Ficus lyre - a favorite of gardeners
Many flower growers love quite large types of indoor plants - they become a worthy decoration for a home, office or greenhouse. Lyric ficus is an excellent representative of evergreen trees suitable for indoor cultivation. He will grow large enough if you give him room and know what care he needs.
Ficus lurata - this is the name of the ficus lyre-shaped in Latin - has an interesting character. He really loves freedom and independence. It is best to keep it away from other plants. It belongs to the mulberry family, but even with ficuses it is not particularly well adjacent.
The tree got its name for the shape of the leaves: they resemble a violin, guitar, lyre. They are the main advantage and decoration of a tree. Rigid, on long stalks, saturated green hue, with relief veins of a lighter tone, glossy and with a wavy square. They look very impressive and far from being as heavy as, say, rubber ficus.
The lyre-shaped ficus is one of the most popular of its kind, it is considered to be the pearl of the flower growing collection. He feels quite comfortable in the tub, set in the office or hall, as well as in the open ground in the garden or greenhouse. Under ideal conditions, the tree grows up to 5 meters in height. However, there is a dwarf variety.
Another feature, in addition to exquisite leaf plates, is the signs of an epiphytic plant: lyre-shaped ficus needs support for normal development.
Interesting fact
In their homeland, in the forests of Africa, lyre-shaped ficus often grows in the crown of another tree, clinging to it with aerial roots. Gradually, the roots reach the soil, braiding the trunk of its larger “neighbor”.
For growing a house, you can choose one of these plants:
- Phyllis Craig with a small crown and large beautiful leaves that reach 35 centimeters in length;
- Compacta and Bambino are varieties for lovers of compact ficus, they have thick crowns, but the leaves are usually less by 10 centimeters.
In general, when choosing a ficus lyre, it must be borne in mind that it is quite demanding. The conditions of detention should be as close to natural as possible. He loves light and moisture.
Rules of care and illness
First of all, you should think about lighting. Many flower growers actively rearrange ficus during the year, and there is an excuse for this. From April to September, the tree needs scattered rays, they should not dry out and burn out the leaves. Thus, it is permissible to put a tub under the sun only in the evening. It is most convenient to arrange a flower in a room whose windows face the north side. From October to March, on the contrary, it is advisable to give ficus a maximum of light. The tree is rearranged to the southern window so that it absorbs every ray.
The second important factor is the temperature - it should be quite high all year round. The plant will not survive on the balcony or on an unheated veranda. It must be about 25 degrees during the day, and not lower than 16 at night. Sometimes the flower can withstand 12 °, but only if the cold is short-lived.
Many make a serious mistake and constantly maintain heat near the ficus. In fact, large leaves will develop only under the condition of temperature changes. In summer, a balcony or porch is ideal. On hot days it is even allowed to place the plant on the street.
Before planting, be sure to prepare the soil.To do this, it is worth taking 1 part of peat to 3 parts of turf land and add as much coarse sand. Be sure the soil is sterilized so that pests and pathogens of fungal diseases do not start in it.
After planting, ficus should be watered regularly. However, excessive humidity becomes the main mistake. The roots should be dried. Tap water is rarely suitable for irrigation because of the large amount of chlorine, however, it is allowed to defuse bottled water from the tap for about a day, and then use it for ficus. In addition to watering periodically, at least once a month, it is advisable to arrange a shower of plants. Leaves are also regularly wiped: under a layer of dust, they do not receive enough sunlight.
In winter, shower is contraindicated. Leaves should not be wet, maximum wet.
Lyre-shaped ficus, like all its closest brothers, loves high humidity, up to 70%. Therefore, it will be a good habit to regularly spray the crown or place an aquarium, wet pebbles or moss nearby.
The most difficult moment is the ficus transplant. It is carried out in late spring, when active growth begins. In winter, the flower is in stagnation. During the transplant, it is necessary to process the roots: all wrapped ones are completely cut off. Usually the roots grow strictly down, but if there is not enough space, then they begin to go up. All side are also allowed to trim. The pot must be chosen high enough and large: the root system of lyre-shaped ficus develops well. Young plants are resettled once a year, adults - once every few years.
Fertilizer is applied from March to September; in winter, fertilizing is best avoided. Leaves should be protected from unnecessary chemicals: if the solution accidentally falls onto a sheet plate, wipe it with clean water.
Crown formation and propagation
Crown formation largely occurs naturally. The number and shape of leaves are affected by the intensity and direction of the sun. That is why, in order to get the perfect spreading tree, it is best to rotate the ficus 90 degrees every week. Otherwise, large leaves of the plant will obscure part of the crown, with a high probability the plant will become asymmetrical. This is the basic principle of the formation of lyre-shaped ficus. Pruning is carried out only when it is necessary to reduce the height of the overgrown tree: in the spring, the top of the head is cut over the internode. The resulting stalk can be rooted.
Reproduction of ficus is made by cuttings. Some people use the root system, but this complicates the process: it will be necessary to wait too long for the stem to take root.
You need to choose a growing young stem (if it is completely lignified, then it will not take root).
- All leaves should be removed from it, leaving only one bud for development.
- A longitudinal incision is made and wrapped in moss.
- When aerial roots appear, the shoot is cut off and placed in water.
- When the roots are strong, the seedling is ready for relocation into the ground.
Interesting fact
Why prune leaves? The future seedling is exposed, so that it is easier for him to take nutrients from the earth and not to waste vitality on large leaves.
Be sure to follow the new plant. Improper care causes problems, including pests and diseases. The former are easily defeated with chemicals. The main difficulty is that you can not process the leaves, and aphids or ticks can always hide. However, there are some drugs that work very gently. The easiest way to check the reaction during the day on one of the leaves.
Ficus diseases are very diverse. First of all, it is necessary to identify and analyze the symptoms, only then proceed with treatment.
- The leaves turn brown.
Such a change in shade means an oversupply of the sun. Incorrect irrigation can also play a role. Direct rays are strictly contraindicated, and this must be remembered.
- Leaves fall.
In this case, the sun is blocked by other leaves, or simply there is not enough light. Also, a lack of water is often manifested by the same symptoms.
- Development stop.
Ficus does not grow only in winter. If stagnation is observed in the summer, then the cause is the disease. This is a lack of food or water. Top dressing should be done a couple of times a month, at least.
A fungus also develops quite often. The main problem is poor hygiene. If the water stagnates in the pot or the leaves are too wet and dirty, then the risk of fungus is high. It is necessary to regularly inspect the ficus, especially the most inaccessible places.
This plant is quite demanding. During transplantation or processing, use only sterile instruments.
Why start a ficus?
Ficus lyre like most flower growers. He can stand in any chosen place, at any time of the year delighting guests and owners of the apartment with the lush green of his leaves. His houses are often located in the living room, introducing notes of southern flavor into the interior. If you have your own plot, then in the summer a tub with ficus can decorate a gazebo, porch or other open spaces.
Often these flowers become an adornment of closed public spaces, because they grow really large and look beautiful.
An additional advantage of lycid ficus is that it is a real natural air purifier. Everyone knows about the benefits of home plants, because they saturate the room with oxygen. For such purposes, the ficus is ideal: the huge leaves and large sizes of the whole tree allow you to feel the difference. In a room with ficus it will be much nicer to be.
When caring for such a plant, it should be borne in mind that it is quite demanding. We will have to try to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible. You also need to remember that transplantation and other manipulations must be done carefully. Experienced flower growers note that the most important thing is to take into account the ratio of ficus to chemicals. Only the most delicate ones are suitable, otherwise it is easy to ruin the plant.
The ficus lyre has a chance to please literally everyone. At home, it sometimes blooms, but the buds are too inconspicuous. The main advantage of this tree is the leaves, and they are equally beautiful during any time of the year.