We grow a “prayer flower” at home: the features of caring for calathea

In this article, we will talk about a resident of tropical forests with unusual leaves - calathea. Caring for a flower at home balances between excess and deficiency, for which flower growers rank kalatea as capricious plants. However, to grow a flower at home means not only to show skill, but also to bring harmony and comfort into the house. Calathea is amazing decorative leaves and positive energy.

Prayer Flower Petals

Description, features

Calathea came to home floriculture from the rainforests of Brazil and Colombia. It belongs to the Marantov family and is often mistakenly identified with another species from this family - the ctenant. This is not surprising, because the plants grow under the same conditions and are similar in appearance. Calathea is a perennial rhizome. Leaves grow directly from the basal rosette, so it seems that they arise directly from the ground. Only a few types of calathea are distinguished by their beautiful flowering, mostly flowers are inconspicuous, but at the same time they have an original shape.

Shrub calathea reaches a height of a little less than a meter. Its main feature is large glossy oval leaves. The calathea leaf plate is decorated with bizarre patterns that are comparable to a pattern on a tortoise-shell or an ornament on a fabulous bird feather. The leaf reaches 30 cm in length and is colored in a wide variety of shades of green on the outer surface, while on the back it is reddish. The plant has another name - "prayer flower", and all because the leaves of kalathea have an amazing ability to take a vertical position in the evening and fall in the afternoon.

Shrub calathea

From Greek, calathea means basket. This name is not accidental: strong baskets were woven from the leaves of the flower by the Indians of Central and South America. Due to the difficulty of repeating natural conditions, calathea is difficult to take root at home. That is why beginning flower growers do not risk taking up the cultivation of this flower. But if you understand the microclimate, which is needed more, then it is not difficult to recreate it. The main thing is accuracy, patience and the desire to succeed.


The most popular varieties of calathea in home floriculture:

  • Medallion - a variety with leaves, the pattern of which is formed from various green shades: from light green to rich herbal. This species is one of the most adapted to growing houses. Loves shade, stable temperature, thorough watering.

Calathea Locket

  • Croquet, or Saffron - The owner of dark green leaves with a burgundy back and unusual bright orange inflorescences on high legs. Shade-tolerant, moisture-loving, actively blooms in high humidity.


  • Varshevich - a small calathea, has both beautiful foliage and attractive flowers. The leaves are dark green with light stripes, dark red on the back. Inflorescences are pale cream or white.

Calathea Varshevich

  • Rattlesnake, or Lansifony - This type of calathea is named so because of the oblong shape of the leaves. The leaf plate is light green with small dark spots, the back side is reddish. Lansifonia needs good diffused lighting, especially in winter. Loves humidity, in cases of moisture deficiency it slows down in development.

Rattlesnake, or Lansifony

  • Rufibarba, or Redbeard. The variety got this name thanks to the cannon on the back of the leaf.The leaf plates are oblong, pointed to the edge. They do not have a pattern (in young plants light green, dark in old).

Rufibarba, or Redbeard

  • Sanderiana. The leaves of this calathea are green-brown with pink stripes. The plant reaches a height of not more than 50 cm, develops well in the shade at high humidity.


  • Veicha - a flower that is easily recognizable by oval leaves pointed to the edge, yellow-green pattern and brown back. Good lighting is needed only in the winter. Demanding on watering.


  • Makoya - One of the most unpretentious species for home growing. These indoor plants are famous for their color: parallel to the lateral veins are white stripes with long oval spots of a saturated green hue on the front side and burgundy on the back. The drawing on the leaf plate resembles an ear. Blossoms Kaloya Makoya small purple inflorescences.


  • Orbifolia - It is a small shrub with graceful leaves. Their shape is regular, rounded, the edge of the plate is slightly wavy. Dark green stripes-arcs alternate with light, the same in size and shape. Orbifolia loves heat and humidity.

Calathea Orbifolia

  • Bahema has lanceolate leaves with a heart-shaped base. Color - silver-green. Dark green spots are located along the middle vein.

Calathea Bachem

  • Decorated - a short plant with small elliptical leaves from 10 to 20 cm in length. A characteristic feature is silver and pink side lines on a dark green plate. Has spike-like inflorescences of white and purple flowers.

Calathea Decorated

  • Leopard - a variety with light green leaves, decorated with dark oblong spots on opposite sides of the central vein.

Calathea leopard

  • Litz - A thick bushy plant, the bright green leaves of which have a metallic sheen.

Calathea Litze

purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends additional softening of irrigation water. To do this, add two handfuls of peat to one bucket of tap water, stir everything and leave it overnight. Such water contains less calcium and magnesium.

How to care: lighting and temperature

Improper care of calathea instantly causes a loss of decorativeness: leaves dry and turn yellow, various spots appear, the plant becomes sick or exposed to pests. Therefore, the sort of calathea is selected depending on whether it is possible to create suitable conditions for it. Both lighting and humidity should take into account the tropical origin of the plant. Flowering varieties are the most demanding: these are Saffron, Varshevich. Easy to care are Makoy, Bachem, Veitch and Orbifolia.

Like a second tier plant, calathea loves dimming. This plant is shade tolerant, develops well in diffused light. Light day of calathea takes 15-16 hours. It is better to place a container with a flower on the western or eastern side, deepening a little inside the room. Shading is required on the south side, and additional highlighting on the north side.

Calathea Leaves

Direct sunlight can cause burns and deform leaves, and excessive shading can adversely affect the color of the sheet. Therefore, when choosing a place for the pot, look for rooms with soft light and light partial shade. In winter, calathe need additional lighting. Use a fluorescent lamp for this.

Calathea is demanding on temperature. She feels comfortable with minimal swings day and night. In summer, the temperature will be optimal from +18 to + 26⁰ C, but in winter it is enough heat from +16 to + 23⁰ C. The plant does not accept cold air well, so when ventilating, remove the pot away from the draft. Soil temperature should also be in the range of +18 + 22 + C. Overcooling of the root system is detrimental to calathea.

Watering and humidity

As already mentioned, calatheas are great lovers of water. In summer, the flower needs frequent watering - 3-4 times a week, some varieties are watered daily. The best water for the plant is thawed or rain.The water should be defended for 1-2 days. Water temperature is strictly room temperature or 1-2 degrees higher. Never pour cold water on the calathea.

In winter, watering is reduced to once a week. Each subsequent watering is carried out after the topsoil has dried.

The higher the humidity in the room where the calathea grows, the better. Ideally, it should reach 70-90%. What if the average humidity in the apartment is 55-65%? Place a pot of calathea near the aquarium or place a humidifier next to the flower. 4-5 times a week, the space around the calathea must be sprayed from the spray with warm settling water. Make sure that drops of water do not fall on the foliage. This can cause loss of shape and color. Calathea leaves are best wiped with a damp sponge.

Potted flower

Please note: varieties with velvet leaves should not be wiped.

How to create conditions for maintaining the necessary humidity:

  1. Pour pebbles and small cobblestones into the pan on which the pot is installed, cover with sphagnum moss on top. Water from such a tray will evenly evaporate, creating a special layer of air around the plant.
  2. Place a plate of hot water next to the pot. It will evaporate, creating the desired microclimate.

Capacity, soil, top dressing

The selection of capacity should take into account the structure of the root system of calathea. The roots of the plant are superficial, grow in breadth. Therefore, you need to choose a flower pot for a flower wide, but not deep. Good drainage is required, otherwise moisture will accumulate at the bottom and provoke rotting of the roots. Organize a large drainage layer at the bottom of the tank.

Calathea soil should be purchased in a special store. The soil is suitable for senpolia with the addition of sand or for azaleas, but without an admixture of lime. To prepare the substrate yourself, you need leaf humus, peat and sand. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1, respectively. Calathea loves slightly acidic soil (acidity pH 6).

prayer flower

For top dressing, use complex mineral fertilizer. Make an aqueous solution several times a month, alternating with regular watering. Flowering varieties may need additional feeding during the growing season. The best time for fertilizer is from April to September, when new leaves appear. Be careful: excess potassium and phosphorus can destroy the plant.

Transplanting, pruning and reproduction

A young plant is transplanted once a year, an adult - not more often than once every 2-3 years. The size of the new pot should not significantly exceed the previous one, a difference of 3-4 cm is enough. The transplant is carried out in early spring. When moving to a new pot, calathea needs to remove dead leaves.

Young plants do not need pruning. And adult samples from time to time need to be freed from old dried leaves. This measure will help to avoid diseases. You can remove not only the diseased and dried parts of the plant, but also healthy green leaves if the calathea is too bushy. Cutting off excess leaves, you thin out the bush and give young leaves more light. Pruning is carried out in early spring or autumn, when the plant stops growing and prepares for rest. Use sharp scissors or a knife; if you break or tear off the leaf, you risk ruining the plant.

Flower transplant

Propagation of the flower is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Seeds - It is very problematic and is not recommended for beginner gardeners.
  2. Cuttings - the aerial cuttings are gently separated with a knife, planted in moist soil and covered with a film until the roots appear.
  3. Dividing the bush - the rhizome is divided into parts, on each of which there are several roots and buds on the shoot. Separating the rhizome is best during transplantation. Young seedlings take root in the usual soil for calatas at a temperature of + 24⁰ C in small pots placed in the shade. Feeding is carried out once every three weeks. After a year, young flowers can be transplanted.

Why do leaves and other problems dry?

The cause of the problems can be both pests and diseases, and improper care. What flower growers face when growing calathea:

  1. The ends of the leaves dry. The probable cause is insufficient air humidity.
  2. The sheet dries and loses its color. This occurs when there is an excess of direct sunlight.
  3. Calathea stains and curls - it lacks moisture. Make sure that the soil does not dry out. Another reason for stains is droplets falling on the leaves when spraying.
  4. The plant turns yellow with a deficiency of fertilizers.
  5. If the stems rot, then you need to increase the temperature in the room.
  6. Excessive soil moisture often leads to leaf fall. The same problem is caused by dry air.

Diseases and pests of the calathea flower

The main pest of calathea is the spider mite. The infected plant loses its brightness, turns yellow, becomes covered with white spots. If you start the situation, then the leaves will dry and fall off. A good environment for the tick is dry air and soil.

Other parasites and diseases dangerous to calathea:

  1. Shield. A sign of its appearance is round brown bulges on the foliage.
  2. Whitefly - a small midge, visible to the naked eye. Leaves yellow spots on the leaves.
  3. Brown rot occurs in the soil, affects the rhizome, and then the rest of the plant. Leaves are covered with yellow-brown spots and die off.

To identify a disease or parasite, you need to examine the sheet from all sides. It is often difficult to identify an ailment at an early stage due to the specific color of the calathea. Affected areas of the plant are cut off, the edges and petioles are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is acceptable to use special chemicals, but do not forget about the precautions and read the instructions.

Interesting to know

Unusual facts about calathea:

  1. The flower does not tolerate the smell of tobacco.
  2. Calathea loves classical music.
  3. According to the horoscope, calathea belongs to the sign of Aquarius.
  4. How to distinguish a calatea from a ctenanta: petioles are twice as long as the leaves of the calathea, while in calathea the petioles are short. Another difference is the shape of the inflorescences: in kalatei it is a spikelet or basket, in the ctenantas it is a scallop.

Despite all the difficulties of growing, calathea is worth it to replenish the collection of exotic indoor plants. The “Prayer Flower” will look great both alone and in an ensemble with unpretentious flowers such as the Phalaenopsis orchid, Persian or European cyclamen, violet or begonia. These plants will harmoniously look against the background of elegant striped leaves of calathea.

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