5 reasons to pay attention to the position of the head on the pillow during sleep

Each person prefers a certain posture for sleep, but does not always think about how it affects well-being. Considering sleep as part of your health care, you should know how to sleep on your pillow and why it matters. Is it worth it to acquire a modern orthopedic roller for sleeping, or does it not matter to the body how to realize your physiological need?

Sleeping correctly on a pillow means providing the spine a stable position without squeezing the vessels of the neck. The quality of the material the pillow is made of, its shape and the position of the head on it matter. The condition of the vertebrae, blood circulation in the brain and the quality of rest depend on this. It is necessary to give the correct position to the spine in order to prevent many diseases and not harm when there are already deviations.

Girl sleeping on a feather pillow

Why do I need a pillow?

In the neck area is the most important artery, regular compression of which in case of improper position of the head during sleep leads to impaired cerebral circulation. A lack of oxygen inhibits the conduction function, and the rate of transmission of nerve impulses decreases. This is not the only reason why you need to place your head on the pillow and spend time choosing this product.

In addition to creating comfort, the pillow performs other functions:

  • maintaining the cervical vertebrae at the right level;
  • ensuring normal blood circulation;
  • creating conditions for free breathing;
  • reduction of energy costs for recovery during sleep;
  • prevention of squeezing muscles and joints;
  • prevention of pain in the spine.

Without its use, it is difficult to ensure a comfortable and proper rest of the spine and all internal organs. When the head does not support anything, there is a curvature in the cervical vertebrae, and if this happens regularly, there are problems with the intervertebral discs and muscles. The pillow and mattress must repeat all the bends of the body, otherwise there is an uneven distribution of load, individual muscles and joints are tense during sleep. This leads to a slowdown in metabolism, impaired blood circulation and general fatigue.

The correct position on the pillow, in turn, prevents headaches in the morning and discomfort in certain parts of the body. Some people suffer from chronic fatigue, sleep ceases to fulfill its important function in human life - to give energy and relieve stress of a difficult day. In this case, immediately after awakening, apathy is observed, fatigue, headache are felt.


Chronic fatigue requires the help of a specialist, but if you arrange a comfortable sleep on the right surface, most of the problems can be eliminated on your own.

Head position in a dream

Head position in a dream

Advice on how to choose a pillow and sleep on it will be equally useful to those who get enough sleep, and people who awaken and feel discomfort and pain in the neck. The main objective of the pillow is to maintain the head, neck and shoulders, from which all the rules of choice and sleep on it come from.

How to sleep on a pillow?

  • The lower edge is under the neck.
  • The head is completely on the pillow and does not hang.
  • Shoulders lie on the mattress, do not rise.

Compliance with these three simple rules will already be the beginning of the path to creating the right conditions for sleep.Being in this position, the spine is located directly, normal blood circulation occurs in the brain, muscles and joints relax.


The pillow should fit the pose. Standard feather or synthetic square shapes are perfect for sleeping on your back. A product with a high roller should be selected when preference is given to sleep on its side. Some models have a special notch under the shoulder, but this is not very convenient when a person often changes his sleep position. For lovers of sleeping on the stomach, classic models are well suited.

Sleep on an orthopedic pillow

How to choose a pillow for a healthy sleep?

You need to start the selection by determining a comfortable posture for sleeping. Within a few days you can observe in which position the body relaxes most quickly and falls asleep.

  1. For sleep on the back, a product with a height of 5-10 cm, medium rigidity with a recess for the head, is suitable.
  2. For sleep on the side - up to 10 cm high, medium and high rigidity with good neck support.
  3. For sleeping on the stomach - up to 8 cm high, soft and thin.
  4. With frequent changes in posture in a dream, a medium-height pillow is suitable, soft, with easy shape control.

Buckwheat husk or latex is used as a hard filler. Such products are suitable for people with diseases of the spine, when you need to maintain a special position of the head and sleep on a hard surface. Pillows with a medium-hard memory effect are suitable for everyone, without exception. The softest fillers are artificial or natural fluff, silk, cotton and holofiber. This option is suitable for those who often spin before bedtime and cannot sleep for a long time, choosing a comfortable pose. It is recommended that people with diseases of the spine choose a pillow together with a doctor, a special bandage or a neck collar may be required.


A good option would be an orthopedic pillow. It supports the head and neck in the correct position, preventing compression of the vertebrae and carotid artery.

Mom with a baby on a bed without a pillow

Can I sleep without a pillow?

If you sharply change the shape and height of the pillow, falling asleep just as quickly in the usual position will not work. It takes some time to get used to the new conditions, but if this is beneficial, the body quickly adapts - and soon you can observe changes in a positive direction. Whoever had to sleep at least once without a pillow would not want to repeat such an experience for a long time.


The head is habitual during sleep to be above the level of the spine and on a soft base. Contact with a hard mattress not only causes discomfort, but also leads to severe tension of the cervical spine.

The only ones who need and benefit from sleeping on a flat surface are newborns. Infants should sleep without additional support of the head, which is necessary for the formation of the correct bends of the spine. From six months, you can begin to give the head a somewhat elevated position, enclosing a folded diaper. Already from 12 months a special children's orthopedic pillow has been used.

Improper sleeping position

How the pillow is related to health

The absence of a pillow leads to muscle tension, which supports the spine all night. After such a sleep in the morning, pain in the neck and headache is felt. A pillow is also needed in order to avoid aspiration asphyxiation. The horizontal position of the head at the level of the spine increases the risk of saliva or vomit entering the airways. For the same reason, sleeping without a pillow leads to frequent reflex cough.

purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ knows why sleeping without a pillow cannot be healthy.

  1. Appearance. Imprints of a hard mattress on the face remain for some time, and impaired blood flow leads to the appearance of edema.
  2. Snore. When the head is thrown back, the tongue somewhat overlaps the lumen of the respiratory tract, which provokes various sounds when breathing, including snoring.
  3. Diseases of the spine. Compression of the vertebrae in the cervical spine, circulatory disorders forms the conditions for the development of protrusion and osteochondrosis.
  4. Vascular pathology. From the wrong pillow or its absence, the brain suffers, memory worsens, prolonged impaired blood flow increases the risk of ischemic stroke.
  5. Comfort and mood. One of the most pleasant moments after a hard day will be relaxing on your favorite soft pillow, which you do not want to part with in the morning.

Fatigue and headache after sleep impair the quality of life and are signs of health problems. Changes occur imperceptibly, because it is not always possible to eliminate risk factors in time, but you have to deal with the consequences. Proper sleep on a pillow is part of prevention, a prerequisite for maintaining the health of the spinal column and internal organs.

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