Which mattress is better to choose in a newborn's crib?

Not every young mother knows how to choose a mattress for a newborn, so that the baby is comfortable and nothing threatens his health. Parents want their child to have all the best, and buy interesting accessories to decorate a bed, designer bedding, original bedspreads. There is nothing wrong with such a desire; since birth, children should see beautiful things around them. Only a colorful sheet can not let in air and moisture, and a bright rug can cause allergies. Safety must come first, everything else afterwards.

Toddler in the crib

Requirements for Baby Mattress

Usually cots for babies are made with the expectation that the baby will sleep there until 3-4 years. The mattress and all other accessories must be selected to fit the frame. If the children's mattress is too short or narrow, it will constantly move from the right place, and the child will be uncomfortable.

There are other requirements for children's bedding:

  • health safety;
  • hygiene;
  • lack of bumps on the surface where the baby is;
  • sufficient rigidity and elasticity.

Immediately after birth, the crib is the main habitat of the baby, where he spends almost round the clock. Mom will not always notice in time that he is already lying in a puddle. Therefore, the top layer of the mattress must be resistant to moisture and at the same time well ventilated so that the wet tissue does not cause diaper rash on delicate skin. The best option would be a cover that can be easily removed and washed. When buying, make sure that seams, zippers and other uneven parts are located only on the sidewalls.

There is an opinion that only natural materials are suitable for children's things. This is not always true. The smallest dust particles that can cause allergies get into the air from wool or fluff. If the coating passes moisture to the inner layers, after a while natural materials will start to emit an unpleasant odor and may even begin to rot. They often start ticks, fleas and bedbugs, which at night will bite the baby.

The child is born with a straight spine, and when he begins to hold his head, crawl, sit, stand on his legs, the correct bends are formed. When a mother tries to make her baby as soft and comfortable as possible, she provokes poor posture and stoop. If you love your baby and wish him only good, remove downy feather-beds, they are contraindicated even for adults. The best mattresses for a crib always have sufficient rigidity.

Baby on the big bed

Growth mattress

First of all, decide whether you want the child to sleep on the same bed for several years or plan to re-equip his bed in a year. Breasts need a hard mattress so that the whole body is horizontal, without deflection. A pillow is not needed for newborns: the bend of the cervical spine has not yet formed. There are models whose one edge is higher than the other. This is done so that during the regurgitation, when the liquid is poured out of the mouth, the baby does not choke.


Changing the position of the head with a pillow is not recommended. So that the baby does not choke, you need to slightly raise one edge so that the back and head are in the same plane. If you can’t find a special mattress, put a diaper roller on one side of the crib on one side.

When the child begins to walk and the spine forms the necessary bends, sleeping on a hard mattress will become uncomfortable. Good models are expensive, not every family can afford to change the equipment of a berth in 2-3 years. There are 2 ways out: right and wrong. The wrong decision would be to buy a cheap low-quality product in a crib, and then replace it with the same trash. Fighting allergies, sweating and correcting poor posture will take a lot more money, as well as time and nerves.

Better buy a good double-sided mattress. When you bring the baby from the hospital, put it on the side, stuffed with coconut fiber, which will give the bedroom place sufficient rigidity, but will not create inconvenience for the newborn. When the time comes, turn the product over to the other side - with a base made of latex or polyurethane foam, it will become more convenient for the baby to sleep. If you want to make your sleep more comfortable - choose a cover stitched with cotton wool. This material conducts air well, on hot days the baby will not be hot.

Some mothers prefer to put the baby in their bed for the first time. In this case, it will be calmer both for you and the baby, but only if you sleep sensitively and do not toss and turn. In a restless dream, a woman can inadvertently put her hand on a baby's face and strangle the baby. If you are sure that nothing bad will happen, you can put the baby with you, only then you need to put a plate of coconut shavings or polyurethane foam under the sheet for the entire area of ​​the bed, and you also have to sleep on a hard surface.

Springs for the mattress

Why do we need springs

Mattresses with springs are also available for babies. A newborn weighs little, and body weight is distributed over the entire area occupied by the baby. The tight spring system under it will not bend, and the spine will be in the correct position. Sometimes a coconut, polyurethane or felt layer is installed between the metal structure and the upholstery.

The baby grows, begins to sit down and get up in the crib. The pressure on the springs increases, and the child enjoys playing and jumping on an elastic surface. When mom puts him to bed, the weight is distributed over the entire area of ​​the body. The mattress bends slightly in the right places and keeps the spine in the correct position, depending on which bends have already formed.

There is no great need to buy a spring mattress. A child can jump in the arena with an elastic bottom or on a special children's trampoline. There are many simulators for babies where you can actively move, and the main purpose of the crib is a place to sleep. If you still prefer a model with springs, try to choose the right mattress for the newborn so that his health is safe.

Get only high-quality products of well-known companies. If you want to save money and buy a cheap Chinese model, the springs can part or deform as soon as the child sits down or stands on its feet, and you have to replace the mattress.

When choosing, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the presence of ventilation holes on the sides, which provide drying and ventilation of internal structures;
  • the presence of a frame that prevents deformation of the spring system;
  • type of spring unit (connected or independent springs). If each element is located in a separate compartment and is not attached to other springs, no depressions will form under the baby’s body, the surface remains flat and is better suited for children's sleep.

Children's mattresses

How to choose the right mattress

Sometimes mothers believe that a mattress can be made independently. What's so complicated? We sewed the cover of the right size, evenly distributed the filler - and you're done. Do not make such a mistake! A lot of norms and standards have been developed for children's things, compliance with which can only be achieved with special equipment.If the crib of the original form requires a non-standard size, which is impossible to purchase either in the shopping centers of your city or in online stores, place an order at a company specializing in the manufacture of children's furniture.


The resource purity.bigbadmole.com/en/ recommends making sure that the height of the mattress is in the range of 8 to 15 cm. The size of each side should be 2 cm smaller than the sides of the crib so that the mattress can be easily pulled out and laid down.

In bed, the newborn spends a lot of time and should not be disturbed by unpleasant odors. Sometimes odorous discharge comes from a filler, often such a drawback occurs in latex. Organic filling can soak up the baby’s sweat and urine and, over time, start to produce disgusting amber. Properly care for bedding, air it more often, and the air around the baby will always be clean and fresh.

Hard mattress for babies

Properties of various fillers

When deciding which one is better to buy a mattress, remember that its quality mainly depends on what the upholstery is filled with. It is believed that any natural material is better than artificial. This is not always true: fillers made from natural materials can cause allergies, absorb moisture, and lash. The requirements for synthetic compounds used for children in our country are very high, the safety of the baby is guaranteed by sanitary standards. Do not purchase Chinese products or products without a certificate made by an unknown company, then the purchase will not do any harm to the baby.

By choosing coconut filling, you can make a mistake and purchase the wrong model. The necessary stiffness and elasticity is created by coir - fiber covering the outer surface of the nut. So that the material does not deform and does not crumble, it is impregnated with latex. If shavings were used to make the mattress, the product will not last long: the contents are caking and will begin to whip. Read the quality certificate carefully, it should clearly describe which filler was used. A high-quality coconut block protects the baby from both heat and cold, it is moisture resistant, holds its shape well.

If you are purchasing a model using latex for bonding fibers or from a solid latex filler, see that the material is made from natural hevea juice. To reduce the cost of production and reduce prices, a synthetic substitute is sometimes used, which is not recommended for use for children's goods.

Sometimes other materials are used in the manufacture.

  • Felt filler for children's mattresses it is made of horse hair with impregnation. The material holds its shape well, but can cause allergies. Mattresses with such a packing are expensive, and if the baby has intolerance, you will have to buy another model.
  • Polyurethane foam - hypoallergenic polymer foam structure. Not always has sufficient rigidity. Mattresses for newborns based on this material are comfortable, durable, not deformed.
  • Strutofiber - artificial wool. Inexpensive non-allergenic material with good heat transfer and aeration.
  • Hollofiber made from polyester fibers. Manufacturers claim that a mattress with such a filler is suitable for newborns. The material is durable, does not cause allergies, is inexpensive.


To check if the stiffness of the baby mattress is sufficient, in the store, push your hand on the model with coconut coir filler and compare its elasticity with the product you want to purchase.

Baby sleeps in the crib

How to extend the life of the mattress

Good children's mattresses are expensive, and it will be very unfortunate if the product becomes worthless in a year. It’s not enough just to get a quality item, you still need to take care of it properly. There are general recommendations, but each manufacturer in the instructions may indicate additional requirements for the use of their products.If you follow the advice of the manufacturer, the berth will not lose its qualities and will also serve the next baby perfectly.

When deciding which mattress is best for a newborn, read the instructions for the different models. All things being equal, give preference to a model that is easier to maintain. The young mother has very little time to relax, so when the baby appears at home, it is better to use things that can be put in order very quickly.


As soon as you bring the purchase home, immediately release it from the polymer packaging.

No matter how you protect the bed from moisture, it will still get wet periodically. Do not forget to get the mattress out of the crib about once a week and air it for several hours. There are other care tips.

  • Wash the cover often.
  • Vacuum the mattress once a month.
  • Choose a crib with a slatted bottom, the gaps will provide additional ventilation.

Do not believe in prejudice that children's things should not be bought before the birth of the child. When you bring the baby home, there will be no time to run around the shops, and you can rush to purchase low-quality bedding. During maternity leave, calmly walk around the shopping centers, find the best mattress for the newborn and buy it. If you’re afraid to accept, temporarily leave purchases from neighbors or relatives, then your nerves will remain in order and the baby’s bed will be equipped according to all the rules.

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