Can I repair a spring mattress at home?

Despite certain difficulties, repair of spring mattresses can be done independently. The volume and time of work depend on the type of malfunction, the type of mattress itself, and also on the user's skill. The resource has collected useful and relevant information on how to properly carry out repairs and achieve a high-quality result.

Repair of the spring block of a mattress

Types of malfunctions

There are two types of spring mattresses: with an independent spring unit and with a continuous weaving of springs. In most cases, modern orthopedic mattresses are equipped with separate spring blocks, continuous weaving is found in old-style mattresses.

During repair, the user may encounter various breakdowns:

  • the need to replace external upholstery or sealing material;
  • disconnecting the spring from the base;
  • deformation of the spring block;
  • cracks on the mattress frame.

For work, a number of tools are needed:

  • hammer and pliers;
  • nails (ordinary 50-60 mm and furniture);
  • clamps;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • needle and strong thread (preferably ordinary thick or silk);
  • sealing material - synthetic winterizer or foam rubber;
  • strong cord (recommended thickness 5 mm);
  • manual or electric stapler, staples;
  • spare springs.

Removing the mattress upholstery

Step 1. Upholstery Removal and Cleaning

Experts recommend repairing the mattress on the street or in the garage, but if this is not possible, it is permissible to do this at home. The entire structure should be placed on a flat horizontal surface or several stools so that the structure can be approached from either side.

In most cases, the top decorative cover is closed with a zipper around the entire perimeter, it is easy to remove and remove the structure itself. If the external material is stitched, it should be strung, and it is not necessary to cut all the seams, it is enough to separate the parts of the cover on one side. Then carefully remove the sealing and cushioning fabric, which closes the springs.


In modern mattresses, the lining fabric is glued to a strong adhesive. To remove it, carefully cut the glued seams with a sharp knife.

If the mattress has been used for a long time, a large accumulation of dust may form in it, which should be removed with a household or car vacuum cleaner. At this stage, all the details of the mattress should be thoroughly cleaned. If the sealing and lining material has deteriorated, it is recommended to replace it with a new one or wash it.

Inspection of the spring unit

Stage 2. Inspection and repair of spring blocks

Under the lining fabric springs are located, sometimes they are wrapped in individual covers. The whole strapping of the springs is fixed to the nails nailed to the frame - they should be bent or removed. At this stage, you need to inspect all the blocks, each spring must be securely attached to the base. If any elements move freely or the mounts are worn out, they should be replaced and the parts fixed on the clamps or nailed with rails.

There are several methods for attaching spring blocks: on rails, on clamps, on straps. It is enough to examine how the rest are fixed.


The most important thing is the reliable fastening of the spring to the base. If you do not have the right materials at hand, you can do it with improvised means - thick nylon clamps, leather belt cuts, metal brackets for self-tapping screws.

In some mattresses, the springs are pulled together with a wire - you do not need to remove all of it, just bend it only in those places where the blocks sank.After replacing the springs, the wire is bent to its previous position.

If wooden slats become unusable, they can also be replaced with your own hands. Before removing the old ones, it should be noted on the frame the places of fastening of the fixing straps. After that, you can remove the nails and the fixing tape. On new rails, you need to cut holes (grooves) and attach them to the nails on both sides.

Bonnel spring unit

Stage 3. Linking spring blocks

When all springs are securely fixed to the frame, they must be tied. It is very easy to do.

  1. You need to drive a nail in front of each row of springs at the level of the frame (you can see how the springs were fixed initially).
  2. All nails are bent by hooks.
  3. First of all, two extreme springs of the horizontal row are fixed.
  4. Next, fix the springs vertically.
  5. When all the longitudinal rows are tied, they complete the cross-tie, while the springs themselves and the longitudinal cord are tied with a cord - this will ensure reliable fixation of the entire structure.
  6. At the end of the strapping, all nails are deepened into the frame to the base so that the cord does not fly off.

New mattress cover

Step 4. Replacing the skin

The material that covers all the springs is removed and a new one is laid. The edges of the casing are folded with a scarf and attached to the frame using a manual stapler or small furniture studs.

Experts recommend changing the casing of the springs, even if its external condition is satisfactory. If the repair is carried out efficiently, you will not have to return another 5-10 years to the replacement of the springs, and the factory cladding is unlikely to “live” the second term. This procedure is also carried out for hygienic purposes, because the fabric absorbs all odors, may contain dust and dust mites. If replacement is not possible, the material is washed and patches are applied if necessary.

Foam or synthetic winterizer is laid on top and fixed on the staples with the help of a stapler. At the end, an external decorative material is pulled and fastened around the perimeter. When laying each layer, stretch the fabric evenly so that wrinkles and sagging areas do not form.

This completes the repair of the spring mattress. In those cases when the frame itself is deformed, the user needs to replace its parts. To do this, the entire structure is disassembled, all fasteners and springs are disconnected. New frame elements should be selected in accordance with the characteristics of a particular model, in most cases you can do with a wooden block. This is a simple, but rather laborious work, which is better to entrust to a specialized workshop.

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