How and what to cover the walls before wallpapering

In order to keep the wallpaper firmly held and subsequently easily dismantled, no spots and bumps are visible under them, a layer of finish plaster or putty is put on the walls before gluing (for sealing cracks), and they are also treated with a primer. The types of material depend on the nature of the substrate, the type of wallpaper and room.

Types of primers

All primers are conditionally divided into water-containing (acrylic and PVA-based) and alkyd (based on organic solvents). The former are suitable for all standard walls, they are placed on plaster, putty, drywall and even bare concrete. Such compounds are non-toxic, do not have a pungent odor, so it’s worth taking them to repair a room or other residential premises.

PVA based primer

Primers on alkyds are needed to work with wood, plywood, chipboard, etc., as well as with metal. These substrates are susceptible to moisture and do not tolerate dampness, and the metal, moreover, does not adhere well to glue. Therefore, a special layer is needed, thick, sticky, porous enough to let air through, and dense enough to keep moisture out.

The primer concentrate must be diluted strictly in accordance with the instructions. Too liquid composition will not give the desired effect, and too thick will turn into a slippery monolith with low adhesion.

Types of Acrylic Primers

Acrylic based primers are the most popular today, a huge number of them are produced, with a variety of additives and additions.

Soil material

Specialization of acrylic primers:

  1. Adhesive is indispensable for pasting kitchens and other rooms where walls are painted with resistant oil paint. This primer is not designed to leak deep into the wall, it remains mainly on the surface and increases the adhesion of wallpaper glue and the base.
  2. Adhesive with quartz chips maximizes gluing and is recommended for especially heavy wallpapers (silk-screen printing, non-woven and vinyl with relief, textile, glass, etc.)
  3. Moisture resistant is highly desirable in the kitchens, in the bathroom (if wallpaper installation is supposed), in a room with lots of flowers or where the laundry will be dried. The primer will protect against moisture increase under the wallpaper and will not let the fungus start.
  4. Deep penetration is necessary if the wallpaper falls on old plaster, drywall and other porous substrates. The primer will close the microcracks, narrow the pores - so that the glue will subsequently lie evenly, and will not be absorbed into the wall.
  5. With an antiseptic - for disinfection. Antiseptics are added to all high-quality primers, the question is in their quantity. For rooms where mold used to live, a primer with improved protection against fungus is needed.

Antiseptic primer

Before laying the plaster, as well as on the rough plaster before distributing the finish or tile adhesive, a primer is also applied, otherwise the materials will crumble. This is especially important in the corridor and at external corners — they have an increased load on abrasion and impacts.

Adhesive primer

One of the simplest, but not the most effective ways is to ground the walls with the same glue that will fix the wallpaper.

How to breed
Primer glue is diluted in the same way that I install wallpaper, except for the proportions. The proportion of water doubles.

The minus of the approach is that glue will have to buy much more. The consumption of a special primer is usually somewhat lower. In addition, the glue is not designed for strengthening, deep penetration or increased protection against fungus. This is a very suitable solution in warm, not suffering from temperature extremes or high humidity indoor spaces.

Adhesive primer

How to use

The primer is diluted sufficiently liquid, following the instructions. The most convenient tools for processing - roller and bath with a shelf.

Important magazine focuses on the fact that the tool should be wet, but should not leak from it, and drips and stains are not desirable in the hay. On the other hand, dry areas should also not remain.

Acting from top to bottom and from left to right, the primer is distributed over all walls and allowed to dry. The exact time is indicated on the packaging (quick-drying sets in 1-2 hours, an adhesive primer usually takes 8-10 hours), after which they put the second layer and again allow complete polymerization.

Then you need to take a sample: hold a little palm on the wall. There should be no crumbs, no dust from the plaster, putty, concrete. This means that you can glue wallpaper.

Primer walls

TOP brands

There are a lot of brands and varieties of primers today, but three leaders are clearly distinguished:

  1. Pufas.
  2. Quelyd.
  3. Kleo.

The second and third brands - the most massive, popular. They are represented in any construction department, and it is they who are usually bought by unprofessional repairmen. Stamps offer a wide selection of products for different walls and wallpapers, various operating conditions.

Soil materials

However, the masters note that the properties Pufas significantly better, with the same breadth of the line and manufacturability. The disadvantage of the brand is its cost.

Experienced craftsmen strongly recommend taking a primer of the same brand as the glue. If you bought expensive wallpaper from a large company, then it is better to use adhesive materials of the same brand.

The primer layer allows the wallpaper to stay longer and stronger on the walls, but it is easy to move away from the base during dismantling. In addition, the primer strengthens the wall and protects it from moisture, mold and insects. Today, pre-treatment is listed as a prerequisite in the instructions for all adhesive compositions.

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