Is it possible to put flowers on the refrigerator: “for” and “against”

Often in a modern interior, the kitchen is the heart of the apartment / house. And, of course, I want to fill the special zone with oxygen and comfort, arranging elegant flowerpots with beautiful flowers. Exquisitely looking climbing plants, entwined with a refrigerator or kitchen. But is it possible to put fresh flowers on the technique? It is impossible to give a definite answer. It all depends on the microclimate, the type of plant and the hostess’s passion for green pets.

Is it possible to put flowers on the refrigerator: the pros and cons

Arguments for"

In order. Why are the flowers in the fridge? A few popular reasons:

  • lack of space on the windowsill;
  • the need to protect flowers from children or pets, or vice versa (the juice of some plants causes allergies / burns, and cactus needles cause horror for children's fingers and dog noses);
  • desire to decorate a boring device;
  • ill feeling of flowers on the window. For example, direct sunlight on southern window sills harms plants that like diffused light. The chill from old wooden frames harms tropical flowers. Drafts from open leaves (and in the kitchen airing more often than in living rooms or the living room) is dangerous for any green residents. Soot flying from a stove, or ashes and tar from cigarettes is a common thing in the kitchen window area.

Flowers on the window

Indeed, sometimes a refrigerator standing in front of a window but remote from it is a good solution. The flower is not threatened by a draft, or cold, or cats, or direct rays of the sun. The instrument gives room for climbing plants to grow, Velcro hooks allow you to direct the vines and create support for them without tying, pegs, etc. tricks.

They feel good at altitude and in light shading:

  • cissus (indoor grapes, or "birch"),
  • epipremnum,
  • syngonium;
  • fragrant callisia (golden mustache).

It is interesting
Many housewives and amateur gardeners worry that the vibrations of the refrigerator will negatively affect the flowers, but in practice the effect is more likely to be positive. As noted by flower growers on the forums, green pets feel great not only on old, periodically shaking refrigerators, but even on washing machines that spin up to 80 decibels. By vibrating, the technique shakes the ground and improves the circulation of air and nutrients in the ground.

Why not recommended

Nevertheless, if you ask the nerds, most will say that putting flowers on the refrigerator is not a good idea. Why?

Vase with Flowers

Arguments against placing plants on technology:

  1. The most significant argument is the lack of light. On the upper floors, the window-sill lid does not greatly interfere with light penetrating into the rooms, and the lid of the refrigerator is quite lit, but in most cases the top of the refrigerator is very shaded and the plant will suffer. Many creepers and loaches prefer diffuse but bright light.
  2. The kitchen itself is one of the hottest rooms, and if it is combined with the living room, then even more so. The usual kitchen manages to cool down and ventilate while the tenants work or relax. If the kitchen is residential, then it has an almost constantly elevated temperature, and all the heat goes up - exactly where the plant is.
  3. Dust also likes to rise, and the flower on the refrigerator will be constantly dusty.
  4. Wipe, spray and water the green pet will have more often than if he was standing on the windowsill.
  5. And to do all these operations will be inconvenient: each time you will need to climb a stool or pull up a steam cleaner with a nozzle for flowers.
  6. If the air conditioner is correctly installed in the room, it blows up cold air, and the lid of the refrigerator is under a draft, which is extremely undesirable for most plants.
  7. And another subtle nuance is growth. Ampel plants do not rise high, but, say, an orchid, most likely, there will not be enough space between the lid of the refrigerator and the ceiling (especially the stretch one) to expand the peduncle.
  8. Since the plant will have to be watered and sprayed more often, this will not have a completely positive effect on the technique. Refrigerators are sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature in the room, trying to adapt to the microclimate.


Is it possible to put a cut bouquet on a refrigerator

For the same reasons: heat, shadow, and dust are a bad idea. The bouquet will stand much longer in diffused, but quite bright rays, at a temperature of about 20-23 degrees. And what kind of joy is it to get the bouquet to the top? It is better to place it where it will please the eye.

Having studied all aspects of the issue, recommends that you carefully consider the conditions that are optimal for your green pet. The top of the refrigerator is a shaded warm, even hot and cramped place with lots of dust. Only dangling (lianas, loaches, ampelous species) stems of shade-tolerant flowers will feel good there.

Room loach

Consider not only the side the windows face, but also the remoteness of the device from the windowsill and the thickness of the curtains, as well as how long they remain open.

In general, the refrigerator is not the best place for plants, it is inconvenient for green pets, and for owners who have to stand on a stool for each watering.

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