Why an apple in a bag with unripe fruits and vegetables. Myths and Reality

An apple is a delicious and very healthy fruit, it is used even for medicinal purposes. Another feature of the fruit is the ability of the plucked fruit to evaporate ethylene with water. It is the formation of this gas that makes apples a ripening accelerator. So that unripe vegetables and fruits reach, they put a round fruit in one bag with them.

Different fruits

How does it work
Due to ethylene, the tannins that abound in unripe fruits and berries break up. Starch from neutral to taste turns into fruit sugar.

How to use the property of apple to accelerate ripening

Often, not being able to harvest daily, not fully ripened berries, fruits, vegetables are brought from the dacha. Or early frosts do not allow to ripen the crop. In this case, an apple is just a panacea.

Bag of vegetables and fruits

Interesting fact
It is with ethylene that bananas, for example, are processed after being transported from the growing places. After all, a fully ripened fruit will not tolerate a long road.

How to use apple ethylene correctly:

  1. purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends thoroughly inspecting unripe fruits by removing rotten, damaged, or broken fruit.
  2. You do not need to wash fruits: excess moisture will only provoke mold. If you still washed, it is necessary to wipe the fruits dry and let lie on a towel so that the drops completely evaporate.
  3. Prepared fruits are sent in packets. If the container is made of polyethylene, holes must be made or left in it so that excess moisture escapes and oxygen seeps in. If out of paper, such manipulations are superfluous.
  4. Next, you need to put an apple in each bag, tie and leave in a dark place at room temperature for ripening.

Paper bag with vegetables and fruits.

How much fruit to keep in this way depends on how immature they are. It is necessary to regularly check the packages and, when the fruits reach maturity, immediately put them in the refrigerator, for example, in the fresh zone.

Apples absorb odors very quickly. Therefore, do not eat fruits after using them as a catalyst.

When an apple can hurt

In addition to apples, the ability to accelerate ripening have:

  • figs
  • apricots
  • pears
  • melons
  • Tomatoes

Accordingly, it is not advisable to store the listed products with apples.

It will harm an apple to fully ripened fruits: they will ripen and begin to rot. Therefore, apples should be kept away from them.

Rotten fruit

Apples act on each other in the same way as on other fruits. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules during long-term storage:

  1. Select only whole elastic fruits.
  2. Pack each in a paper bag or sprinkle apples with wood chips.
  3. Keep everything in a dark, cool place.

Ethylene does not affect the following fruits:

  • orange,
  • lemon,
  • mandarin,
  • Garnet,
  • grape
  • cherry.

Variety of fruits

Interesting fact
An apple put in a bowl with potatoes will not only help preserve its beneficial properties for longer, but also prevent the emergence of sprouts.

Proper use of the features of the apple to produce a natural "ripening catalyst" ethylene will improve the taste of unripened fruits, but it does not work in all cases.

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