What to consider when buying a coconut mattress in a crib?

Almost everything is ready for the appearance of a newborn in the house, and today future parents are going to choose a coconut mattress in a crib. It is impossible to make a mistake when buying: for the first months the baby will lie in bed almost around the clock, it is necessary that his back is in the right position, and the baby is comfortable. Decide in advance which model you want to purchase. Do not forget to measure the dimensions of the frame so that the mattress fits in easily, but without gaps. Think over the design and color of the bed - and go shopping.

Children jump in the crib

Requirements for a baby mattress

The back of the newborn is straight, the spine will acquire the necessary bends later, when the baby begins to crawl, sit, stand on its legs. While the posture has not yet formed, the infant must lie on a flat horizontal surface so that his body is locked in the correct position. If you place the baby in a too soft bed, the head and legs will be on top, and the lower part of the body will sink in the feather bed. Weak cartilage will become deformed, this can lead to stoop and other disorders of posture. Putting the child on hard boards covered with one sheet is also not recommended; sleeping on too hard surfaces is very uncomfortable.

Mom will not always be able to touch to determine the elasticity of the selected mattress. There are relevant standards for this indicator, according to which the products are divided into 3 types: hard, medium hard, moderately hard. Look in the product passport: only the first category is suitable for a newborn, after 8 months you can purchase a softer model, and a moderately hard filler is suitable only from 3 years old. For teenagers, you can purchase a more comfortable spring model.

The baby must breathe clean air without harmful impurities and odors, therefore, in the manufacture of children's things should be used materials that do not emit any harmful compounds. This requirement applies not only to the filler and fabric, but also to dyes, glue and other auxiliary components. If you buy Chinese-made bedding on the market, a picture from a cover or a sheet can be imprinted on the baby’s body, and in the morning you will remove an incomprehensible creature from the crib that resembles Avatar in skin color.

There are other requirements for a mattress for a newborn:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • elasticity and resistance to deformation;
  • bactericidal properties;
  • the filler should not absorb odors;
  • the materials should be “breathable” so that the baby does not sweat;
  • moisture resistance;
  • matching the size of the mattress to the length and width of the crib.

Baby mattress with coconut coir

Types of Coconut-Filled Mattresses

It is better for parents to buy a kit for a baby's sleeping place on their own. If you ask your friends to buy a coconut mattress in a crib, then you run the risk of not getting what you wanted. This concept includes a very extensive range of different products.

You can bring a model with a filler from:

  • coconut flakes;
  • pressed fibers;
  • stitched coir;
  • coir soaked in latex.

The first option is the cheapest and low-quality, you can not even stop at it. For good products, the fibrous shell of the nut is taken, then it is soaked for several months. Ready raw materials are combed and sorted. Short fibers are used to make semi-rigid models, and only long jute is used in mattresses for newborns.

Pressed or stitched coir is sometimes used to fill covers. Initially, such mattresses delight parents, they have sufficient rigidity and elasticity, the baby in the crib is comfortable. Over time, the fibers begin to break and crumble, the filler is deformed and cannot support the back of the baby in the correct position. For strength and durability, the coir is impregnated with natural latex, and then plates for children's mattresses are made from this material.


The resource purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ warns parents that coconut fiber mattresses should not be bent or folded - this will disrupt the filler structure. Think in advance whether you can bring a large product in public transport or have to use the services of a goods delivery department.

Children on the mattress

Advantages and disadvantages of a coconut mattress

Coconut mattress meets all the requirements for children's bedding. Over time, the stiffness does not change, the filler retains elasticity. Natural materials provide the baby with comfort: he won’t be hot in summer and cold in winter. The child can write and poop on the mattress as much as necessary, spill milk and drinks on it: the coconut coir does not absorb moisture or odors. You will wash the cover, and the product will again be like new.

Many natural materials can cause allergies in the newborn, on the basis of this, manufacturers of synthetic fillers urge to buy only their products. Fluff or wool can cause negative reactions, and coconut coir and natural latex are hypoallergenic, intolerance to them is extremely rare. If this happens, carefully read the label again and sniff at the filler. The rubber smell indicates that artificial rubber was used in the production. You can go to the manufacturer’s website, get acquainted with the models that the company produces, ask a question. Perhaps this company is not related to the purchased mattress, and the seller handed you a fake.

The disadvantages of some mothers include a high price. Indeed, a baby mattress with coconut filling is not cheap, but it will last a long time. Coira does not deform, does not deteriorate. When your first-born grows up, such a model will perfectly serve his younger brother or sister.

Children's mattresses

Choosing a good model

You came to the department of baby bedding and choose a coconut mattress in a crib. Please note that there are models for strollers, you can purchase equipment for 2 beds in one trip. First of all, take an interest in the passport or label of the selected model. A conscientious manufacturer will indicate in detail what materials were used for manufacturing, what age the mattress is designed for, and will not forget to provide its contact details.

The production of high-quality mattresses is impossible without the appropriate industrial areas and special equipment, I can only get all this large companies. If the label indicates that the manufacturer is IP Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, the product is most likely made artisanally and cannot meet all quality criteria.

Buying products from well-known companies, you will spend more money, but get rid of a lot of problems. Pay attention to the following brands.

  • "Plitex Comfort Elite" - a bilateral mattress, modifications of various sizes are issued. The price is about 2500 rubles.
  • Ascona - an orthopedic mattress worth about 1,500 rubles. Products of this brand are easy to purchase in any region; the company opens its stores in various cities across the country.
  • Lapsi Cocolatex Suite - German-made bilateral mattress, has a "memory effect". The company produces models of different sizes, can make a custom product to order. Price - up to 6000 rubles.
  • "Bottlenose Bayu-Bai" - durable durable mattress with a removable cover.The cost is approximately 4000 rubles.
  • "Plitex Junior" - A real gift for families with low incomes. For 1000 rubles you will get a high-quality natural mattress. However, the discontent of some mothers is caused by a thin coarse calico cover, which can tear, and it will have to be replaced with a new one.
  • Baby Slip Incanto - A comfortable mattress with a membrane bactericidal cover. Cost in the region of 5000 rubles. The product requires special care, carefully read the instructions.

Look at the composition of the filler. You need a coir - the fibrous membrane surrounding the coconut. This material begins to crumble over time, so natural latex is added to it, the raw material for which is extracted from hevea. So that the mattress can be used for both newborns and older babies, two-sided models are made. On the fibrous surface, the baby lies until its spine has formed. Then the mattress is turned over, and the child sleeps in elastic latex.

Now look at the case. It is advisable that it can be removed for washing. The best materials are cotton or jacquard. You can purchase a mattress with a membrane coating - this material breathes, but does not allow moisture to pass through. This option is much better and more hygienic than the oilcloth placed under the sheet. Categorically refuse to buy if the cover is made of synthetic materials: even with a slight heat, the baby will begin to sweat.

The child lies on the mattress

How to recognize low-quality goods

In the store you will find many coconut mattresses, but you may be surprised at the big difference in price for similar products. Unscrupulous manufacturers seek to attract buyers with low cost, but they will not work at a loss. The problem is solved simply: under the name "coconut mattress", a model is sold not with fiber, but with coconut. For some time the product will delight you, but then the filler is deformed and begins to shine. The cheap model will go to landfill, and you will have to look for money for a new mattress.

There are other tricks. For fiber bonding, natural latex made from hevea juice should be used. But synthetic substitute is much cheaper, and it is often used instead of natural material. You will get such a mattress, and an intolerable smell will come from the crib, and the baby may get allergies. When buying, carefully read the product passport, there should be indicated all the materials used and noted for what age this model is intended.

In order not to buy a low-quality product, purchase products only of well-known companies. A one-day artel can release a mattress with an incomprehensible filler, and indicate in the passport that only natural materials were used. A reputable trading company will not take such goods, and similar products are often found on the market. You can’t even make a claim, since the organization was registered as a front man, and at the indicated address is the foundation of the house under construction.

When you think over the interior of your apartment, you try to create a cozy nest, where every little thing is thought out and nothing interferes with a relaxing holiday. In the same way, you need to approach the design of the crib, in which the baby will spend a lot of time. Arrange his first home so that the baby is comfortable, no bumps and dents interfere. He should easily reach the suspended toys. Think about the colors of bedding, clothes, diapers. If the baby loves its berth, it will feel comfortable and safe there, it will not be capricious, and you will be calm too.

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