prevents swelling, and the second strengthens the heart muscle and eliminates pain.
- Enzymes
Enzymes - a group of chemical compounds that are involved in the breakdown of food, the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is useful to eat a sweetie to normalize digestion.
- Essential oils
Most of them are contained in the peel. Essential oils have a tonic effect on the psyche: relieve fatigue, take a person out of a stupor, and cheer up.
What is the health benefits of?
Oroblanco will bring maximum benefit in the cold season, when the body lacks vitamins. Eat citrus, so as not to pick up SARS.
What other medicinal properties does the product have?
- Normalizes fat metabolism
Enzymes present in the pulp of the fruit are involved in the breakdown of fats. Excesses are excreted from the body, and the remaining lipids provide the body with energy.
As a result of regular consumption of sweet, the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood decreases. This effect protects a person from a chronic disease - atherosclerosis.
- Contributes to weight loss
If you eat citrus every day, you can lose up to 0.5-1 kg per month. And this is without following a strict diet!
Enzymes from the suite accelerate metabolism, and dietary fiber tidies the intestinal microflora and reduces appetite. Low calorie content allows the use of juicy fruits as a substitute for harmful sweets.
- Rejuvenates the body
Sweetie is a product with high antioxidant activity. It reduces oxidative stress caused by free radicals.
As a result, the risk of such terrible ailments as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and cataracts is reduced. Protecting body cells from destruction, the suite slows down the aging process, improves the external condition of the skin and hair.
Potential Health Harm
Contraindications to the use of the suite are almost the same as with other citrus fruits. Fruit can not be eaten with the following ailments:
- allergies
- chronic diseases of the digestive tract - gastritis, gastric ulcer;
- the presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, in particular with pyelonephritis.
Caution to use the product is necessary for people with high acidity of gastric juice. If you often experience heartburn, any citrus can cause harm, exacerbating the condition. The reason is the high content of organic acids.
As a relative of the pomelo and grapefruit, the sweet has a low glycemic index of less than 40. In moderation, it can be present on the table of people with diabetes.
How to choose and clean the suite?
Choose heavy fruits without cracks and dents. Ripe fruit usually smells of bitterness, not sourness.
Manually cleaning the suite is uncomfortable due to the thick peel. Therefore, we recommend that you follow these steps:
- Wash the fruit and rub it with a rough sponge (to increase shelf life and favorable transportation, producers coat citruses with wax).
- Make 4–5 shallow cuts on the zest.
- Separate the flesh from the peel, divide into slices.
You can also cut the sweets in circles, and then remove the pulp with a spoon.
It is advisable to eat the fruit immediately before the destruction of vitamin C and enzymes.
How to eat a sweetie?
Usually, the suite is eaten fresh to ensure that the maximum amount of vitamins is ingested. You can not abuse the product so as not to encounter digestive upset and skin rash. It is enough to eat up to 300 g of pulp per day.
Due to its sweet and sour taste, green citrus goes well with the following products:
- poultry meat;
- fish, seafood;
- green vegetable salads;
- mushrooms;
- cheese.
Vitamin jams and preserves, candied fruits, jellies, marmalade are prepared from this fruit. Slices of citrus are added to pastries, fruit compotes, fruit drinks and smoothies.
Sweetie is a fruit that stands out from other citrus fruits. It is much sweeter than grapefruit and even orange, almost does not contain seeds, is rich in essential oils and vitamins. If you want to keep a slim figure, a healthy heart and a good mood, do not pass by exotic fruits.