Everything you need to know about grooming Rowley

Before you become the proud owner of such a flower as the Rowley godson, it is important to learn more information about it. Outwardly, flower shoots look like a beautiful row of green peas. Due to this feature, the plant received another name - "string of pearls." Caring for Rowley's godson at home is not difficult, but requires some knowledge.

Lemon-shaped godson

Before buying a plant, you need to know why the flower will easily lose its attractive appearance (peas will become smaller) or completely wither. Having familiarized yourself with the useful tips listed below, you can easily cope with possible difficulties, and the crossbar will be a worthy decoration for your windowsill.

Varieties and varieties

In addition to Rowley's godson (Senecio rowleyanus), there are other varieties of plants. There are such varieties of indoor flowers belonging to the family Asteraceae (genus Astroaceae):

  1. The godson is bloody. The stems of the plant are erect and can reach a height of 60 cm. The leaves are oval with notches at the ends. The color of the leaves outside is green, and in the middle is scarlet. Inflorescence looks like daisies.
  2. Common godson. This is a weed plant, whose length reaches about 50 cm. The stems in the flower are erect, and the leaves are similar in appearance to a dandelion.
  3. The godson is a large-lingual. He is the owner of creeping stems without stiffness. In length, the plant is able to reach 3 m. The leaves are wide, about 8 cm, with five sharp ends. Inflorescences have the shape of a ball (6 cm in diameter) with yellow reeds.
  4. The godson Rowley variegated. The leaves of the plant are similar in appearance to peas with white or orange interspersed, which may fall from time to time.
  5. The godson is mikaneevidny. The leaves are similar to ivy, and the shoots are quite long. Yellow flowers with a pleasant aroma.
  6. The godson is broadleaf. His leaves are rare, triangular in shape. The inflorescences are orange in color and look like tubules. The root system is horizontal type, shoots can reach a length of 80 cm.
  7. The godson is meadow. The leaves are elongated, oval in shape. The height of the shoots reaches 60 cm in length.

Senecio rowleyanus

Among the varieties of plants, you can also find Jacob's godson, spring, ash, rhomboid and flat-leaved.

Care Tips

When placing Rowley in the house, you should give preference to the south, west and east side of the window. If the flower will stand in the north, then the lack of lighting will affect its appearance. The leaves in this case will become small, and the stem elongated. It is better to put the godson in direct sunlight in the morning and evening. At lunchtime, it is better to shade the flower, since exposure to scorching sunlight can be fatal to it.

Watering in Rowley's care is also quite important. In order to avoid chlorine in the water, it is recommended to defend it for 24 hours before use. In some cases, a little acetic or citric acid is added to the liquid. In winter, watering is recommended to be reduced to a minimum (however, the land should not completely dry out). Filling the plant with water is not recommended, as this often leads to decay of the root system. During the period of active growth, it is necessary to ensure that the earth in the pot is always slightly moist, but not wet.

Senecio rowleyanus

The plant feels most comfortable at room temperature + 22-26 ° C. In winter, it is recommended to observe the temperature regime + 12-15 degrees. If the indicators drop below, then the cross is likely to freeze, and if higher - then its leaves will fall.High humidity for comfortable plant growth is not important. The flower feels absolutely comfortable with central heating.

The godfather Rowley needs to be fertilized periodically in order to accelerate its growth. For these purposes, loose nutritional mixtures are perfect. It is worth paying attention to the finished version of mixtures for succulents and cacti. They include useful components such as perlite, brick chips, and vermiculite. To prepare the nutrient mixture on their own, peat, humus and leafy soil are taken in equal proportions, as well as brick crumb and sand are added. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed before use.

Resource purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends that during active growth do not forget to fertilize the soil every 2 weeks with mixtures where there is a minimum nitrogen content. Ideal for quick flower growth, use mixtures for cactus or succulent plants.

How does reproduction occur?

It is necessary to engage in the reproduction of a flower in spring or summer. During this period, the likelihood of rooting is highest. Reproduction occurs with the help of stem cuttings or layering. In the first case, shoots of shoots 4-6 cm long should be planted in the pot. It is important to ensure that the soil is moist - this will contribute to the rooting of the plant.

Breeding methods

The author of the site "purity.bigbadmole.com/en/" has figured out the issue in detail and advises not to forget about one important secret. If you perform propagation using stem cuttings, then it is worth planting several pieces of shoots in a pot at once. In this case, the flower will be quite lush. The roots in the internodes appear after 2-3 weeks.

When deciding to propagate a plant by layering, the following scheme should be followed. Next to the mother flower - put an additional pot with a substrate. After that, take a few lashes of the godson and pin them in a new pot. In a place where the leaves come into contact with the soil, beads should be removed. One month after this procedure, the indoor flower will root. The plant can be separated from the mother branch, as the side stems will grow independently.

Reproduction is also carried out using seeds. In this case, it is necessary to use fresh seeds, as they very quickly lose their germination ability.

What are the diseases?

Like any other indoor flower, Rowley is sometimes "sick". The cause can be parasites, as well as inappropriate conditions in home care.

Senecio Flower

The godson will delight the eye for many years, if you know how to deal with the following difficulties:

  1. Dangerous pests. Bug, aphid and spider mite can affect plant viability. When revealing the first signs, it is recommended to spray the foliage with suitable insecticides.
  2. Gray rot. It appears on the leaves when waterlogging the soil. In this case, you will have to get rid of the affected leaves and provide the green friend with suitable conditions.
  3. White spots. If the plant has similar cracks, it is necessary to treat it with foundationazole with water as described in the instructions.
  4. Drying leaves. In the case when the bead leaves began to wrinkle, it is worth immediately spraying the green part of Rowley in the shower, and moisten the soil well.

Important Tips

Do not forget that Rowley's godson is a poisonous plant, so you need to take care of it carefully. It contains components that can impair liver function. The plant poses a danger to the mucous membranes, but the poison is harmless to the skin. Nevertheless, it is recommended to carry out land procedures with gloves. Do not start a houseplant in a house where there are small children or pets.

Everything you need to know about grooming Rowley

Interesting Facts

The godfather Rowley feels good both in the wild and in the home environment. Namibia (South-West Africa) is considered its homeland, where the plant most often lives in an arid mountainous area.In a natural environment where it rains extremely rarely, a flower is able to accumulate moisture for a long time in its leaves, which is why they have the shape of peas. Balls of leaves are able to reach a diameter of 1 cm.

The flower grows fast enough. If in a natural environment the size of the cross is usually 2 m, then at home its length reaches 50-100 cm. Rowley stems often branch and intertwine with each other independently. Blooms cross near the end of spring. Inflorescences of a pale pink hue appear on the peduncles, resembling dandelions, and cinnamon in flavor.

The Rowley Churchman is able to vividly emphasize any interior and please the eye of the inhabitants of the house. A houseplant is not whimsical to care for, but do not forget that it is poisonous. Remembering all the important nuances, it will not be difficult to keep Rowley's godson in the house. Unusual green beads and delicate pale pink inflorescences with the smell of cinnamon will delight all residents and guests of the house.

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