What time should I go to bed and when is it better to wake up?

After awakening the body from sleep, lightness, fullness of energy and a desire to create appear, but, unfortunately, this feeling is not familiar to everyone. It will be useful for many to find out what time to go to bed, so that every day starts pleasantly, and a night's rest heals and becomes a source of good health and mood.

The need for sleep is due to the individual characteristics of the body. The average duration of rest of an adult is from 7 to 10 hours. In this case, it is important not only the time of sleep, but also the moment of falling asleep and awakening. In this regard, the best time would be going to bed between 11 a.m. and 12 a.m., and getting up at 5-7 a.m.

Sleep Time - Table

Time to sleep

The need for the body to fall asleep at a certain time is due to the production of hormones. At night, from 12 nights to 5 in the morning, the formation of a large amount of melatonin occurs, which takes part in a full sleep. Rest during this period gives a person a sense of vitality and well-being. The hormone melatonin is extremely important in the body to maintain heart function, normalize blood pressure and increase immune defense.

This substance with a normal content in the blood slows down the aging process, helps the body cope with pathogens. Adequate production of melatonin helps to improve memory, enhances sexual activity and has an antitumor effect.

It is these factors that determine the importance of observing the regime of the day and falling asleep at a certain time of the day. Creating an individual schedule, one should take into account the recommendations of specialists regarding how much to go to bed and what time to wake up.

Awakening in the morning

When to wake up

Awakening is determined by the moment of falling asleep and the time it takes for sleep. Night rest occurs cyclically, there are several phases of fast and slow sleep. The first cycle lasts about 100 minutes, the next - 15 minutes less. Normally, at least 4 cycles should occur per night, and this is an average of 6 to 8 hours.


Falling asleep at 11 o’clock in the evening, the alarm clock can be set at 6 in the morning. The body in this case will feel rested and the desire to sleep for another 5 minutes will not be so intrusive.

The following factors affect the duration of sleep.

  • Food. A night's rest will be better and faster for people who prefer light, low-fat foods.
  • Activities in the daytime. After a hard working day, the body quickly goes to sleep, but it also takes more time for a full recovery.
  • Age. It is physiologically determined that sleep in a newborn lasts from 12 to 16 hours, adults can sleep 4-8 hours, in older people, sleep time is reduced to 4-6 hours.
  • Floor. Due to the characteristics of the nervous system, a woman needs more time to relax, on average, for 20-60 minutes.

Of course, one should not forget about such factors as stressful situations, existing diseases, and the use of stimulants in the form of caffeine.

Pleasant awakening

Why keep the day

Ideally, daytime employment should not affect when the body falls asleep and wakes up. Going to sleep in one time period sets the program for the body - and for some time there is a habit of falling asleep and waking up at the same time.

This not only allows you to get enough sleep, but also gradually reduces the duration of sleep.Making sure that you need to go to bed at the right hours will help you get acquainted with the possible consequences of breaking the daily routine.

The consequences of regular lack of sleep

The consequences of regular lack of sleep

After severe stress or several cups of coffee, the body is difficult to prepare for bed. If this happens regularly, the regime goes astray and the body gradually switches to a new time of rest. Isolated situations when for some reason you need to skip a night's sleep or vivid fantasies suddenly burst out and disturbed before morning, do not pose any danger to the body, and it is very likely that the next day the dream will come at the right time.


If sleep deprivation occurs regularly, the body receives severe stress, which affects physical and mental health, and this should not be allowed in connection with unpleasant consequences.

What happens with regular sleep deprivation:

  • the immune system weakens;
  • the body becomes vulnerable to infectious diseases;
  • memory and concentration deteriorate;
  • irritability, nervousness, apathy appear;
  • accelerated aging of the body, early wrinkles appear, hair turns gray.

A sharp transition to wakefulness at night does not pass without a trace, even if you get enough sleep during the day. This is due to the fact that the body is programmed to sleep at night and drowsiness will be present during this period.

When a person is forced to constantly stay awake after sunset, which is associated with the work schedule, then the body gets used to it after a while and it feels better. But this does not mean that the new regime is safe. There is still a negative effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. The psychoemotional state suffers significantly. A forced change in the regime of the day leads to a decrease in working capacity, to apathy, and in some cases even to depression.

Insomnia in a girl

What to do with insomnia

When there is a desire to set the correct mode of the day, but insomnia prevents the achievement of the goal, one does not have to give up. Following some recommendations will make it clear to the body when to go to bed, and the process of falling asleep will be accelerated.


Prolonged insomnia, which is not caused by obvious factors (caffeine, stress, daytime sleep), requires treatment, and purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends contacting a specialist for examination in this case.

How to teach the body to fall asleep at one time?

  • Think of your ritual before bedtime, which will be a signal for your body (walk, read).
  • Give up coffee and energy a few hours before bedtime (at least 4 hours).
  • Refuse to relax in the daytime, because this is the first step to insomnia.
  • Do not use the sleeping place for any other purpose (watching TV, reading, etc.).
  • Try meditation and learn the breathing technique to relax the body.

Healthy sleep

Healthy Sleep Rules

To get enough sleep, follow the useful and proven recommendations that experts give.

  • Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on night sleep - the body relaxes, the nervous system calms down.
  • A contrast shower and a jog before bedtime will not contribute to fast falling asleep, it is best to do this in the morning.
  • Eating at bedtime is undesirable, but the feeling of hunger will not let you fall asleep. You can drink kefir or eat a small fruit.
  • You can compile a table and indicate in it the time of sleep and awakening, as well as factors affecting lack of sleep.
  • It is better to sleep in a ventilated room, and in the summer leave the window open at all.

As soon as you get used to fall asleep at the right time and wake up on your own without an alarm, you will immediately feel a sense of lightness and even happiness after waking up. Your body knows when to go to bed, do not break the natural mechanisms for the sake of their work or even fleeting entertainment.

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  1. Ivan
    12/30/2024 at 11:42 Reply

    This is a great article! It was made up by very brilliant people!


