3 types of spots on the ceiling after flooding and the most effective ways to deal with them

Have you ever been flooded by neighbors? Apparently, you are a very lucky person. The rest, at least once in their lives, had to sort things out with neighbors from above, forgetting about the typing bath, and eliminate rusty spots on the ceiling after flooding. Not everyone can get them out completely, but it’s enough to know only a few secrets to get rid of them effectively, quickly and without unnecessary manipulations.

Flood stain on the ceiling

We remove rusty stains from the ceiling

It would be wonderful if, in the event of flooding, the ceiling simply dried up and remained pristine white, but the rust from the fittings in the concrete slabs makes the transparent tap water dirty and the spots on the ceiling yellow. And you can’t just paint over rusty spots: even after 3-4 layers, yellowness will appear. That is why you need to follow a certain strategy if you want to remove traces after the flood forever.

Ceiling painting

If there are only stains on the ceiling

Did a little flood in the bathroom happen? The usual “White” will help get rid of the yellow spots on drywall and plaster!

  • Treat stains with bleach 2–4 times depending on its intensity.
  • Paint the remains with ordinary water-based paint, if necessary - in several layers.


Sometimes the stain does not want to be covered by water-based paint. Then you can paint it with oil paint, and after it apply a water-based paint.

If the flooding was strong and the ceiling was finished with drywall, you may have to completely change the sheets, since the cardboard part is severely deformed. If you change the drywall laziness, you can drag it over the stretch ceiling, which, incidentally, the floods are not afraid, or make a choice in favor of ceiling tiles, wallpaper or PVC panels. All this, of course, is done only after processing the ceiling with a primer!

Ceiling Putty

If, in addition to stains, plaster

But in this case you have to arrange a mini restoration of the ceiling, it will take more time and effort.

  • First you need to clean the ceiling from painted and cracked putty to drywall or board if the layer is thin, and at least 2-3 mm if the layer is thick. This can be done with a spatula.
  • Now the site needs to be treated with a primer. If possible, put a layer of a special antibacterial primer under a layer of ordinary primer.
  • We cover the deepening with putty. Experienced repair teams advise using acrylic putty, and also do not forget about the reinforcing mesh, if you had to remove too much of the old coating.
  • It remains after the putty dries to paint the area in the desired color.


Do not repaint the entire ceiling at once: try to find the right shade of paint, let the layer dry and only then evaluate the result.

If dark stains appeared on the fabric stretch ceiling, they can be removed using a solution of soda ash, which our mothers used. Apply the solution to the spots on the ceiling, let the fabric dry, and then rinse the canvas. The procedure may have to be repeated several times, but if this does not help, you will have to completely repaint the canvas with water-based paint or apply the pattern only to the part with the stains.

Black spot on the ceiling in the corner

What to do if the stain is black?

Most often, frightening black spots appear in the bathroom, where the humidity is so high that the wet spot does not dry out and mold appears on it, but such spots can appear on the ceilings and walls of living rooms with high humidity.

Removing black mold in your bath on drywall and plaster, it turns out, is easier than removing red spots after flooding: it is enough to treat the infected area with a sponge dampened in a regular “White”! After 5-6 minutes, the mold will noticeably brighten, and after half an hour you will no longer remember that there was a stain.


Small streaks after the flood can prevent the use of a hydrophobic primer on the ceiling for putty. Its layer simply will not allow moisture to putty and paint, keeping the coating snow-white.

After that, the wall can be treated with a primer, and then make repairs according to the plan.

Oil stain on the ceiling

How to deal with oil stains?

In the bathroom, oil stains on the ceiling after the flood may be rare, but sometimes greasy marks literally come out of nowhere. Often this happens in new homes, and residents even sue because of this inconvenience. And all because simply removing greasy stains is quite difficult. You can try this option, but it may not be enough to clear your ceiling.

  • Prime the problem area, let the primer dry.
  • Paint the stains with oil paint so that the grease from the stain cannot leak through it.
  • From the top, mask the work with water-based paint in the color of the ceiling.

It is not necessary to completely overlap or repaint the ceiling after flooding, because you can remove any type of stains yourself. Now that you know exactly what to do, no flood can ruin your repair!

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  1. Eugene
    07/19/2024 at 23:05 Reply

    The ceiling in my bathroom was covered in black mold. It did not work out with anti-mold. I did this: He peeled off the ceiling and burned ALL the surface with a gas burner. At the same time, mold-black concrete in our eyes turned gray (color of cement). He painted the ceiling with a water-based emulsion, diluting it with anti-mildew. A couple of months after that, I began to notice black spots in places where condensation had accumulated after visiting the bathroom. I put a fan in the ventilation outlet, which turns on for 1 hour every 4 hours and thus got rid of condensation and mold. The fan has been working without problems for already 7 years. There is no other way to get rid of the blackness in the bathroom.

  2. Valery
    08/08/2024 at 00:04 Reply

    The corner of the bathroom due to the lack of hoods was black from the fungus. I tore off all the putty to concrete and several times smeared it with moisture protection TEX 1-7 with concentrate and then putty twice and again applied moisture protection, it’s blue and has been eight years fie.


