Homemade palm tree - how to care for a pandanus

Indoor, many arrange a real winter garden. Plants not only delight with their appearance, but also give fresh air and improve the atmosphere around. A palm tree such as pandanus care requires a small but regular. Even beginners will cope with it, but due attention must be paid to each action.


Main characteristics

Pandanus is a large ornamental plant and refers to palm trees. It is found in nature in Africa and Asia, a lot of its varieties in Madagascar. The tropical climate is the most attractive for this flower, but even at home, certain species settle comfortably.

Most Pandanus are very large palm trees, only some of them will fit in a room or on a balcony, but nothing prevents you from placing an exotic green pet in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Plant species

Home care depends on which flower it is decided to purchase. There are several options, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Veicha. This is a bush. Unlike an ordinary plant, which often develops as a tree, it is notable for its low height. With a crown, it reaches one and a half meters. Mostly leaves grow, they stretch up to 90 centimeters and beautifully branch around the trunk. Veicha always remains bright green. There are spikes along the edges of the leaves, and in their center are white stripes. General view - very refined, which distinguishes the plant.

Pandanus Veitch

  • Useful. This is a real palm tree, up to 20 m high, but houses usually do not exceed 3 meters, limited by the height of the ceiling. The leaves here are dark green and with red spikes along the edges, directed straight, and at the very base are tightly pressed against each other. The length of the leaves can reach 15 meters.

Pandanus Useful

  • Sander. Such a palm tree is much smaller than the useful pandanus, almost dwarf. Sander leaves are only 8 cm long. In the wild, the plant lives on the Malay archipelago. Often it is he who is turned on at home because of the permissible size.

Pandanus Sandera

When choosing a particular flower, first of all, it is necessary to take into account its size. You need to be prepared in advance that the pandanus occupies an impressive area and grows well both in height and in breadth. It is best suited for a greenhouse, conservatory or for decorating an interior in a room with a large area.

Special care

At home, this plant requires a lot of attention. Be sure to try to ensure conditions as close to natural as possible. The main problem often becomes lighting. The flower needs bright lighting in the winter, and in spring and summer the natural rays will be too bright for it, so you need to find a place where they will be scattered. The east or south window / side of the house will be optimal. In winter, additional lighting with phytolamps is used. On the south side, shading is needed in the summer, so in a garden or greenhouse a pandanus needs a shady neighbor.

The palm can be put on the balcony, in the room, taken out for the summer on the veranda or in the gazebo. The temperature should not fall below 12 degrees, and ideally - should be kept at 25.

purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends placing the phytolamp 70 cm from the flower. It must be turned on every day for 8 hours.

Home palm

For uniform growth, it is imperative that the palm is turned in different directions to the light source.

There are some nuances in watering.In spring and summer, it should be done about once every 2 days, immediately after the top of the earth dries out a little. In winter, the frequency decreases. In no case should you use cold water. It should be settled and room temperature. Usually, water is left in the pan for half an hour, and then it needs to be drained well, otherwise the roots will rot.

In spring and summer, additional feeding is needed. These are usually mineral fertilizers. It is necessary to repeat top dressing 2 times a month. It is definitely worth noting that in autumn and winter the procedure is not repeated.

If the leaves turn yellow

Pandanus diseases are rarely associated with pests, most often the reason is a violation of the rules of detention. So why do palm leaves turn yellow? Similar indoor plants need good lighting. If the color of the leaves has changed, then immediately you need to think about the lack of sunlight. Move the pot closer to the window or turn on the lamps.

An important nuance - on the one hand they turn yellow or evenly on the crown. If the color disappears locally, most likely, the plant needs to be turned "gray" to the sun.

Pandanus Sick

Air roots become a serious challenge. They necessarily appear in every pandanus. Given that there is no proper protection and humidity from the ground, they must be monitored separately. It is best to overlay with moss and control so that they are always wet enough.

Transplantation and reproduction

Pandanus grows rapidly, even rapidly. Therefore, young palm trees need a transplant every year. Adult plants should be relocated every 3 years. Carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to reckon with the sensitivity of the roots. The flower is transplanted by transshipment, then sprinkled with fresh soil.

So that the leaves do not interfere and are not damaged during transhipment, they are usually collected at the top and tied up, and released at the end of the work.


Reproduction of pandanus is carried out in several ways:

  • The seeds
  • cuttings
  • dividing the bush.

Each option is implemented in its own way. In the first case, it is very important to preserve the germ. That is why it is first covered with glass or film. Airing is also needed. After a month, shoots must appear. Usually the seeds are planted in groups and separated after the formation of the first 2-3 leaves. Then the seedling is able to develop in the pot independently.

For propagation with the help of cuttings, it is important to choose the right shoot - it should be from the side and long enough, at least 20 cm. The places of the slices are covered with coal and dried. Then planted in a mixture of peat in half with sand. Similarly with seeds, it should be covered with glass or a bag, arranging a mini-greenhouse. It is necessary to regularly air the seedlings and loosen the soil around them. It usually takes about a month to root if a special stimulant is used. Without it - up to 2 months.

An adult plant can be divided. To be precise, the daughter outlet is separated from the parent palm when it has grown to 20 cm and has given its roots. To spur the development of the root system of children, you should overlay it with wet sphagnum moss.


Parasites are rare on the pandanus, but they can still appear, for example, after moving from neighboring flowers. There are several pests that most often cause pandanus diseases:

  1. Scaffolds. Symptom is the appearance of brown scales. Sticky discharge is also noted on the leaves. It is necessary to qualitatively process the whole flower with acteplic or karbofos.
  2. Mealybugs cleaned with a swab or brush. Previously, it is wetted in alcohol or soapy water. Additionally, tolox, diclox or koktsgard should be added.
  3. Spider mites. They appear when the humidity is too low. Holes appear on the leaves, which gradually begin to merge with each other. A good weapon against a parasite is an actar. It is also necessary to increase humidity: place the pot on a pallet with wet expanded clay.

The spiral palm, pandanus is distinguished by its attractive appearance, and according to popular signs, it also has a special, positive energy. Pandanus takes away all the negativity, helps calm down.

The palm is quite easy to care for, unpretentious. The most demanding only for lighting and transplantation. Therefore, it is perfect for those who are just beginning to comprehend the art of floriculture, or often go on business trips. Pandanus grows rapidly and soon turns into a beautiful tree or a spectacular potted bush with rich green leaves that can decorate any interior.

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