8 consequences of lack of sleep for your body

Sleeping 3-4 hours a day is fun only when you are a student, and in adulthood, many, on the contrary, would be willing to pay for the opportunity to sleep an extra hour, that's just where to get it with family and work. Or maybe the value of the notorious 8 hours of sleep, which doctors say, is exaggerated? The editors of purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ decided to figure out what the lack of sleep leads to, and were very surprised by the results. So what will happen to your body?

Lack of sleep

What threatens to lack of sleep?

Everyone understands that sleep is extremely important for human health: it is not for nothing that depriving a person of sleep was considered one of the most cruel tortures, although at the same time not a drop of blood is spilled. We often feel its lack on ourselves, but the problem is that we cannot understand what exactly is wrong with our body and what consequences it is fraught with. But scientists have done enough research in the field of sleep to say what will happen to you with lack of sleep.

A man falls asleep at work

8 you cannot think normally

We think this is one of the manifestations of lack of sleep that you just noticed: after a sleepless night, any work is much more difficult, and thoughts in your head get confused so that even simple communication with friends turns into a test. And scientists confirm this. A similar experiment is carried out in different research centers: a person performs one task a day when he has slept, and the second, similar in complexity, when he did not sleep at all. In the second case, the ability to analyze, make decisions, argue, solve a problem and calculate the time to work significantly decreases. So - no lack of sleep if your work is connected with mental work!

Sleep at work

7 Your memory will stop working normally

You could also come across this: with a lack of sleep, the work of all parts of the brain, including those that are responsible for memory, goes astray. At the same time, lack of sleep affects both short-term memory and long-term memory. That is, it will be equally difficult for you to remember what you were going to buy in the store, and the rules of some familiar card game. But the most annoying thing is that your memory will work equally badly both at extracting and assimilating information. So, attention to students: everything that you learn against a background of lack of sleep runs the risk of flying out of your head before the exam.

Decreased immunity with lack of sleep

6 The chance that you will get sick will increase

Have you noticed how lethargic people become with a lack of sleep? Physical weakness is noticeable, but we prefer not to pay attention to it. But with lack of sleep, all body systems, including immunity, are weakened, and this can directly affect the state of your health. It is especially dangerous to get enough sleep during the period of flu and colds: at some point, your body will probably fight the virus, and whether it can defeat it, directly depends on the number of hours you spent in the bed.


5 Increased risk of heart disease

Perhaps nothing will happen from one sleepless night, but with chronic lack of sleep your heart will definitely not thank you. So, scientists found that with a lack of sleep - and this is 5 hours a day or less - the chances of getting coronary heart disease or heart attack are significantly increased.Remember that the health of many body systems greatly depends on the choice you make every day - like a salad instead of a burger, a walk instead of a sofa and a TV, or an extra hour of sleep instead of funny videos about cats.

The effect of lack of sleep on libido

4 The level of libido will decrease significantly

The less you sleep, the more the brain thinks about how to prevent the body from falling apart, and less about how to continue the birth. Instincts are dulled, and your libido will suffer almost in the first place. According to research results, this consequence of lack of sleep is more often manifested in young men: testosterone levels fall by 10-15% after a week of sleep for 5 or less hours per day. Moreover, the longer the experiment lasted, the higher this percentage became. True, the level of the hormone was restored after a couple of nights of normal sleep, so the situation is completely in your hands!

By the way

Now a lot of research is being conducted, scientists are trying to establish a connection between sleep and the risk of cancer. Experts believe that lack of sleep can increase the risks of colorectal cancer, as well as breast and prostate cancer.

Lack of nutrition during sleep deprivation

3 You will begin to gain weight, which may result in diabetes

Trying to lose weight, but nothing happens? Are you sleeping enough? A recent study has shown that problems with weight loss and the tendency to gain it are higher in people who sleep less than 5 hours a day. By the way, the study involved more than 21 thousand people, and it lasted 3 years, so the identified dynamics are credible. As for diabetes, this disease can be a derivative of a weight problem: more than 10 independent studies have confirmed that because of chronic lack of sleep, you really can be at risk.

Man falls asleep at the wheel

2 Your attention will become less sharp, the reaction speed will decrease, which can lead to an accident

If you know how it feels to drive after a sleepless night, then responsibility is not your hobby. Driving for a long time without sleep or with chronic insomnia is a guarantee of an accident. The same applies to pedestrians: at least you will not cripple others here, but you will hardly be able to bounce off the car rushing towards you. And in other situations, attention does not hurt: open hatches on the road, hazardous production, but at least washing windows. All this becomes many times more dangerous if you slept poorly the last few days.

Appearance with lack of sleep

1 you will look bad

Here we are unlikely to discover America: we all constantly release jokes about bags under the eyes and a “rumpled” look. After one night without sleep, it may just be fatigue, but scientists have found that with chronic lack of sleep, the skin condition suffers to a large extent. In the study, which involved people from 30 to 50 years old, a clear relationship was found between the number of wrinkles, pigmentation and sagging skin and the amount of sleep that these people received. So, girls, here is one of the best preventative measures against aging!


Adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep daily, and this is considered the best indicator. At the same time, excess sleep is also not good for our body, and lovers of sleep before lunch should remember this.

Of course, this is far from all, because a lack of sleep causes disruption in all body systems: migraines, a sharp drop in vision, irritability, and even digestive problems can occur! We think that none of you would like to encounter any of the items listed in this article, so we recommend that you do not sit up at night with a laptop and instead add to your piggy bank your health plus one hour of sleep so necessary for our body.

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