Why plants should not be watered with cold water, what will happen

Proper hydration of indoor flowers, seedlings and garden beds is the most important condition for the normal development of culture. Both experienced gardeners and professional farmers insist that you can not water plants with cold water. The optimum temperature is about 20 degrees. Allowed fluctuations within 4 degrees in the positive and negative direction, depending on the type of plant, ambient temperature and method of irrigation.

pour cold water

What happens when wet with cold water

If the water was taken directly from the well (this is rarely warmer than +6 degrees) or cooled at night to 15 degrees and stronger, then it is extremely undesirable to take it for irrigation.

What will happen if the rule is neglected:

  1. Receiving water similar to autumn showers, the plant will slow down all biological processes, begin to prepare for bed.
  2. By themselves, many substances dissolve worse in cold water and therefore do not saturate the planting to the right degree.
  3. Tiny peripheral root processes, up to dying, are most affected.
  4. Due to hypothermia, the response of plants to external stimuli worsens. Landings become more susceptible to disease, suffer more and recover worse after attacks of parasites of any kind.

Moisturizing the sprout

purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ magazine recommends organizing a drip irrigation system on the site, which minimizes the risk of both overcooling and overheating during humidification, protects against overflow and drought, allows more rational use of moisture from the tank and doesn’t rush to the summer cottage strictly by time, when they give water.

moisturizing indoor flowers

Watering Rules

These are the main negative consequences of cold watering, but in agricultural technology there are no unambiguous solutions. When organizing watering, you need to consider the following factors:

  • type of plant
  • watering method
  • temperature of air and soil.

Type of plant. Most garden crops and potted plants come from the tropics and other southern undergrowths. They prefer water not colder than 20, and preferably 22 degrees. Among garden crops, pumpkin is especially thermophilic, from watermelon to cucumbers. On the contrary, solanaceous, for example, tomatoes, do not like heat very much. They prefer moisturizing with cool water, 18-20 degrees.

Watering tomato sprouts

Watering method. Obviously, pouring icy, spring water under the root is not worth it - it is a direct cold blow to the plant. But sprinkling (for example, for cabbage), drip irrigation or through a good layer of mulch are quite suitable methods if it is not possible to warm water for irrigation.

Ambient temperature. Worse than cold or heat, plants tolerate changes in conditions. Therefore, to moisten in the heat of cold water or after a cold night, to pour out hot moisture on the plantings is the worst solution. There should not be a contrast between the temperature of water, soil and air. Therefore, it is preferable to water indoor plantings with water that has settled in the same room, and the garden with moisture collected in the tank for at least a day.

Watering flowers

A few more nuances of proper watering:

  1. In a hot week, it is better to moisten the planting before 9 in the morning or after 6 in the evening, when the heat was asleep. Otherwise, the drops concentrate the sun's rays and leave burns on the leaves. From the soil, moisture will evaporate rapidly, and forms a crust, preventing air from passing to the roots. Another consequence of the drying up of the soil is that the roots will grow vertically down and up in search of moisture, and the plants will hold on to the soil worse, the slightest wind will drop them.
  2. In cool and cloudy weather, watering should be moderate and carried out in the warm time of the day so that the water does not stagnate either on the stems, or on the greenery and fruits.The mistake is fraught with the fact that microflora is divorced in puddles, which will begin to eat plants, rot will appear.
  3. Vegetables such as tomatoes do not tolerate dampness, but they also don’t like drought. Therefore, they need to be covered with mulch so that moisture evaporates slowly, and watering can be less common.
  4. Contrasts are not welcome, but it is obvious that after frosts to take ice water or in the heat - boiling water is not worth it. In the first case, you need to give the soil at least a little warm and pour warm water. It is permissible for tropical whims, like cucumbers, to warm with water about 45 degrees, but this is risky - it is preferable to organize a greenhouse. In heat, on the contrary, it is necessary to allow the earth to cool and only then pour water. If you take hot moisture and moisten the hot soil, planting is simply welded.

Drop watering of cucumbers

Plants can not be watered with either cold or hot water if you want to get a rich harvest. Spring water will cause plants to slow down in development and make them vulnerable to pests and diseases. Hot water will dip planting in the bath, which is fraught with death. The farmers consider optimal drip irrigation, but it is not necessary at all. Observe the conditions recommended for certain types of plants, and the harvest, flowers and saturated greens will certainly please you.

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